First I must say sorry for not being on. We have fios internet (suppose to be revolutionary lol) and were having problem with our wi-fi connection. Its still a bit slow, so if I'm off again..that's why.
Well, if you saw the previous post celebrating us reaching 2000 followers than you may have noticed the pictures some have sent in to congratulate us. This was started by Chase (Nojarama) and then K_e_o_s_h_a, Ewonline and Evaeclipse also sent in a pic. Here they are again.
Congrats from CHASE (Nojarama)
Congrats from K_e_o_s_h_a
Congrats from Ewonline
Congrats from Evaeclipse
I thought this was so cute and it gave me an idea for a comp.So....Send in your congratulations!
Take a pic with your camera or cell phone or whatever, upload it and post the link here in comments!
We will post it on the blog HERE and all of you will choose the best 1 in a poll Monday. The winner will get to co-host this month's Sparkle Awards and win $100sd.
Take a pic with your camera or cell phone or whatever, upload it and post the link here in comments!
We will post it on the blog HERE and all of you will choose the best 1 in a poll Monday. The winner will get to co-host this month's Sparkle Awards and win $100sd.
Picture must be sent in by Sunday April 25th.
You don't have to show your face, you can hide part of it or not show it at all if you like. Be creative and do whatever you like, but the more personal the better. :)
*Minimum entries guidelines apply
It was suppose to be a real pic, but I included it :)