Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Due to being off Stardoll while my mom has been very ill, most of you know I am extremely behind on prizes.

I am asking all people who contacted me to claim prizes over the last couple of months to please contact me again within the next 2 weeks.

Please include the date you contacted me or the payout date I originally gave you if possible.

I am sorry, but going through 500+ pages of GB entries is making me crazy. I just don't have the time to do it and since my records are not complete I need to do it this way.

I am allowing 2 weeks only as I am wiping the slate clean and starting fresh in September.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your help & patience

Let me know in messages if possible, if not than GB (NOT HERE).


Oh and yes I know we have comps that we never announced the winners in. I plan to announce them as soon as this is straightened out.


Sara/cutie07392 said...

Oh no!
Will contact you again (:

bobdude123 said...

i won one of the recent comps, i think it was the 700 followers one. u havn't contacted me tho so i will just write here so you know:D

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

If I were in that state, I would cry.
I would.

I'll see if I can help you, I'll do as much as I can... :)

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Bobdude123, be sure to read our rules on the side of the blog and at the club. I do not contact you.

_kool_kat_1 said...

sure thing! it must be hard catching up all those comps and stuff.. wish u luck! LOL

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