Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tea with Lolita: Special Guest: writemarycat

These week's Guest at Tea with Lolita (TWL) is Mary, well known on Stardoll as writemarycat. She has made it big on Stardoll with her Eternity Magazine, 1 of the most viewed and liked Magazine by everyone on Stardoll. With this Interview we tried to know not only Mary of Stardoll but Mary in real Life, I hope you all Enjoy it.
Lolita: Hey, Mary and thanks once again for accepting to be here with me today.

Mary: Hello! Thank you too!

L: You are welcome, Tea with Lolita is a new Segment coming to Stardoll's Most Wanted and you are it's 1st VIP to be Invited, how do u feel about that?

M: I feel really honored! I mean, wow, this is Stardoll's most popular blog, and, in fact, being a VIP and the first one of them really means a lot! Thank you!

L: Thanks for you nice words, we know you have given a lot of Interviews about Eternity but Today after the Feb-March Issue, when you see all Issues do you think you really managed to bring something worthy to Stardoll?

M: I never think of that as something really legendary, but actually, a lot of people consider Eternity as something, what is literally typed into Stardoll's history. But I just did what I liked to, and it gave me a lot of some life and Photoshop experience, where from I decided to be a photographer and so into fashion. So I regret nothing, but wasting tons of time!

L: Will Eternity go on?

M: Not by me. I am putting all the effort into my career now. Since I stopped making Eternity, I've made a lot of real life money, not Stardollars! Haha :D

L: Before we ask you for your Real Life, can you give us a short comment about the Stardoll Romance between you and Chad (MadWorld)?

M: Ahaha, well, Chad actually isn't my Stardoll boyfriend, because I think it's nuts- to date online! We've met when he was taking an interview with me for CFOS, and his questions were really well-made, so I recognized the talent and a great sense of humor! That’s how we became friends, he is a fun guy.

L: How is Mary In real Life, is she edgy or sweet?

M: Me and friends have this "fruit classification" in our circle. Each one is some kind of fruit. I am a total Grapefruit. You know why? Because first I am bitter, then I am sweet. And sometimes both :) bittersweet Mary haha :D

L: Sounds Nice, I really find it a Creative Idea.

M: Thanks! :)

L: Is Mary more GaGa Girl or a Glam Girl?

M: Gaga and the Glam is often the same. That's how Glamour considers now. My outfits are glam, with some gaga sprinkle if talking so. But I am very own style. I wear what I like.

L: Yep, that is really true in fact; Does Mary prefer Coffee or Tea In real Life?

M: I prefer water. But when I am with my family, we have tea. If I am in the city or with friends, I take Coffee. I love taking Coffee out, when I have no time especially.

L: Same about me too, is Mary more attracted by the Pink or Beige Trends?

M:Beige!! Ahh, actually, or Sorbet colors, underwear trend, trenches and some military. I die for that.

L: Does Mary Prefers her Hair Curly, Wavy or Straight?

M: I always wear straight hair, well because... I can't make it wavy or curly, My hair is straight as a ruler, I am serious! :D But with volume, thank God.

L: From 0 to 10 how Important is Hair for Mary?

M: I would say 8.

L: Does Mary remembers her 1st days in Stardoll. if yes how were they?

M: It was very interesting, yet boring when I was a non-SS. But then, you had at least a chance to "survive" without paying. Later I've become a SS and started my way up on the social ladder.

L:Hard days for everyone, as you mentioned and we know your Passion is Photography, can you tell us more?

M: Well, I started to make it as a hobby 10 month ago, and completely fell in love. I knew what to do in Photoshop by that time, thanks to Eternity, and my first shoot was for my friend Anna. That was the same period when I decided whom I want to be in the future, and the answer was right there. Go into Fashion industry, making shots and be creative and inspired all the time, or do something what everyone does. But it's not me to follow-up the crowd, so I started to learn the camera, learn the costumers. Not i make better, yet not perfect, but I promise to get way high in this life. Vogue is my dream, and I follow my dreams :)

L: Yep, Eternity is a Proof of that, well Mary I want to Thank you again for this Exclusive, for letting us know more about the Real Mary here at Tea with Lolita.

M: Thanks! Loved the time :) I wish this blog everything of the best!

Look forward to seeing and learning more about Mary as she kicks off our 1st Celeb Blogger segment starting Monday!!!

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