Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rip Off!

Remember when all those rares started coming back? Awhile ago, the Hot Buys Nighgown came back, or so I thought. After looking at them about a month later, I realized they are not the same! The original hot buys nightie is much shorter than the next released one.
This seems like a total rip off! I am annoyed that Stardoll thinks we are so stupid as to not know the difference! Your thoughts?


Sorry for the confusing, here is the updated invatation to the Costume/Hot Buys Bazaar Barbie Anniversary Party, it has been on Costume's page for the last week, but me not being a technical expert didn't know how to make the picture bigger.... haha!
So just to point out it is at 9pm GMT in Ide's guest book.
We can't wait to see you all their in your amazing outfits!


I am trying to identify some of the new DKNY Necklaces in reality. I already found one and if I find more, I'll add them here. What do you think? To watch the full video of DKNY Spring '09 Fashion Show click here to be transfered in dkny's official website.

Friday, February 27, 2009

the BELT

I was just hanging out at the starplazza when i came up with this attire. What do you think?


Hey, I'm Josie, as you've probably gathered from my banner... My user name is jose-io on Stardoll. And I am the other half of the fabulous Costume- although personally, in my view Ida is just the bee's knees with her absolutely incredibly, mind-blowing graphics- but each to their own and all :P I just wanted to post my first blogging thing on here.. haha.. I'm not not much good at this stuff, but I'll try my best to post as much as I can, with anything that's interesting... And I just wanted to post the original picture, I accidentally told Jenna the wrong picture earlier... whoops.. Anyway here the actual picture of of the Hot Buys belt, personally I love it, and do think that the Girls' Aloud girls wore it great, but my personal favourite was Cheryl :P I think it is one of the Hot Buys that is actually more up to the 'Old' Hot Buys Standard, although it doesn't beat the H&M, Stephen Liarakis or Moss Mills belts, it is better than other ones :)

Don't forget the Costume & Hot Buys Bazaar- Barbie Anniversary Party-
Saturday 28th (tomorrow) in the guestbook of IDE at 9pm GMT
We look forward to seeing you all there, the best dressed and winner of the Hot Buys Bazaar Competition will be featured in Costume Magazine!



Hey! You can get the below items for free!
Just join these clubs and the items will show up in your room as a gift!


Tip courtesy of club Blogspots and The Stardoll Juice blog.


UPDATE: By MarsaL15

As Jenna reported below, a new DKNY Necklase is coming soon on Starplaza, but take a look at the new pics I added! Not just one but A COUPLE of new DKNY things are going to be released and you can see the release dates in the pictures. Click to enlarge. What do you think? Interesting, right?

In Stardoll magazine it says that there will be a NEW DKNY NECKLACE coming soon! Only available for 7 days!! I love it! Get a peek below! I cant wait. I think it's fab! What about you? Do you think we'll get additional clothes too?

Flash Player Problems?

Hey everyone! A lot of my online friends have been telling me that they cannot play stardoll because there flash player doesn't work. That can easily be fixed. If your flash player isn't working, when you go to your suite it should be blank with a link to Macromedia Adobe Flashplayer. Click the link. The Adobe site should popup asking you to download the flash player. It's it safe to download so click download. Sometimes a yellow bar at the top will ask you if it is okay to install active control (something like that). It is safe so go ahead. A window will appear saying to install or run, click one of those.

