Sunday, June 11, 2017

New Floor of Velvet Orchid Review

I'm a little late on this one, guys and I'm so sorry about that. I've been quite swamped in studying. So, it's been a bit tight.

So as you know, Stardoll released a new floor of VO.
And some of you may know as well, that I'm such a fan of VO, so I was especially excited about this release.
As I could read, your favourite pieces are the transparent ones (jacket and skirt) and the Metallic Denim Skirt, which I can only agree to.

I also took the time to create two outfits.
One with the typical VO (/hey, almost OF) vibes (featuring the Sheer Mesh Shorts):

Another, that's a bit out of the typical for me (featuring the Metallic Denim Skirt):

The new Spectacular glasses look great with these outfits, no? ✨
(I made sure. ;))

How do you guys find these outfits? 
Are they something you could definitely see your doll wear?

Whitney ♥
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