~You do NOT have to save the scenery. You can create it and do a screen print.
*In the scenery, you must be wearing an outfit that includes at least 1 hb. (It must be CLOTHES NOT bag, shoes, jewelry or accessories etc..). Also it is helpful if you have a BRIEF profile or bio on your presentation or in your starblog.
SIGN UP HERE in comments. List the link to your sceneries. Make sure you enlarge the picture so it is easy to see. Be as creative as possible. Sceneries must be created before June 12th!
First Name:
About you: (What you look like, Interesticing facts, family etc..)
Fav Designers:
Fav Movies or TV Shows:
Fav Music:
What you like most about stardoll:
Most Valued Stardoll Item:
What you want people to know most about you:
Why you want to be cover girl:
What you want people to know most about you:
Why you want to be cover girl:
What you get:
Manager of the club for 1 month
Guest blogger for 1 month
$200sd gift code
All HB's released for the month of June!
$50sd worth of furniture gifts (your choice)
All HB's released for the month of June!
$50sd worth of furniture gifts (your choice)
On my BFF List (which I do alot of advertising so hopefully they'll visit you too :))
Featured in the blog
Judge for comps
*prize not awarded til after your month. If not participating in judging & blog $50 or gifts may be given instead.