In case you do not know there a a bunch of items in starplaza that are hidden. They are mostly older items that we can no longer see, but with the help of a blog called Underneath Stardoll..we can now buy them!
I found out about these awhile ago, but didn't have the chance to post them. Here are a few, but there are a ton more on the blog. Some things they get from the Stardoll Insiders, but a lot they find themselves.

Click HERE to get these:
You can also get LE in your dressing room! You can't buy them, but you can play around with them.
For LE collection 1 & other random things click HERE
For LE collection 2 click HERE
For LE collection 3 click HERE
For LE collection 4 click HERE
And for Antidote click HERE
Thanks to Stardoll Insiders for this information!