Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spoilers! :]

Heyyy! :] Isn't the banner amazing? Thank you John ! It's truly stunning! I found some new awesome spoilers...UPDATE :: Some of the spoilers have been released! :]
Very summery, colourful and I like the shape. It should look nice on our medolls. :]

I think the dress is pretty! Floaty looking and girly! The top is quite cute too, the colours are very bold and the stripes give it a bit of an edge.
The first dress is very cute. I have a feeling I have seen this in a real life picture so I'll try and hunt it out. The second dress is interesting. It reminds me of an abstract painting with all the different shapes.
I am in love with this purple top. It's so vibrant and I adore the detail in the graphics. The mini dress is pretty. Beige and pink go well together and I can't wait to see how it looks on medolls.
The bag is nice. I always love a black bag! :] And the dress is very 'party' style, It's cute!
I am not too fond of the black jacket but it could look nice with the right outfit. I'm not crazy about the top either, quite different and the pattern is ok, but I'm not sure about it...
New ELLE Top? I love it! :] Its just adoreable! I want to buy it! :P The trousers to the left, very cute, may be a perfect addition to your next outfit. The trousers to the right, I like them but I'm not sure about the shape, the look a bit tight and are too high on the waist for me. The golden skirt, I find it a bit tacky. :/ It may look very cute if someone can pull it off.
The Maxi dress is pretty, great for summer. The Jacket is cute, pretty in pink! :] I really like the trousers, so edgy!
Both bracelets at the top are nice and summery. The orange skirt is gorgeous! I love it! The dress top is nice and summery! The black top is ok, some may love it to make high fashion or edgy outfits for their medoll's. And the last two tops are very colourful and again, perfect for summer!
The first pair of trousers are ok to me... I love the orange jumpsuit! Very cute! The necklace to the bottom left is quite pretty and unique. The skirt at the top right is cute too, nice detail.
Both pairs of shoes ar very summery. And lastly the bag is nice, reminds me of indian style :P
I love all the shoes seen above! They're so edgy and cute! Omg - I love! <3> What do you think? Tell us in the comments please. x - Ciara. x

Michael Jackson

Well, the fact Michael Jackson the king of pop died is still unknown, here on stardoll some of the users express their feelings by making outfits writing on their presentations or make sceneries, some brodcast it on their blogs and others just get upset and sad, On stardoll, I have found a great Medoll, She makes Wonderful designs as a tribute to Michael Jackson! Although she stopped at 50 T-shirts she has influenced this action in many of the trendsetters, including the fabulous Mel (bluegreen86) I absolutly love it! This Stardoll user is Medoll-JustMe!
Amazing isnt it?
Here are two different styles of the outfit! Both amazing, including the MJ T-shirt, (( may he R.I.P))""BTW: The bag Above the geek bag Is inspired by Luella, although it isnt very similar to the actual one""


July's cover girl was chosen by one of our reigning cover girls Idilpekel585.

The winner is Lgap!(Graphic by John2_el_Mejor)

Here is her winning scenery!SHE WINS:
-Manager of the club for 1 month
-Guest blogger for 1 month
-$200sd gift code
-All HB's released for the month of June!
-$50sd worth of furniture gifts (your choice)
-On my BFF List for 1 month
-Featured in the blog
-Judge for comps

*prize not awarded til after your month. If not participating in judging & blog $50 or gifts may be given instead.
First Name: Lucia

Birthplace: Somewhere in Mexico

Age: 14

Gender: Female

About you: (What you look like, Interesticing facts, family etc..): I'm tall, 1.71 cm, blue-grey eyes, dark hair and freckles. I love designing, modeling and pretty much anything that has to do with fashion. I play tennis, I hate horror movies, I love dramas and comedies. I've got two sisters and 1 brother, I'm the oldest child. I love my parents. I love my school, I hate the people in my school, at least most of them. I barely have any friends, I've been dumped by so called friends three times (twice the same group) I'm very fun to be with, very open, bubbly and super random, but people don't seem to like me:/ I usually come on SD in my spare time, actually I'm on SD almost all the time:/ And I guess this is all you need to know:D

Fav Designers: Mostly Coco Chanel, John Galliano and Marc Jacobs.

Fav TV Shows: Gossip Girl, 90210, ANTM, Privileged, Project Runway.

