Monday, April 20, 2009

New HB

Inspired by YSL. The new HotBuys shirt came out today. At a price of 10$.



Anonymous said...

Not my style . . .

Anonymous said...

I hate it. I definitely would not pay 10 SD for it. Maybe 1 SD (so I could layer it.)

Anonymous said...

I like it (m I the only one?), I think it's cute.
They should have made the pin more pinkish so u can see it better and the background instead of brownish-greyish, a brighter more vibrant colour to bring out the pin.

Anonymous said...

i like it but its too pricey =]


Anonymous said...

I find it really pretty :)
I like the long t-shirts ^_^

Cali_Beauty said...

I think it's ugly.
Maybe if it were's just not worth it and the design is not so nice.

taranee25 said...

Don't like it either

2_cutecarla said...

That is a piece of crap.
It is ulgy! :s

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna guess me and a couple other sare the only ones who like it :$
I think it's pretty cute, but i'd rather wait for someone to sell it for cheaper in the StarBazaar than pay so much right now

sahar-star said...

I like it but I wouldnt pay that much for it.

Mackenzie said...

i wouldnt wear it as a head band but a belt i would. it doesnt go with my hair LOL! I luv ur blog and club

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