Hello! :) My name is Mary, and you might know me by writemarycat on Stardoll. First, I would like to tell you more about myself, and then I will give you some tips on making it to the top of the Social Ladder of Stardoll.
This is me :)
I am a 17 years old Fashion Photographer (not a professional yet, but you can view some of my works on my blog from Lviv, Ukraine. It's Europe *hint* :)
Here are a few from a previous shoot.
Model: Irene von Dutch
Style: Irene von Dutch , Mary Semenchenko
Clothes: Victoria Selezniova, private stuff of Mary and Irene
Make Up: Mary Semenchenko
Photographer: Mary Semenchenko
Of course, I love fashion and I want to merge my whole life with that industry, no matter how rough it is. I am a dreamer, and I am sure that everything I want in the world I can get, if I really want it. That's how the life goes, and if you won't believe in yourself, no one will. I write more about it here, if you're interested.Style: Irene von Dutch , Mary Semenchenko
Clothes: Victoria Selezniova, private stuff of Mary and Irene
Make Up: Mary Semenchenko
Photographer: Mary Semenchenko
But back to black, most of you know my shy persona by the project, named "Eternity Magazine" and all the drama around me. Not a surprise a lot of people dislike me, because sometimes I really do notorious decisions to protect myself from haters. You can call me whatever, but I doubt I'll pay attention on rude people, who don't know me at all.
So, how did I got this all popularity? Paragraphs always work:
- Agree on the rules.
Social ladder is something you'll never change, you need to bear with. It was on since the very beginning of the World and until now, so just accept that Elites and Wannabes and Haters and all the other levels exist. Life is a game. You always start from a little and the get higher. Remember computer game "Need For Speed"? Well, you had a bad car, and when you're on the final of the game and you've made so much races, you have some Porsche Carrera GT. Same on Stardoll, same with life. - I was... bored.
The decision to make a good-old Eternity magazine came to me 1st of April, 2008. What a nice date, huh? :D It came to me because I was bored to hell and wanted to do something. I am always inspired to do new project, so that time my inspiration went that high, that I've made my first E mag issue without team for... 8 hours. At night. It was my first time using Photoshop ever, as well as blogger.com. And you complain that you can't do it alone, and "please, make graphics for me".- Improvement.
Of course, my graphics were very plain, (a little tip for the beginners: forget about blur :P) but I tried and I learned basics, I had tons of PS tutorials on my bookmarks, and I just sat and... did it, I had no idea to give up that easy. I was doing it, even if I never knew a lot about what I was doing. Just trying buttons, I learned all what I know now myself. If you won't work hard enough, you won't get anything!- Team & Connections.
Friend the right people. Everyone knows it, on the road on top, you need the right contacts. I was friends with a lot of "simple" people, not "elites" then, but we teamed up and made the magazine better with every issue! Don't go through this work alone, take the most talented and reliable people you know and make it better and faster, together. Also, you need to have some people from the media to get...
- Advertisement.
In my mind I still thank a girl named Marie aka babii-mariex on Stardoll. She was the first one to help me with ads, when she came up to me telling I was good at making E, and told me she will promote it in her two big clubs if I am helping her with something I don't really remember. Just remember us being great friends after that.Still, you need to ask. All the time. Every single media "hole" is your ticket way up. I asked a lot of people to feature us. Perez refused to do it twice. But third time it was my ticket :) Advertisement is an engine of sales! Remember that. Even if your project is not that good, you can be on top.
- Think About Publicity.
Well, let's face it. A lot of things I was doing , I've done on the purpose. A lot of people get worried when they are in feuds with someone, I only get cool and relax. I don't regret any drama of mines, because each of it made me more famous. So, when you have juice to split, do it gently and carefully, so you will win the thing.
- Don't Give Up
And don't stop trying. Once you failed, twice you failed... but there will be time when you will fly upon the sky :)I think I am done with telling you some (only some ;) tips on getting famous. As you understand, that's not about how to built a magazine, please consider any project under this statements! You can be famous for your friendly attitude, sense of style, projects. But the thing I'll ask you is to stay who you are, and be never ashamed of yourself. Don't change for some people, they are not worth it. Don't copy anyone.
Probably, that's the main key to success.
Thank you for reading!
You can add me as a friend on Stardoll or Skype (just ask for my Skype username) or if you want to get your project or yourself on top, just try my new "child" - Fashion Group. Here you can apply for some Fashion projects, including Eternity Magazine, or have your own one!
Have Fun! :)
Thanks to Smoothielove for the banner!