Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The HB jumpsuit is out and I think it's kinda cute thanks to the belt adorning it. What do you guys think?
I'd like to see who can wear it better. So if your interested in a quick comp..dress your medoll up in the hb jumpsuit. Tell us in comments. The outfit must be on your medoll not saved in albums.

If non-superstar, you can do a screen print from the starplaza. Ends April 1st midnight EST

Winner will get MK Ashley RC Belt or Old HB Moss Mills belt (I think its Stephen Lirakis belt). You can see it below. If non-superstars or you have them- $100sd code So hurry!


So here are the new items coming on Starplaza after SEPHORA'S leaving. I know Woundy posted about it but as I checked the other blog I work for, Jackie's blog, Lauren (melissa54321) has posted the full collection so I decided to show it to you as well by posting it here. Tell me what you think, by commenting.
GREDITS: The Stardoll Insiders,


Do you have a club, blog, magazine, competition or something else that you want to advertise?

Then do it here for free! Just for being a club member & blog follower!

I thought when gossip-stardoll did this it was great! So I talked with Fiona and she has given me permission to use her idea. Thanks Fiona! :)

Just create an ad on paint/photoshop and tell us the link( & your stardoll name) in comments. I will put them up in the order they are received and change them every so many days dependent upon how many we have.

I will check comments frequently for new ads & the link will stay in the upper right corner under current comps and events..

Happy Advertising!

Make-up Spoiler!

I was wander on internet and I've found this mascara...

Does this new line will be released when Sephora leave us? :P
Just wait to know something more about it ^_^


Monday, March 30, 2009

Paulina Porizkova Earrings in Starplaza!

There are Paulina Porizkova Earrings in starplaza on sale for $4 & $5sd!! They are for Non-superstar's too! Idk how this happened because they were a prize given to the winners of her comp. I think only 10 of these were suppose to be on stardoll. them while you can!Thanks Ruxxy for the tip even though as a winner you are bloody pissed.

Spoiler..The Cut

Here is just a little spoiler while we are still putting the finishing touches on THE CUT! It will be great fun and the prize is FABTABULOUS.

A $25 PRE-PAID card! That's 1200sd!!! (I found a few that I forgot about from birthday & christmas haha) or the choice of an ultra secret item (to be revealed later)! Plus, they will also get to be one of our writers for FAB FASHION .
I hope a lot of you will participate and enjoy it! xoxo Jenna

New at Fab Fashion

I decided to make it a little more interesting. Its my competitive nature ;). $100sd code will be given out at the end of each month to the person who is featured the most (or if necessary who generates the most interest or comments) in that month. Isn't that cool!

So get creating those fabulously inspiring outfits. You can gain notice by being a follower of that blog (I check their accounts often), commenting or visiting my suite (If I'm on I usually visit who visits me).

If you are featured, you will receive a comment in your gb with our catch phrase..You're looking fabulous darling! Their are new posts almost daily!

150 followers raffle winner!

We have 155 followers! Yay! It's time for another raffle which I will do at every 50 members! You must be a club member & a follower to be included in the raffles.

The winner is Mateya95! She wins a $100sd code! Thanks for being a great blog/club member!

Reminder: Member of the month will be announced on April 5th! See the comps section in the upper right corner for details. The best way to be recognized is by being active..commenting our blogs and participating in comps etc..

Elle Comp Winners

Wow! It seems like forever ago that Elle came out to me. But we now have the winners to the Elle comp.

1st Place- Pirates_Soccer ($200sd code) I really like the way she used the belts to decorate the skirt.
2nd Place- tazmcfly21 ($50sd)Congrats! Honorable mention to NeonCrawler, Collenp87, BOBYTHEBUILDER, Emeraldroxx
tazmcfly21, Wounded 90, Angelica_Neato, Saku, OOGLEFISH, SpockRocker, suicidema
misscharming007 & mannymonkeygirl

Celeb Look-a-like comp winners

This was a fun comp. I loved looking at all the entries. There were so many fab ones to choose from. 2 specifically that I thought were ace.

