Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Alright, so I'll stop bullshitting and post what you all really want ;P. The 30 finalist for THE CUT! But before I do I'd like to say a few things. Everyone really did a great job and in the end I was really surprised by some who did and some who didn't make it to the next round. But everyone really had to step of their game and show us something creative. This was completely chosen by what they did and not who people are or friendship.

I looked at everyone and took screen prints of all who at least made an effort to be creative & uploaded them on to a private blog for all the judges to view. There were 6 judges. Everyone picked their top 30. I tallied the votes and the ones that had the most votes were put on the list.





Dinahdoll22/Dallas1212 (rotating)

*Thank you to the judges for agreeing to take on such a hard job and doing a great job!

Out of over 300 entries, we managed to narrow it down quite a bit. But.. because there were so many, we decided to choose 10 more for a total of 40 finalists!

These contestants have 24 hours to accept and join the club THE.CUT. If they do not or are disqualified at any point during the competition then another person will be chosen from our honorable mention list at the bottom.

(Random order)

1. ...Singstar...
2. Ayfairy
3. Bluegreen86
4. Colleenp87
5. Ewonline
6. Filipinhamaria
7. Fionamcgonigle
8. Girlworld_club
9. KatieLOVE1
10. Melissa54321
11. MissFly89
12. Sandra_1992***
13. Sarah_Sugerplum
14. Amelenia
15. Fifibannana
16. Gyrgyr
17. Harrypotter4vr
18. laocaloca
19. Lara_madden
20. LittleMunckin
21. MissDiorCherie.
22. pirates_soccer
23. Purrdymuffin
24. Robinbird00
25. rosie333.
26. _Hot_Pants_
27. DaddysAngel02
28. Fashion.Fantasy
29. Kikoska17
30. Sahar-star
31. crazi_babi*
32. Lovelycat44
33. Vmkchick123
34. We3forever
35. Sarah_Is_Yellow
36. Bolsje
37. MissCunha
38. pink-penguin3
39. Ciaraleanne
40. Cutegirlangel11
As I said there are many that did a great job, but just didn't get enough votes to make the list.

So honorable mention goes to BabyDoll980 ,Bonitababy ,Catwoman_Love ,Chicky357 ,Clarissima91 ,Dalvik ,DisneyHarry ,Glamourous1098 ,H0ttie1011 ,Hmmcfan10 ,Jhuyed ,Kkiby ,Lisa president ,Mateya95 ,addiktiion.x ,mcfly_is_hot ,Misscharming007 ,rozi_xox ,Silver-Shadow ,Spockrocker ,Vamplady, Xcouturecutiexo ,Xo-Kerri-oX ,Xstarburstx808 ,xX.karlitos.Xx & XxXMissyashXxX

REMEMBER: Any of you can be called upon to replace a contestant at any point during the competition!

Congrats to all and thank you for entering! I am sure we will do this again. The first task will start in about 2 days, so get your creative juices flowing!


colleenp87 said...

YAY! Thanks so much =)

Woah, the competition looks stiff. Ridiculous amounts of good entries! Congrats and best of luck to the other contestants =)

LittleMunckin said...

Thank you so much! I wont let you down!

katsachocoholic said...

Aww :(
Anyway, Congrats To Everyone Who Got Through!! And When Will The Winners Of The Easter Comp Be Announced? X

Bluegreen86 said...

AHH! yayayayayaya! I am so excited! Thank you to all the judges and thank you for the oppurtunity!

*runs to open a new tab to join the club!*

Lauren said...

I made it :D

lipgloss_babe91 said...

Oh wow their fabulous my faves are
Filipinhamaria, Melissa54321 and Rosie333.

crazi_babi* said...

Thanks so much!

Jessie said...

Yay! Thanks so much!!!

*runs with Mel to open new tab* :D

Anonymous said...

are the finalists in order? like did ...sing.star do the best or was it random order?

Jenna / Robinbird00 said...

Holy...woah i didnt think i would make it!
Thanks so much!

Sarah_Is_Yellow said...

Holy flying ships!
aha, thank you so much, I will try my absolute hardest! =D


Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

No it's pretty random

2_cutecarla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

read the instructions, you could use accessories.:)

Laura626 said...

Oh well,
I suppose I am not that good of a designer anyway.
But good luck to those who got in.... '

Anonymous said...

im mad, u didnt mention me in anything at all

Anonymous said...

I'm annoyed too.
Some of those weren't even good.
I have seen more better outfits.

Anonymous said...

congrats all the finalists!
whoa the outfits look AMAZING!!! every1 worked so hard. i regret not joining the comp now

Anonymous said...

okay! if anyone drops out chose me! (this is bonitababy speaking)

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Anonymous people stop bitching and if you have something to say speak up and say your name. WTH are you afraid of. There always has to be some poor sports with neg talk, but I guess you can just blame all 6 judges for not liking your outfit or maybe you should say hey I should have tried harder. Just because you think your outfit was better doesn't mean anyone else does. Now stop leaving coward comments.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Oh and hello 314 people, I couldn't mention everyone!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. yes i accept. and great job to everyone.


Fashion.Fantasy said...

Wow! Thank you so much! I am so glad I have to oppertunity to be in this comp :) Also, Congratulations to everyone else that was chosen (:

-make-music- said...

Better luck next time.

I can't wait to see the next challengers and who will win. So excited! :D

Anonymous said...

woa! thank u so much! MissFly89

krisikote said...

