Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Please remember: Scroll down to see all the latest posts and comps!

The new issue of Callie's picks has just been released and wow I see several items I thought would never hit the stores again! Wow! I don't know whether to be excited for those who don't have them or cry a bit because my lovely collection keeps dwindling in front of my eyes.

I can't remember off the bat where all of these are from, but I see some Mortal Kiss items, Migliukee, Philosphy, Cavalli and 2 of the Special Edition Limited Purses..
I was just looking at these purses yesterday wondering if they were worth anything! I guess Callie has ESP and sent me a sign to say NO. Ah well, since she is going to ruin our collections, I wish she's just go ahead and bring back Dkny or MKA RC so I can get those items I really wanted and never got the chance to get!

Also, correction it is the Migliukee store not Decade of the teen items. Thanks Brigitte for reminding me. How could I forget the big controvery surrounding that shop?! To read about it click HERE and HERE.  I am really surprised to see Stardoll would ever put them back in the shops considering they were stolen designs. What is Stardoll thinking? Do they think no one remembers? 

Here was the original store.

So, what do you think of this Callie's Pick? 


Inspired by Callie's 1 of a kind themed release. Create your best 1 of a kind look. Coordinate your look from head to toe (make up, hair etc..)

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~~Must include atleast 1 MAIN clothing item (NOT ACCESSORY) from this Callie's pick 
(Can use other items to complete your look).
~Take a screen print.
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~Post pic NOT link in GB 
~Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar), a member of my club Hotbuys_Bazaar and have regstered/signed in the chat box to enter comps.

Winner will receive $100SD. Non-superstars $100sd in gifts 

Last day to enter August 20th, 2014 midnight EST(New York time) 

More history lessons...

These were available from August 22, 2009 - August 27, 2009/. The original price of these 2 bags were $50sd. It was insinuated that these bags would never be sold again... 

Thanks to USD for the pics and history info
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