I'm sure you all have heard that there were some delays and stuff with the March Freakshow Awards due mainly to Tyler's (Tylerisbold) granfather being ill. I just wanna first say that I am sorry for that and Tyler I hope he will be well soon!
We were honored to be asked to do the best dressed list for the March Freakshow Awards.
Photo by John2_el_Mejor
As you can see, it was a jungle theme. I am sorry I was not able to make it myself, but we looked through all the pictures from those who posted the links as instructed. There really were so many great outfits, but some of our judges and myself chose what we thought were the top 12.
They are:
These 2 were stunning and creative. I like how they thought outside of the box.
Manolo is always outlandishly stylish and Nicole has shown that even a jungle theme can be classically beautiful.
These 3 always make my best dressed list with their gorgeous suite shop creations. They are the Super 3. they never seem to disappoint.
All I can say is I love them. I think they are the picture of what I envisioned when I thought about the Jungle theme.
Me Tarzan, you Jane. ;) Don't you just love it? Simply creative.
So I hope you enjoyed our list. Who are your favorites?