Tuesday, April 21, 2009

250 Members- Raffle Winners!

Whoa! We've reached 250 already! So obviously it was time for another raffle, but instead of having people pic numbers..I went on the hunt for a software program. I found the Hat! It's great! I put all 250 Blog followers in and shuffled to pic a name. This is what I will be using for the blog raffles from now on. I think it's more fair. Not for the club though because I ain't typin 5000+ names. haha.Anywho, the winners are....
MissFeeney & Ciaraleanne. they will receive a 100sd code each. Also the 250th person Goodgirlgonebad will get $50sd.

Thanks everyone! If you want to be included in the next raffle.. you must be a blog follower (public not private). C-ya at 300! xoxo


Charlotte (: said...

Omg they luckyy.

I stayed up all night just to get in the raffle.

Oh well. theres next time.
and congrats on 250 followers.

wwediva224 said...

Congratulations to them

Anonymous said...

I feel sad, I never win. But you got "the hat" so it's just chance so yeah.

Anonymous said...



Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Well this is only like the 4th time we've done it...

2_cutecarla said...

I hope I win one day.

Vale.Maio said...

But it's not right I was the 250th follower! :O

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

No you were the 249th...sorry. You were, but someone left and I had to wait til we got 250 again. I can't control what other's do.

Vale.Maio said...

it's not right because the 249th follower has left to become the 250th follower -.-
But you can't do nothing so..

sahar-star said...

Thats great ;D
Congrats for the winners :]

Dont be sad if you dont win thats just destiny XD

Ciara said...

OMG! Thank you so much Jenna! And that hat thing is awesome! lol.

Congrats to the other winner! :]


rebelqueen101 said...

wow cool system!!!!

congrats winners!!!!

xx (:

Kkiby_Cristine said...


taranee25 said...

Can't wait for this blog to have 300 followers!! =)

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...


Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

No..the 250th follower has never been a member of this blog before. Sorry it was someone else who left. I don't even know who..

Cali_Beauty said...

Tried to post before but wouldn't work!

Mackenzie said...

wow congrats to those girls!!!!! and congrats emorox4eva nearly 300 followers!!!! i luv ur club and blog

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