Hey everyone, sorry this may be quite a long post but it is awesome news!
Stardoll have brought out even more spoilers. All these in one day? Wow. I hope you enjoy. :]

Can I say I am loving the different coloured
funky leggings. They're awesome. :D And I really like the dresses, very
floaty and
summery. x

I love jewelery and these are fabulous. I love the orange and gold earrings and the blue and read earrings. They're my favourite from this picture. I like the rest too though. x

Wow! I love that pink and black top/dress! Its something I would totally wear...actually, I am wearing one like that at the moment. Haha (In real life! :]) And I absoulutely
Love the orange accessories and the skirt too! Very Cute!

I am in love with this dress. Probably my favourite of all the spoilers. I just love the colours and it is just too cute for words. :] I would definately buy it. x

Ooooh, you can get the yellow shoes...but in
green? Omg. I love them. So adoreable. I will buy all of the above. :D

Can I say O-M-G!
Stunning. Absolutely genius! Stardoll, you have officially gotten better at graphics. :] Woo! I will be first to buy this! Haha. x

Hmmm...I like it, but i don't know if i could wear it on my medoll. :/ Its still very pretty though.
Shoes <3 How I love them. They're all so funky! :D OMG. I will buy them all, and the belt. x
Do you like the spoilers? Tell us what you think in the comments. ;] -Ciara.