Thursday, August 28, 2014


(playlist created by Ms.Brigitte)

During the last few weeks, you've probably came across one of these videos in which people are dumping buckets of ice water on their heads. Maybe they made you laugh, maybe you haven't even played any of them, perhaps you thought it's just another trend across the internet. If you were interested enough to dig deeper, you've found out something way more meaningful and important than it seemed at first. You've learned more about ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that 30 000 people suffer from only in the US.

Today it's more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, as it ended the career of one of the most beloved baseball players. ALS is a neurodegenarative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Eventually brain is not able to control movement of muscles anymore, and as muscle activity is progersivly affected ALS can lead to being completely paralyzed, and it also affects breathing. Patients lose the ability to walk, talk or even breathe on their own.

Currently there is no known cure for ALS. As only 30 000 people suffer from it, large pharmaceutical companies are not investing billions of dollars to find a cure, as it would lead them to no profit. ALSA is an organization that fight ALS on every front and supports finding the cure. Thanks to the campaign and ice bucket challenge they made more than 88 million of dollars has been raised, comapred to the 2,6 million raised last year. What is even more important millions of people world wide have learned what ALS is.

We would like to show you one more video. It belongs to Anthony Carabal, a photographer who is diagnosed with ALS. First his grandmother, then his mother and finally him have been diagnosed. At the beginning, video starts funny as he dresses in a neon bikini and does the challenge, but then he explains what ALS is really like. Please, if you have time, watch his video. He'll explain how much all of this actually means to patients who are diagnosed with this disease and what their life is like, more truthworthly and better than we can.

We are aware that most of people use Stardoll and this blog for the purpose of fun, and that these kind of posts are not what you came for, and we are very sorry if this disturbed you in any way. We also thought that this was more than worth showing. Knowledge is the most precious treasure in this world, and even when we don't like what we learn, it makes us a better person.

Thank you for reading this artice,
- LadyAnneLena and Ms.Brigitte
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