Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stardoll's Birthday!

As we all have heard, it's stardoll's 3rd birthday! They are planning a bunch of special events to celebrate. The best I think is the games where you can now earn stardollars! I have been suggesting this for I'm super excited. So many other websites do this (like webkinz, club penguin etc..) that it's about time Stardoll has joined the ranks.Also, they have already released in starplaza some celebration clothes. They are ok, but nothing too exciting. Would have been nice if they were designer and free or $1sd, but they range between 3 to 5sd. They are non-superstar, I guess that's a plus. So what do you think of them and what are you most excited for?Happy Birthday Stardoll!


Anonymous said...

cant wait for the game


nancy.fancy said...

where u can earn free stardollars?

Cali_Beauty said...

The game is nice!!
Thanks for posting this, I didn't see it on the website.
I think the clothes are okay, but I'm glad they aren't expensive.
Hopefully Stardoll will return to their low prices again...hopefully!


Anonymous said...

I don't like the clothes xD I've bought only the white jacket, however I can't wait for the games where we can earn something xD
Yuppyyyy! -_^

Anonymous said...

I only like the white jacket, the other pieces i dont intend to buy.Stardoll user: Filipinhamaria

blondebug said...

I'm a little pissed because I can't buy the clothes. I can't even view them. It gives me an error. I can view everything else perfectly, but not these clothes. Ugh.

katara4 said...

omg, its a great idea to eran stardollars.. i cant wait :p

ashley said...

please visit my blog at and be a follower!

oh and thank god! i need more stardollars! go games LOL

Anonymous said...

i dont ike the clothes a all

-much love, from katieLOVE1

Ciara said...

AWESOME! I can't wait for the game! :D
Clothes are ok I guess! :]

sahar-star said...

I only like the white jacket (like most of the people)
Cant wait for the party :P

Mateya95 said...

I only bought the white jacket.^-^
Everything else is kinda ugly :/

But can`t wait for the game *-*

Anonymous said...

what game do you play to earn money? Or is it not out yet?

2_cutecarla said...

Thanks. Where does it say we can get free stardollars for playing games?
What games?
And I hate the clothing.

Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

The clothes are ugly,

Anonymous said...

the games definitely
The clothes r ok, I like the white suit top.

Anonymous said...

I only like the white bow shirt. I don't like that it has the #3 on them.

colleenp87 said...

Love the white jacket, not a fan of the dress that makes you look bigger than you actually are haha!

Mackenzie said...

kool! thanx 4 telling us :))))) luv ur blog and club

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