Thursday, April 30, 2009


As Ivona said we've reached 30 million members and stardoll has released the clothes in starplaza. The shirts are free, but the bag is $10sd so I left it, but what do you think? I hope there will be other stuff to celebrate. This is kinda a let down after the gorgeous lottery dresses at 20 million members.

Oh & the sign is 30sd???!!!

Makeover Comp Sample/Help

Some are confused about the makeover comp, so I made a quick sample to show you what to do.

1. Do a print screen of the before picture. Notice the dkny lip print dress. Since this is the only main piece of clothing she has on, I must use this in my new outfit.

* The scarf, bag, bunny ears, shoes or anything like accessories, belt, stockings etc.. CAN NOT be used as the main piece of clothing used in the new outfit.
2. Click on the medoll editor
3. Makeover the medoll. Do a screen print.
4. Do the style makeover. See dkny liprint used in new outfit. Screen print.
That's it. Just list the link or links in 1 comment under the comp post. Unfortunately stardoll doesn't allow you to change the hair color unless they they have hair dye in their storage. They also don't allow you to save the look.

The best you can do is this way or if you are friends with the person you can maybe ask them to change their hair/color for a few minutes, but your make-up still wouldn't be there.

Hope this helps.

Old & new

Isn't this BOOORING?? Always the same, stardoll has ran out of ideas. In starplaza you can find re-releases, even not the pretty ones. This boots were actually kinda rare. I doubt that this clothes will have much buyers:

Good news are that new HB came out, last one in this month. It's an oversized tunic inspired by Stella McCartney. Personally, I think it's gorgeous, but a bit expensive. Costs 14 stardollars, but it's worth it.

Our great "leader", emorox4eva/Jenna, has made a beautifull outfit using this new HB:

Isn't it absolutely stunning??

P.S: WE DID IT!! 30 million members!! We can expect more surprises soon!! (:


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


UPDATE: Click HERE for step by step help.

Give someone a virtual makeover with the new features on stardoll. We all have our good and bad days in fashion. This is meant to be a FUN fashion makeover comp! It can just be an outfit you don't necessarily like (That's your opinion). It doesn't mean it's ugly or that you are being mean. So lighten up, have some fun and win some prizes. If you feel bad, tell them about the comp and to makeover you as well. :)

NOTE: if you disagree, pls do not feel forced to participate.


Pick someone's "unfashionable" (in your opinion) outfit to makeover. It can be anyone. Go to their suite:

1. Do a before screen print.

2. Go to their medoll editor. Makeover both the face/hair.
~Do a screen print before you leave the medoll editor.

3. Now give them a style makeover. Here's the trick though.. you must use at least 1 main piece of the clothes they are wearing in the new makeover outfit.

~Use any other clothes or accessories from their suite to make the new outfit, but again at least 1 of the main pieces of the original outfit must be seen.

The piece you choose to use in the new outfit must be a clothing item, NOT belt, shoes, stockings or any accessories.

~Do a screen print.

*Make sure you list the name of the medoll you made over. Label it for this comp. Whomever does it better.. wins.

WINNER will get a $600sd pre-paid card. PLUS they will also become our new hb's stylist with their own How to wear hb's "column" for this blog.

Questions ask in my gb, I will answer as soon as I can :)

In comments. List your stardoll name. List your link(s) OR you can save some in your album, but you must state that in comments. But if it's in your album, it is your responsibility to make sure it shows.

I prefer all screen prints. There are some instructions on how to in my starblog.


BALMAIN- Who's wearing it better?


As I was wandering around stardoll, I saw that so many were wearing the beautiful Balmain jacket. So what a great chance for another poll! Woohoo!

Again don't ask your friends to vote for you. Just vote and let other blog readers & club members vote naturally. It's suppose to be fun :) Win $25sd or 25sd worth of gifts.



Rebel prom 2009 and new clothes by Balmain

We have a new doll for superstars, Prom queen. Stardoll got all around prom 2009, so they created Rebel prom 2009, and most of the clothes you can see on the doll will be in starplaza. They also returned very old prom to enlarge
I think the clothes are nice, just doll is a bit ugly. I am looking forward to see this blue dress in starplaza:

Also that Balmain clothes came in starplaza, but all we got is two jackets, pants, a skirt and shoes.
I was hoping we'll get a whole new shop, but I was wrong.

New Things On Stardoll!