1st prize of $200sd- Spockrocker! I think her gown was amazing!
2nd place $50sd-Jo_Arias!
Congrats ladies!
Other fabulous entries bluegreen86, tazmcfly21, misscharming007, nArUtofAnAtic9, MissKandiCake, Vmkchick123, cutegirlangel11, Mrs.Boombastic & naomi_b

Non-Superstar Challenge Winner

Yeah remember this comp? You had to create to affordable outfits out of just non-superstar clothes currently in the starplaza. This was a hard one, there were great entries, but in the end it wasn't just about style but AFFORDABILITY. So I went with the nicest outfit for less. You may say its plain, but I think its simple, chic & affordable for non-superstars. Congrats to Reira422! She wins a $100sd code.Honarable mention goes to 2_cutecarla, Mateya95, pirates_Soccer, Silver-Shadow & Kkiby

Banner Comp Winner

At long last we have some winners for the March comps. The winner of our banner comp is supercouture! She will win a $200sd code. I know.. its similar to some others I've seen, but I really like it. What do you think?There were some other really great entries like Boo-wow1998, reira422, -Chickdowntown-, faita_14, mcfly_is_hot, gossip_1993 & others. I'm sure I will use some from time to time. Congrats and thanks everyone!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So this girl comes to my gb and wants to know if I'm interested in her Miley lottery dress. You can see the dress below modeled by my lovely friend Mel. If you know your lottery dresses, then you'll know that this is one of the lower value dresses.

Anyways, I ask her how much and she says $4000sd!!!!

Now I have to tell you I was on the floor in stitches. This was so funny I had to share it with you. I am not making fun of Yosyo1, but you have to admit that this is just getting ridiculous. I have had many people come to me lately with prices like this and more. What is wrong with stardoll that we are now asking (and some are paying) $4000sd which is equivalent to about $90 american dollars for 1 VIRTUAL dress! This is getting so out of hand. When I got some of my dresses I had to pay approx 600 to 12oosd and I thought that was a lot, but now it is ludicris.

Do you agree or are you willing to pay these prices for a lottery dress?


Thanks everyone for your feedback on part 1 of the ultimate DENIM SHOWDOWN but now it's time for part two. In the spotlight today is ANTIDOTE which took the stardoll world by storm with it's urban style and retroness.

In this collection we saw denim being rocked with skinny patchwork pants, bold logo tees, sandals , ripped dresses and even men's clothes. This collection was not as rare as LE and not as expensive so it's still on it's way to being completley sold out, there are a few furniture items sill available. This collection had more of an impact on most people, the items are more wearable, affordable and COOL! My must haves from this collection are, the skinny patchwork pants, rainBOW t-shirt and cut out dress. The collection had a price range of about $10 to $180 so it was avaliable to the not so rich superstars. On the whole Antidote used denim better in my opinion, making it casual and chic, more open to everyone.

So to finish the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN I'll be on the look out for people rocking both LE and Antidote in a unique way on their medolls! Sign below if you would like to be considered. Best outfits will be featured! Deadline:6th April


The Rebuttal

So if you've read the below post, you know what is going on. If not read it. lol. I commented on the A-Lists blog saying what I said in the last post and this was the reply.

So to be fair, I wanted to post what they said.. I still feel the same about labels, but if this is what they were trying to accomplish then good. I'm all for recognizing people for their talent/achievements on here. It's why I hold comps. The only suggestions I can make is that they the list maybe come from the comp (Fabuleux Icone) so its based on what they do there. Not just one glorified spot. Anyways that's just my thoughts.

What are yours. Do you see the list as a "popularity list" or as they say a reward for peoples achievements?
To see the full convo's, you can view the A-list blog comments.

OH and What do you think of my new header? It's beautiful eh? Made by non other than my fab friend Doinker_Chic aka Lily! Thanks Doinky, I love it.

Be careful!

I'm a new writer of this blog (I'll stay here for one month). My name is Elisa, but all of you can call me Woundy :)

I want to start posting this message that I've received on Stardoll, I know I shouldn't post this but I think it' important for our safety on the site.
"Hey! Have you or anyone you know been hacked recently? I was, and I found out a way to get revenge - because Stardoll never do anything about it!
I asked around, and my good friend told me how to get to the place that Stardoll staff log in. I logged in there, and it was totally different!
All I had to do was go to the hacker's suite, right click on the clothes she stole, and click move, and they appeared in my suite!
I'd love to see her face when she sees they're gone!!I will tell you how to do it, but please only use it to get clothes back that were stolen from you!
The site is but please only use it for a good cause.For me it didn’t work straight away, I had to go back in about 30 minutes."