Fav Movies: The Devil Wears Prada, Enchanted, Twilight, 17 Again, and The Clique.

Fav Music: I love Paramore, Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Taylor Swift, and The Beatles.

What you like most about stardoll: I love making new friends, who don't usually judge you and are more reliable than RL 'friends', I used to love fashion, when HBs were amazing, and not so expensive and when they didn't Re-release old clothes, especially rares. When everything was paperdoll heaven, not ''fame, fashion, and friends''.

Most Valued Stardoll Item: Uhmm.. not sure, since I don't own a lot of rares or anything, I guess it would be my Marc Jacobs 09 inspired dress, I really love it, though it isn't rare or anything.

What you want people to know most about you: That I'm a nice person, most of all, reliable, funny, and fashionable.

Why you want to be cover girl: It sounds like a great opportunity to show Stardoll that you don't have to be really popular or have a lot of rares and LE to be successful. Even Non SS can win. You just have to be yourself, not what people want to see.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Phenominal NEW COMP & Reminder

First, If you don't know we currently have an amazing comp going on called SNTD (Stardoll's Next Top Designer) for those who are great at Stardesign. The contestants will be re-creating various designer items using solely Stardesign.

The Prize: A $600sd prepaid card plus the winning collection is featured in numerous top blogs & much more! The last day to enter is JUNE 30th so if you want to join click HERE!

While SNTD is amazing, many have expressed their lack of talent using stardesign, so we have come up with another exciting new comp!

Participants will re-create looks from Runway Shows featured on using minishop items. There will be 4 or 5 rounds.


$600sd Pre-paid card plus more! (It is a possibility that the winner will be featured in the official STARDOLL MAGAZINE).

SIGN UP's: Will start July 1st

Credits: Cltreanor (pic is from her suite)


As you know I started this last month. Picking a non-superstar who has been an active loyal member and making them superstar. Well I have decided to add something to the prize. Now they will also become a writer for the blog!

The Non-superstar for the month of July is Mollymasquerade!A LITTLE ABOUT HER:
Name: Molly ;)
Age: 14-year-old girl.
Birthplace: UK
Interests: Writing ,photoshop, fashion and listening to music.
My Favorite thing about Stardoll:
Isn’t actually part of Stardoll, if that makes sense lol. I love the blogs that other members create, and I especially like seeing posts on new blogs progress as they get older and find more of a unique writing style. I think Stardoll blogs give lesser known Stardoll members a real chance to make their mark, and be able to express their views on the Stardoll community that they, the members, have created. I prefer blogs that are more positively focused however, and ones that have original ideas than ones that write articles that you feel you have read a hundred times before. I would say my favourite blogs from members of Stardoll are which is now a forum for the Sims3 but has a Stardoll section, and, of course, our very own Stardoll’sMostWanted!

Congrats! I look forward to seeing your posts!


Yes we skipped June due to my hectic schedule. Sorry.

Congrats to Colleenp87! Not only did she win Model of the Month for the blog (from John's party), but she is this month's Member of the month! Great job and thank you for being an active loyal club/blog member!

She wins:

~A $200sd code
~Guest writer for a month
~Comp Judge for a month

~Club manager for a month
~Featured in the blog Graphics done by John2_el_Mejor.


First Name: Colleen

Birthplace: Gothenburg, Sweden

Age: 17

Gender: Female

About you: I'm originally from Sweden. I moved to the States when I was little, and lived here ever since. I have white-blond hair, and hazel eyes. I'm about 5'9 and still growing. I live with my dad, and my older brother. I'm the baby of the family!

Interests: Sewing, drawing, painting, designing, photography

Favorite Designers: Christian Dior, Phillip Lim, Jean Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs, Moschino, Proezna Schouler, Zac Posen

Favorite TV Shows: Desperate Housewives

Favorite Music: Chili Peppers, the Beatles, Coldplay, Maximo Park

What you like most about stardoll: Being able to have a ton of clothing that you can wear in so many ways. You can experminent and just have fun with fashion.

Most Valued Stardoll Item: DKNY Gray Dress. My first DKNY purchase from way back when!

Cover Girl is chosen, but will be posted tomorrow when John finishes the graphics.

550 Followers Raffle Winners!


They win a $100sd code!

Special Congrats to our 550th member Stephisacutie!

Amazing we just hit 500 now 550! My club too just hit 6000!!!