There are some new things on stardoll which have been realised today. First of all, a new way/decoration to your options and to the selected rooms. (See below).

There are also some new clothes some good, some not for queen's day on Starplaza for you to buy.

And from now everyone you visit or anyone who visits you, can view your MeDoll and you can view the others' MeDolls, accessories, make-up and change them just for fun. Interesting, right?

I am waiting to hear your opinion about these new improvements.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HB jacket

Yesterday, a new HB came out. It's was inspired by Luella. Costs 8 stardollars, that's not that expensive considering prices of hb's lately.
Click to enlarge
It's cute, but I think it would be prettier in it's original purple colour. Not formal, in real life best to wear in early autumn.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I am so sorry. I feel horrible about this, but somehow in calculating the votes..I missed 1 person who got 5 out of 6 judges votes. She should have been on the list. It is Colleenp87. This means that 1 of the people on the list who got the least number of votes shouldn't have made the cut. But because it was my mistake, I will not remove that person from the comp. I will just add Colleenp87 & now we will have 29 people going to the next round. Congrats to her and sorry for the mistake. I just wanted to publicly acknowledge it. Thanks, Jenna

Stardollar Games Begin!

Hey everyone!

I'm sure as you all heard Stardoll is giving us games that we play to earn some money.
But, once reading the full description I'm not liking the whole idea. Like the fact you only earn $5 and the fact that the money you earned that day is only valid for about 13 hours (thats the time I got).
So once you earn it, you HAVE to spend it or it's gone. But still take advantage people because these game are also for a limited amount of time, they won't be here forever and they do come in handy, because let's say you wanted an item that was $8 but you felt like it wasn't worth it (or you're just cheap like me :P ) you use the $5 you earned and you only actually spend $3... it's like a sa
le on items that aren't on sale.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Cut- Task 1 Finalists- (29 people)

I'm sure you've all been dying to find out how all the contestants at the cut are doing...;)

Well. it was a rocky road at first. A lot of replacements and replacements for the replacements going on. lol. So a lot of people got a 2nd chance from the honorable mention list. In the end there ended up being 42 people competing (At the last minute we added 2 bonus people to stir things up a bit).

The 1st official task was inspired by Project Runway. They had to use only items found in a grocery/kitchen store (ex: items found under food in the minishop) to make a cocktail dress.

Many rose to the challenge and created amazing masterpieces, but others just were at a loss for an idea... and it showed. 29 made the cut and will go on to the next task, 14 were eliminated.

If you don't remember, each judge picks their top 28. The votes are calculated and the people with the most votes make the cut. Our judges are: (Click on their name to visit them!)

The 28 people who made the cut and will go on to compete in task #2 are:

1. Filipinhamaria

2. Ciaraleanne
3. Ayfairy

4. Bluegreen86
5. Pirates_Soccer
6. Fashion.Fantasy
7. Fionamcgonigle
8. Melissa54321
9. Sarah_is_yellow

10. Lara_Madden
11. MissCunha
12. Laocaloca
13. Sahar-star
14. We3forever
15. Gyrgyr
16. Robinbird00
17. Rosie333.
18. Sarah_Sugerplum
19. Cutegirlangel11
20. LittleMunckin
21. Bolsje
22. Fifibannana
23. MissDiorCherie.
24. Daddysangel02
25. Ewonline
26. Sandra_1992***
27. …Singstar…
28. Katielove1
29. Colleenp87

*The first 9 people deserve special recognition & congratulations as they received 6 out of 6 votes! Meaning they were unanimously voted by all 6 judges! Great job!

But the over all winner for this round, who will get to choose between a $200sd code & Invinciability in the next round is....Fashion.Fantasy!
Amazing job by all and again congrats to those who made it!

Here are the pics: (click to enlarge)
*Now the cynical might be thinking..mine was better, or they picked their friends or whatever, but it's just not true. It's really impossible for 1 or even 2 people to get their friends in unless they did a good job. As for thinking yours was better..well I guess 6 judges did not agree or maybe they did and you were late/didn't follow the rules in which case you loss points. So better luck next time.

*Also, for those that will ask about Katielove1..who was originally disqualified. She ended up being a last minute replacement for a replacement as she has been on vacation and did not see the change where we made it very clear not to use clothes. Her out fit was truly not altered by the removal of the skirt.