Most people haven't any issues downloading until now. If you didn't read the bottom of the page (like me! lol) you'll have missed a vital piece of information. You must RESTART YOUR COMPUTER. Not turn it off, and then on, but restart. You must do this, or else the flash player will not work. If you have any issues, just write in the comments, and I'll help you. ;)


How To Wear: HB Belt

Well, here it is:
I'm sorry guys, I'm really not in photo-shopping mood. Anyways, everyone said that belt is "to die for" when you can BARLEY see it. Pfft. Sorry, i don't know the price either. I did it last night before i went to bed and i forgot XD


The eagerly awaited HB belt, inspired by Angel Jackson, is now available in starplaza for $5sd. Search under new or Bisou. Sorry superstr only. This was one of my favorite items from Feb HB's, so I can't wait to use it in an outfit. What about you? xoxo Jenna
Apparently ASOS has a version of this belt that looks more like stardoll's. Again they are allinspired by the Angel Jackson belt, but you can get the ASOS one for a fraction of the price. Thanks again to Jose-io!Here is a pic provided by Jose-io of Cheryl Cole & friends (Girls Aloud) wearing our new HB belt! Doesn't she look fab! Thanks Josie!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


WOW! We have 108 followers! Yay! But Eek I just counted and 32 of them are blank! What do I mean? I mean they do not have any type of pic or any profile info. So if you are 1 of them, please add a pic and a brief profile with at least your stardoll name. Thanks so much.

Since technically we only have 76 "complete" followers and alot of the people who signed the comments for the raffle did not become followers..I decided to break this raffle down into several parts. Instead of 1 $600sd code, I decided to give 3 codes for $200sd each!!! So the winners are...



and for being our 100th follower Saku will receive $50sd.

So yeah if those guys will update their profiles..I will do another raffle and don't worry if you still don't win.. I'm sure there will be more raffles to come :)
-xoxo Jenna


This is just a reminder that our Barbie Comp ends in 2 days on Feb 28th. So, if you want to enter you better hurry.

Also, in celebration of all of our wonderful Barbie inspired outfits.. stop by the Barbie Anniversary Party held by Costume Magazine!!! The details are below. Use to determine the time for you. Hope to see you there & remember best dressed will be shown in the magazine and here at the blog!


I'm always inspired by the new collections that come out and this time it's Elle. Lucky for all of us, it fell on the day I was doing comps.. so I threw in an extra one. lol.

-Choose an Elle item from the new collection to be your main piece (must be clothes, not shoes, handbag or jewelry).
-Create a fabulous outfit.
-Label & Save in your album.
-Non superstars or superstars who don't have the money can do a screen print from starplaza and provide a link to the saved item.

Win a $200sd code enough to buy a lot of those Elle items you want.

-State your stardoll name
-Provide link IF it's NOT in your ALBUM.


Inspired by Jeremyn2005's comp idea. Thanks Jenn.

- Select a pic of your favorite Celeb like below. It can be at the awards or anywhere as long as it not like jeans and a t-shirt.-Re-create that look on your medoll (Hair, clothes etc..). You can use mini shop items, stardesign, scenery, album whatever as long as you use stardoll items.
-Save in your suite, album, scenery or do a screen print & upload (ex:Tinypic) and give us the link.
-Label for comp if not in suite.

Ends March 27th

Win $200sd code

-State stardoll name
-State where your medoll is saved or provide link
-Provide a link to the celeb inspired pic you used.


This comp was inspired by a post that Cali_Beauty made recently about affordable outfits for non-superstars. Many people were a bit critical and stated that they could do it here's your chance. It is for everyone to do not just non-superstars :)

- You must use Non-superstar items that are currently in starplaza.
-Create 2 affordable, stylish outfits
-Either save in album (by purchasing) or do a screen print with the clothes on your medoll while you are still in starplaza, upload (ex: tinypic/photobucket) & give us the link.
- You must list each item used, the price for each & then your total cost for the whole outfit.
-Include non-superstar shoes, accessories and make up to complete your look.

ENDS March 28th
WIN $100sd code

-State your stardoll name & whether your pics are in album or provide a link

Elle! Too Expensive or Reasonable?

So as you know, the new Elle collection has been released. I want to know your opinon on the price. These are my favorite pieces.

