Sunday, April 18, 2010


The HB's dress is out. Thanks Vintage-Glamour and Chicago3. I have to agree with the comments in chat..I don't really like this one. I'm not crazy about the RL version by Preen Line either, but its definitely better than the Stardoll version. Oh and the price is a bit high at $16sd. What do you think?
Dress by Preen Line (Credit HB Addicted)
Well if you decide to spend the $16 bucks, then tell me in GB if you are wearing it for the poll! Who knows..maybe you can change my mind:)


~The poll is about the hb, so it should be well seen.
~You must be a blog follower, club member and have registered in the chat box to enter. See rules above.
~It's basically first come, first serve so check to see if you see me say the poll has been closed before posting.

~ Try to save your doll in a room without too much clutter and if you use suite shop helps if the doll is the largest it can be and still see the entire doll. Thanks
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