REMINDER: I pulled several names before these, but they were missing one of the following. So this is just a reminder as this has been posted numerous times before.

To be included in the raffle, you must:

1. Be a member of my club
2. List your stardoll name in your profile (Stardoll account can not be recently created)
3. Have a picture on your profile (can be of anything).

This is because while I'd love to have the followers. I want real people who will be active. :)

* I know there are a lot of people following privately and also who do not have a blogger account, so here's a good opportunity to follow publicly or join Blogger/Google. Remember you do not have to have a blog to join.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Topshop Floral Dress Poll

Who wore it better?

RULES: No asking for votes. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $50sd or 50sd in gifts
(Click to enlarge)


Sorry, I am really tired ATM so I am not going to post the pics. I just wanted to get the results posted.

These people will go on to the next task. Congrats!

The challenge: Pick 3 outdated fashions. Each from a different decade (ie; neon, hippie, mini skirt, bell bottom whatever you think is outdated)

Incorporate all three styles into a cohesive collection of three outfits. Make them modern/fashionable.

TBH I really feel that no one really blew us away this round. Maybe because many misunderstood the challenge. I think Bluegreen86 amongst a few others really understood the challenge and did a great job!

Next task will be last task before the final and 3 people will be sent home.

Good luck in task 7


in no particular order

Congrats to those leaving! You did an amazing job in this competition and you are all winners to have made it so far! I hope you enjoyed it.


Hello everyone! Today I find out about two new things on stardoll! First is new play and earn game called Globetretter! I think it's the best so far, and it's quite easy:
All you have to do is to point the countries. You can choose in which continent you wanna play.

Second is an awesome new shop in the starplaza:

Basics!! In the shop there are so many items, the same designs in beautiful colors! You'll definitely find something you like:
The best thing is that all clothes are non-superstar and really cheap. In the right corner of the shop is a big clock, and under it is written Play & earn. I'm not definitely sure what that means, but they probably wanna say that one game is enough to have an item or two from this shop for free! Awesome, right??

So all you superstars and non-superstars go grab your basic items and combine them the best you can! With these you can do anything!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The loss of two icons

I know this isn't stardoll related, but I am truly heart broken at the news of Michael Jackson's sudden and shocking death today. I have always heard his music in our house as my mom grew up listening to him. She even has a picture when she was a little girl wearing the infamous Michael Jackson glove earrings. I felt compelled to write something to honor his life and contribution to the music industry. His music broke through all social classes, racial barriers and cultures. He truly was the king of pop and will be greatly missed by millions.

I will always watch one o my favorite movies, 13 going on 30 and think of him when they are dancing to thriller in the one scene. My heart goes out to his children and family. May he rest in peace.
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos

Also sad Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer today. She too was iconic. One of the original Charlies Angels. I watched the re-runs all the time. Although not as unexpected as Jacko it is heart breaking none the less. The world has lost to very inspiring people today and I hope we all take a moment to reflect and remember to live life to the fullest.

They will both live on forever in our hearts. music & television.

charlies angels Pictures, Images and Photos

HB Floral Dress in starplaza

The Topshop floral dress is in starplaza. It's $16sd which is a bit steep, but I bought it as I like the dress. Will you be buying it and which version do you like better Stardoll's or Topshop?

Btw if you want a chance to be in the POLL be sure to let me know in GB if you are wearing it.Credits:Hotbuys Addicted for the real life pic

Photoshop Winner

Ok this was really hard as many people used filters and did not create things from scratch like the rules said.. So with the help of my judge John2_el_mejor (who is excellent at photoshop) & my good friends Jeremyn2005 & Saku... I tried to weed those entries out.

I chose to go with simpler entries. I am sure many will be angered, but...the rules are the rules and I felt these people were creative and worked hard with what they had.

So the winners are:

Rali4ka94 & Sarah_Sugerplum! Congrats they will split the $200sd prize.Honorable mention to: Lovelycat44, Reira422, Emmster2251, lillyandmile, spoiledjr555, Silver-Shadow, spock-rocker, sd_is_da_best.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vivienne Tam Poll 2

Who wore it better?

RULES: No asking for votes. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $50sd or 50sd in gifts

(Click to enlarge)

Vivienne Tam Poll 1

Who wore it better?

RULES: No asking for votes. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $50sd or 50sd in gifts

(Click to enlarge)
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