:( I dodn't go to the final,oh well I guess Those were better: )

Jamie said...

Wow - amazing, girls! I suppose 7 minutes wasn't enough for creativity for me - Damn shopping trip >:[

But everyone who did it, your dresses were astounding! You guys really deserve it :)

- xcrazy_chickx

Talia said...

congrats all. you all worked hard! i worked hard on mine but as always i never ger throo (bah to my baaaad luck)


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sahar-star said...

AHH I can't believe I made it thank you so much!
the Prize is great ;D

Sarah said...

Yay!!!! i got in! thanks so so much! i have joined the club =D


Fiona said...

Thanks so much for choosing me! I'm so excited!! I joined the club :)

Anonymous said...

Rosie333. here! Not logged into blogger!
Thank you so much. I'll go to the club right away!

MarilynH said...

Looking at some of the finalists here I can see stardoll has a lot of creative members.

Congratulations on everyone who made it through to the next round and commiserations on those that didn't (and yeah, as emorox4eva/jenna said, don't be sore losers, not everyone can win!)

It was a great competition idea so well done on thinking it up!

Anonymous said...

YEAH i made it how great
congrats to everyone

xx lovelycat44

Ciara said...

Thank you so much Jenna & Judges! :] You're awesome! x

I can't wait to get started! It's going to be an awesome comp and the paulina dress is so cute! :]


Ciara said...

Oh and I joined the club a few hours ago! :D


The Amazing (NOT) Lilla / ewonline said...

lol, My dress is the biggest xDD
And he prize is my favourite Paulina RC item :O

The Amazing (NOT) Lilla / ewonline said...

Whoops,, I mean "THE".

rossy88 said...

congratulations to the finalists are all wonderful and say .... that the best wins

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

congratz, i tried my best but hey those outfits were amazing nowhere as good as mine! lol hope i get better luck next time...

mcfly_is_hot said...

I don't care if I didn't get in, congrats to everyone! :)

P.S Thanks for the special mention, will you like put up a topic if any of us are needed?


Kkiby_Cristine said...

oh..better luck next time^^ I'm not very creative,I prefer dressesXD

Mateya95 said...

Tnx for honorable mention^^

sahar-star said...

I also joined the club :]]

2_cutecarla said...

I hope I make the cut next time around.

rozi_xox said...

Ah well i didn't make it but thanks for the mention :)
all of the finalists outfits were amazing and i wish them all lots of luck
congratulations everyone

laocaloca said...

heey thank u so much! =D
I already joined the club!

VampireLady33 said...

well congrats everyone who made it, especially kikoska17, robinbird00, filipinahmaria, amelenia as best dresses , and to Sahar, Jackie, and Lovelycat44 as friends. And btw thanks for mentioning me, and good luck to finalists!

Anonymous said...

Some of them look good, but I notice that one or two didn't follow the rules. For example katielove1 has a item that is a clothing.

AnonymousBiatch said...

Some ppl like DaddysAngel02 didn`t put any effort in making those dresses...

AnonymousBiatch said...

And Harrypotter4evr used all of the free items and it looks kinda fug,again-no effort.
And I see some of those ppl are best friends with the judges...

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I think the were both very creative. I guess the other judges did too. No one said you had to spend money.

So you can say what you want, but 1 or 2 judges wouldn't have even got you through so your friend conspiracy is a bit shot. WTF did you even enter..

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


Sometimes we miss things too. There were 314 people and we are not perfect. Katielove1 has been disqualified for using a clothing item and will be replaced.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks so much!!!! I´m exited about the other rounds. Congratulations and best luck to all contestants!!!
xxx ayfairy

AnonymousBiatch said...

I didn`t enter. :P

Well, at least you disqualified that girl who cheated...
Who will replace her?

rebelqueen101 said...

wow those guys really r creative!!! congrats i will derinately try again next time!!

xx (:

AllTimeLoser said...

I Was gonna change my outfit but it was too late :'(
That sucks.... :'[

Anonymous said...

Im in, im so happy, so excited about this comp, its amazing to be in. Good lucky to everyone.
Stardoll user: Filipinhamaria

xcouturecutiexo said...

Aww, I worked hard on my outfit =/
Oh well, maybe I'll get chosen as a replacement..

Doggy-luva1/izzyrocks1 said...

guud job i guess you i thought mine was guud but guess not i never win these thing so why do i try
if any one wants to see what mine looks like here is the link tinypic.com/view.php?pic=k002t&s=5
and by the way i am Doggy-luva1
so add me cuzz im a nice person

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


Your outfit was copied from Cltreanor which we posted a bit ago on my othe blog Fab Fashion. It was lovely yes, but it should original not someone elses. Sorry.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I liked yours. I thought it was sweet. :)

GiveLoveAChance said...

Yay xD

I joined the club, just waiting to be accepted(:

dani [ h0ttie1011 ] said...

Congrats to everyone who made it and thanks for the honorable mention! <3

Mateya95 said...

I think everyone tried hard to make it to the top 40 so your comment really isn`t important...=.=

Congrats to everyone who made it! *-*

Though i don`t think there will be replacements becuase everyone did really great job.^-^

glitter_gal01 said...

omg!How did they make them!!?? there soo cool! GREAT jobs girls! and good luck to the winner :)

cutegirlangel11 said...

thank you soo mch! i will NOT let you down!!

this has just made my day!:D:D:D

hmmcfan10 said...

Just a qwick question...
do the honerable mentions join the club?

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