MS. FAB FASHION- Month of April

In case you don't know, I have another blog called Fab Fashion (click HERE) and it's all about who's looking fabulous on Stardoll and being positive.

Well this is the end of our 1st month and we have a poll up to determine our Ms. Fab Fashion for the month of April. The winner gets the title Ms. Fab Fashion and $100sd code!

The nominees and the pics are all posted so if you can, please go over take a look, vote & if you like become a follower. Who knows maybe you could be our next Ms. Fab Fashion. xoxo Jenna

***The poll is only for our club members and blog if you have proof of someone asking for votes, please contact me immediately. Thanks!

Spoilers :)

Ok, I've found this spoilers in the fantastic blog .
The brand Balmain will come in Starplaza's shops and I don't know what do you think but I'm really excited. The jacket is so gorgeous :)
Between there are others items and I'll post the images here below.

Another one??

Remember that pink lottery dress look-a-like?? Well, I found out that there is another one!! It is weird that nobody saw that before:
Shorter one is from springdoll closet, and long one is pale blue gown lottery. Too bad that stardoll didn't put it in starplaza. So what do you think?? I think that older version is more elegant, but new is not so formal.


Hello everyone!! I will be a guest writer for this awesome blog for a month!! When I was chosen to be member of the month, I started to scream and calling my sis to see the computer because I couldn't believe my eyes!! As some of you know, my first account was called dracula_grl1, but then someone hacked me and stole all my rares, and stardoll wasn't helping so now I am sharing this account (taranee25) with my older sister. Something about me: I was born and live in Croatia, my real name is Ivona. I speak English fluently, but sorry for the mistakes in writing, don't forget it's not the language I speak everyday. I'm 13 years old and I am here on stardoll for 2 years now. I hope you'll like my posts, I will be posting as much as I can. Thanks for everything and see you soon!

P.S. This banner is just temprorarily soultion till I think of something bette

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here are the winners from the LE poll. To see the winning outfits click HERE & HERE I think that was fun and I'm going to do it more often. They win 25sd or 25sd worth of minishop gifts. Congrats!

*In future, please remember that the polls are for our blog/club members. PLEASE DO NOT ask your friends to vote for you..otherwise the results are not really fair. If we find out, you will be disqualified.
1. Melissa 54325- 129 votes (LE Floral Cut Out Dress)
2. Omgjuicy- 180 votes (LE Logo Tee)
3. Cltreanor- 189 votes (LE Draped Blouse)
4. Filipinhamaria- 144 votes (LE Pom Pom Dress)
5. Sandy97- 127 votes (LE Hippie Tank)
6. Littlemunckin 95 votes (LE Pink Blazer)
7. Youlovelorie- 165 votes (LE Leggins)
8. Sandra_1992***- 131 votes (LE Sequin Dress)
9. Crazii-iin-love- 81 votes (LE Sequin Shorts/Blazer)
10. Monroe...- 222 votes (LE Draped Spring Party Dress)
11. Sarah_is_yellow- 195 votes (LE He loves me not tee)
12. Catwoman_Love- 102 votes (LE Tulle Bow Hat)
13. 2_cute Carla- 144 votes (LE Tights)
14. Gyrgyr- 119 votes (LE Flower Power Tee)
15. Goldenxo- 133 votes (LE Floral Frock dress)
16. Red.roses.4me- 102 votes (LE Butterfly Playsuit)
17. Katherine1819- 118 votes (LE Color Fade Sundress)
18. Fionamcgonigle- 125 votes (LE Floral Bow Frock Dress)


If you haven't yet bought up all the sale items or you are non-superstar.. then you are in luck! Win a SS account with the entire Philosophy Collection plus many other sale items! Also a $100sd code~!
(When the sale goes can sell the items to your main account)
WHAT TO DO?: Just dress up the RC Alberta Ferretti Stardoll & save it in your album (If issues with album do a screen print and give us the link). Label for the comp.

* problems loading doll- Try typing Alberta Ferretti in the search box (not clicking on her name under RC). It loads for me this way, but not the other.

The key is "FASHIONABLE" layering, we want to see creative ways to wear her clothes..not easy to do simple outfits.

SIGN UP: In comments ofcourse. Don't forget to leave your stardoll name :). Ends April 29th

* Reminder: To enter our comps you have to be a member of our club Hotbuys_Bazaar. Also follow all rules under club rules. Sorry, but I have to enforce them due to recent issues.
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