Hey, I am Roxanne Gonzalez (MissFoxyRoxy913), and I am a new writer here on Stardoll's Most Wanted! I am actually squealing like a little girl because for years I have been wanting to be a writer on this blog! Anyways, I will be hosting 2 different contests that can ultimately win you some awesome prizes! We are talking Superstar Memberships, Every single hotbuys of the month, stardollars, and free spots in future contests I hold!
Let's get to talking about these mystery contests that I will host!
Wheel of Fortune
This game will allow the first 20 people to claim a spot a chance to win some awesome prizes I previously mentioned above like ; Superstar Memberships, Stardollars, and Hotbuys. More will be explained in the first official Wheel of Fortune posts!
The next game is one I am excited for!
The Game of Luck is one that will take a few months to complete! In the beginning The Game of Luck will host a sign up, and whoever signs up in the specific amount of days we allow entries will have a chance to be apart of the Top 12-16 contestants.
When we have those final contestants I will randomly draw names via random name pickers. Whoever does NOT have their named picked will be eliminated. Each week only 1-2 people will not be picked.
Don't worry, if you get eliminated you will still get a prize. (They get better the farther you make it).
The last medoll standing however will get...
500sd (or a 3 month superstar code)
SO, now that you have read the gist of things, go on and sign up for the first cycle by commenting down below!
You MUST only enter 1 medoll
You MUST be an active member of SMW
Good Luck!