I have no negative comments for this collection style-wise but the price isn't too nice! lol If you are like me that gets only a mere 50 stardollars a week then I think you'll find the prices to be a bit high. Granted the items are of good quality, but some of the simple clothes, like the blue tank, you can find something very similar for a lower price. While these prices are nothing compared to the over-expensive Limited Editoned collection, I can't help wonder who else might be having trouble affording these prices.


P.S. Do you like the new banner? =]



Well as most of you know, I currently only have paint on this computer :P Many of you have offered to help make a new banner and it gave me an idea for a fun comp.

So, get imaginative and use your photoshop skills to create a great new banner for our blog. Get inspiration from our name (Stardoll's Most Wanted). Think about the most wanted items on stardoll & the most fashionable places in the world.

Ends March 3oth.

Win $200sd code.

Here is our current banner.
- List your stardoll name and the link to the banner you created


On March 1st, we will be searching for our new March Cover Girl! If you want to be considered for our cover girl, SIGN UP HERE in comments.

*You must be dressed in an outfit that includes at least 1 hb on the 1st & 2nd. (It must be CLOTHES not bag, shoes, jewelry etc..). Also it helps to have a BRIEF profile or bio all about yourself either on your presentation or in your starblog.

About you: (What you look like, Interesticing facts, family etc..)
Fav Designers:
Fav Movies or TV Shows:
Fav Music:
What you like most about stardoll:
Most Valued Stardoll Item:
What you want people toknow most about you:

What you get:

Manager of the club for 1 month
Guest blogger for 1 month
$200sd gift code
On my BFF List (which I do alot of broadcasts/comps, so hopefully they'll visit you too :))
Featured in the blog
Judge for comps

*prize not awarded til after your month. If not participating in judging & blog $50 or gifts may be given instead.


As Ruxxy just said Elle is here. Here is a full pic of the collection. My favs are the Moschino beige dress and the black cropped jacket. love them!! How about u? xoxo Jenna
I forgot to mention that the waistcoat/cropped vest shown in the pic above is also Moschino. Thank you Cltreanor for pointing that out :)On the left is a dress from the Moschino Cheap and Chic Spring Collection. Looks like our flutter hem dress to me.. minus the bow scarf.

Also, thanks to Breathless Magazine we now know that the necklace is Emporio Armani.

Elle Is Here!

No, i did not change my name to Elle. But, a new collection of Elle clothes are here! :D
I decided to make a cool outfit from about 2 items from it. Wanna see?
I dunno about you, but i think it's cute :)
Anyways, back to this new Elle collection. It's nice, i guess. But the thing is, most of it is a rip off of last collection *yawn*
Still, if you have some money burning in ya' pocket and you feel like spending it, then you could get this collection for just a mere *cough* I'm being sarcastic *cough* 219$!
Me? I only got that blue flower necklace at 6$. I think it's insane to pay 6$ for a piggin' necklace, but y'all know I'm insane :)
Your opinions on this collection? Come on, i know you just can't resist leaving a comment *wink*

Hello everybody!

Hello everybody. I'm a new writer for this blog and I just wanted to say a big 'THANKS' to my friend, Jenna for giving me this chance.
My name is Eftychia aka MarsaL15 on stardoll, I am a 13-year-old girl coming from Greece.
I'm here to inform you for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that's going on in Stardoll.
I'll be posting very often, even everyday if I'm able to. I just wanted to say HELLO to everyone and hopefully you'll enjoy my posts. Keep checking this awesome blog!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Elle-Tastic Outfit!

Hey everyone!

I'm trying to put together clothes that "pop" more. I never really went shopping in DKNY,ELLE and stuff,I always thought they were never me.Now,I think I'm loosing up and experiencing other styles. I think I was afraid of looking bad,which is why I kept it simple..and safe :P

Well,this is my first outfit change.


By The Way,this whole outfit is for Superstars except for the shoes.
I actually like it I just couldn't decide what shoes to wear...typical girls lol,what do you think?

Monday, February 23, 2009

How To Wear: HB Top

Me like :D
Opinions? :P

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