Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is your name in the top 10?

Since we have Member of the Month Award that is largely determined by how much you comment.. I decided to add a widget that showed the top 10 commenters. It will only take data from the last 500 comments, but it's a great too and oh so fun to see your name in the top 10. Don't you think?

*Obviously people making multiple comments in a post and making additional comments just to try and win will be disqualified when I gather my final picks for Member of the Month.

*Remember this is only a tool to help and is not the only deciding factor. It also does not count anonymous people who sign there name which is why I still look at everything myself.

Idea originally seen on Gossip-Stardoll

- I noticed when people are following our blog privately and then decide to follow publicly..there name shows up at the place where it would have been if they had initially been listed as public.

What that means is..I see the followers number go up, but I don't know who just joined. So what you should do is leave the blog and then re-join publicly so your name will be the last to show and I can add you to the raffle list. Thanks!
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