Monday, April 27, 2009

Stardollar Games Begin!

Hey everyone!

I'm sure as you all heard Stardoll is giving us games that we play to earn some money.
But, once reading the full description I'm not liking the whole idea. Like the fact you only earn $5 and the fact that the money you earned that day is only valid for about 13 hours (thats the time I got).
So once you earn it, you HAVE to spend it or it's gone. But still take advantage people because these game are also for a limited amount of time, they won't be here forever and they do come in handy, because let's say you wanted an item that was $8 but you felt like it wasn't worth it (or you're just cheap like me :P ) you use the $5 you earned and you only actually spend $3... it's like a sa
le on items that aren't on sale.


VampireLady33 said...

it is worth it. you will earn more on 'celebrity match' game, I got 5 sd for 5 rounds, and in other game just 1 sd

Cali_Beauty said...

Yes, but you could re-play the game and earn the rest. It also depends on how good you are in a game. I played the one where you take pictures of celebrties, I played it twice and earned my full $5.

Unknown said...

I can't earn money of the photo one! But I did earn 5sd on my first go of the celebrity match.

Anonymous said...

Cool!!! I'm gonna do one now

Fashion.Fantasy said...

It isnt valid for 13 hours, it only valid the day you earned them.

Cali_Beauty said...

No, I think everyone is different. For me, it said I needed to wait 13 hours to earn more money, and that my money was only available for another 13 hours.

Anonymous said...

But i got an item for 4 and I paid it 4.. Maybe u paid only 3 of your five because u already had normal 5

colleenp87 said...

Eh at least its free money. Stardoll isn't exactly known for its generousity, so I'll take what I can get. Plus, I used the 5 stardollars to justify my new jacket =)

2_cutecarla said...

I didn't earn any stardollars. I don't understand how I didn't get any.

ashleyfan1999 said...

I like the Style Memory game. Its soo cool. The Celebrity Snapshot is just too hard for me.. I think stardoll should let us earn at least 20 stardollars per day.. Now, thats how I like it.

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