Today is Eirisandersen/I'm overcome with emotion Birthday!
She is from Columbia, South America and has been a Stardoll member for over 6 years.
In her Presentation she says she is bad tempered, a little nuts and a friendly absent minded girl. That is GEMINI. Two different people!
In her rooms there always seems to be a party going with PALS spread around in each room. This doll is never lonely! Take a look below.
Shopping with Friends
Being serenaded by her Man!
Great closet with over 25 pages of SHOES! That is my kind of girl! Lots of lovely clothes also.
Eiris likes drawing and fashion and wants to be a writer and author.
This is another one of our very active members,
so please join me in wishing Eirisandersen a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
If you would like to visit her and leave a nice comment in her GUESTBOOK that would be very nice of you but not mandatory. Her link is below.
Eirisandersen Link: