Sunday, February 22, 2009

Paulina Porizkova Comp Winners

Wow. It was unbelievably hard to choose a winner in the Paulina comp, but we finally decided on a tie between two very similar looks. They will have the choice to split the prize money winning $100sd each or choose 1 hb each -HB purle tank, HB tan turtle neck, HB pink dress, HB flower print dress. Congrats to 2_cutecarla & chicky357!There were so many other great entries & I'll post a few check back.

Also, there were 2 entries that stood out and were amazing, but unfortunately did not follow the comp rules. I still wanted to feature them here for you all to see. Cutegirlangel11 & Marie.Antoinete!IMPORTANT: There were a few members who did multiple dress up's of Paulina. While this shows great enthusiasm for the comp, we will no longer be considering these types of entries unless you specifically state which one you are using. It is crucial that you follow the rules. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on...
Those are realy fugly... Especialy da first one >:(

Anonymous said...

Congrats! =]
Was hoping to win but well done!
Love 2_cutecarla's outfit and the last ones presentation,

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

I think they were very original entries, it's very difficult to make something with that doll, so congrats to the winners! I hope you all enjoy your prize!

-Jamie AKA xcrazy_chickx

Funkydoohdaah01 :) said...

I liked them all, but my fave were the ones that didn't win because they broke rules:P haha.
I was hoping to win too ,but congrats to the actual winners, :D

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I don't know why anonymous people can't ever post their names. You are such cowards to say something nasty and then not own up to it. I'm sure your entry was a real

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...


2_cutecarla said...

OMG! I won! That is awesome.
I am so happy!
Thanks judges

colleenp87 said...

Congrats you two!

I really love the feathers one. I think its great that others beside the winners are profiled and rewarded for their hard work. Good job everyone!

Anonymous said...

OMB! I SO almost did something like that on my Paulina, but I decided not to!! Haha! Great chouces though!(:

Anonymous said...

Congrats!, great job everyone


chicky357 said...

YAY I won aswell
Thank you so much 4 choosing me! :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners. You all did great!


Anonymous said...

Oh! Thanks for feautring me! fantastic entrys! x

(sorry im not using my blogger account i forgot my pass! :P)

Anonymous said...

Congrats everyone! i wish mine would have showed up! i had it up since the day the competition was posted!But oh well! :)
xoxo cheertampateam

Anonymous said...

Omg the first anonymous person: that is so mean.
I think we should applaud them for being so creative and become the winners. They were original.
I was also hoping to win but my album save thing wasn't working, oh wellz.

Anonymous said...

ArghH!!! I finally got my dolls organised in my album, and I dressed up paulina before the deadline but I just didn't know I had to drag it out and put it in my album!
Darn it!!! =(

chicky357 said...

I dont wanna sound rude or anythin but can i hav the money as the prize

Anonymous said...

those entries are ugly if u ask me...

if you like that style,i wont even bother to enter anymore cause if ur expecting sumthin like that,u wont get it from me

oh,and the reason i'm not posting with my name is because i forgot my password,lol
my stardoll name is,i'm not afraid to say it,is fig36...

Anonymous said...

selina aka fig36

but anyway,congratz 2 u happy winners!

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