I've received it from my friend bijouenforce, her account has been hacked and the hacker has sent me this message (not only to me), now she's had back her account but if you received a message like this, don't believe it!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

WOW! I love this girl!

Personally, I always thought she was pretty nice, but I just gained a whole new level of respect for Madam Isabella Arci! See what she says and with such eloquent speech.. to the A-List creators.This is how I feel exactly. I mean, I don't really pay attention to any of those things like the a-list or elite blah, blah. I'm just me and trying to have a bit of fun & doing my own thing. It did seem to make an impression on "theitgirl", but she still doesn't seem to understand that just the titles A-list & B-list etc.. are automatically categorizing people. It will make some people feel bad and make others dislike people just for being on the list in the first place. It really is not acknowledging their talent as she said was her intention.

What do you think?


I was browsing through Stardoll looking for fab outfits for my newest blog Fab Fashion and I came across Clairtjuh01. First I though, wow she is really rocking the HB skull t-shirt, but then I see she is wearing not 1, but 4 hot buys. I had to feature her here. Doesn't she look adorable?


One of our writers, MarsaL15 is having a new monthly comp in her club Real.covergirl. Here are the details below from her blog.

Hey everyone!

I'm Eftychia aka MarsaL15 and this is a new business which is running by me. It's a monthly beauty & style competition which is placed in my club Real.Covergirl

Each month me & 4 judges who are: Jenna (emorox4eva), Grainne (...SingStar...), Katie (appleblossom00) and Esra (cool_ial) we pick 3 lucky girls to be voted in a poll and then we announce the lucky winner who gets either old rare clothes like MKA RC, DKNY and even lottery dresses or SMS codes & SS gifts.

If you wish to take part in this competition, then you should join my club and answer the questions in the topic "Competition Entries". They must exist at least 40 participations to each comp to be held. The first is already up so hurry!

The results will be announced on Saturday-Sunday 28th-29th March and then the 3 lucky girls will be voted in club's poll. This comp's winner gets ONE SS CODE WORTH 67$ & 3 GIFTS OF HER CHOICE.



Our lovely SEPHORA shop closes as I see so this is your last chance to buy something from it, 'SEPHORA GRAND FINALE'. I must say, I'm excited, I really want to see a new shop with new things. How about you?Also as Cali_beauty mentioned below, DO NOT FORGET, close your lights for an hour today, Saturday 28th March on 20:30, in the afternoon ( 8:30pm-9:30pm EST) and 'See your world in a whole new light'. It is a really important cause.


Friday, March 27, 2009


I love looking through the sale each month and grabbing the designer inspired items for a bargain. So if you like to collect like me, be sure to grab these babies while they are on sale. I've taken the time out of your hunt and posted some of the designer pieces here. Happy shopping.

(click to enlarge)


So here in the stardoll world, we have been seeing a lot of denim recently in the new stardoll trend of "limited clothing", but who did it better? Antidote or LE? I'm going to be focussing on the denim side of things rather than the rarity and price. Below are two pics of part of both collections. The approach towards denim is totally different from both stores.

The Limited Edition denim collection was released in mid February to coincide with Valentines Day. Within the collection we saw: over knee denim boots, a cute denim frill dress, a denim patchwork dress, denim bags and much much more. Designers used for inspiration for this collection ranged from Chanel to Asos to Marc Jacobs and boy weren't the clothes something! These clothes show the more sophisticated side of denim as well as the daring side, with items such as the cut out leotard and over knee boots. For me the denim blue wrap belt and denim frill dress were a must. They were cute, girly but sophisticated and to be honest I'm not much of a denim fan but these clothes changed my views slightly! The denim dresses were a quick sellout as were the cheap bags and belts with them. The collection was a success with the feminist feeling sweeping the starplaza and I think they were a hit! The LE collection was not centered wholely on denim but encorparated the pink red hearts theme too which was pulled off perfectly, the collection was well rounded and balanced but will it be enough to match ANTIDOTE. To find out stay tuned for part 2 in the DENIM THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN: LE v ANTIDOTE !

Thanks and Peace!

Feedback is appreiciated. These are just my views!
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