I know part 1 has not concluded yet, but several people have been wanting to send in their previews. So, I am opening this early and trying to expand on some of your questions.
Show us a preview (2-3 pieces):
Previews can be sent in starting today.
Read carefully as there are some changes.
I apologize for this but I am trying to accommodate some things I didn't initially consider.
For the preview you just need 2-3 pieces and 1 accessory. (Accessory must be either scarf or handbag for this round).
Please remember if you continue to the next round you must have a min of 5, max of 10 clothing items. A minimum of 3 accessories. While you can have as many of any type of Stardesign accessories as you like (to enhance your line) you can only include either 1 jewelry item OR 1 shoe item as a part of your mandatory 3 accessories.
Due by Aug 23, 2014
Example: M by Marcela
You will be submitting 2 pictures!
1. Take a picture of the items you created in Stardesign.
This way we know they are not photoshopped and created on Stardesign.
2. Submit your preview.
Comments are set to private so only the moderators can view them.
You do not have to buy the items if you don't want and it doesn't have to be fancy, however a little creativity in the way you present it can't hurt!
If you don't wish to buy them, simply take a pic of them after created in Stardesign. You can leave them as is or photo edit them on to mannequins.
Other Guidelines:
~You can use a photoshop (Paint, Gimp etc..) to help with presentation. However, you can NOT photo edit clothing positioning for preview.
~You can use ANY Stardoll mannequin in your displays. I will allow medoll mannequins if you remove the face etc..
~You can use items from Basics shop or other APPROVED PLAIN SOLID COLOR items to pair with your clothing. ou can also create plain items in Stardesign to pair with it. This is for presentation purposes only and will not be included as part of your collection.
For example: you can pair a basics or plain top with the Stardesign pants jeans or Stardesign top with jeans or plain pants etc.. These are not counted as a part of your line.
To get approval please post the items you would like to use below.
~ You can also use Non-Stardesign jewelry, belts and shoes ONLY for presentation purposes.
~Sceneries are also a good place to make your preview presentation more creative.
~You can create your items on another account, however please comment on that accounts presentation that it belongs to you.
~All designs must be created by you and can not be replicated from a real life designer. For example you can not recreate logo's like Gucci, Chanel, Hello Kitty etc..
~Please keep all designs until the end of the comp as they must be able to be sold.
Due by Aug 23, 2014
Best preview wins $100sd
We (Judges) will choose the top 10 previews to make it through to the final round.
This number may be more or less depending on the number of entries.
Any other questions ask in comments
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