Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hello, today im going to speak about how can a Non-Superstar can be a Superstar. Most of the members in Stardoll can't aford to be a Superstar. There is several ways to be a superstar i will explain some ideas that you can use:

1- Join Comps
There are several blogs and clubs that have comps that you can earn stardollares or codes, in Hotbuysbazaar you can see several blogs that have comps for example. You can also ask your friends if they know, look the brodcasts messages and dolls & games and Stardoll comps too. Try to join the most comps you can because if you join you can be the winner. If you don't join you won't win. To win a comp be creative, don't copy, be inspired you can search on the internet ideas to work with your own ideas. Don't give up, sometimes we can win and sometimes we don't. Most important have fun and meet new persons.

2- Use your Skils
Everyone can be good in something, you just need to work it. There so many things you can do, i will demonstrate some examples.

Presentations Adviser:
Everyone likes to have a good presentation on their pages, however many people don't know how to do it or have good taste. You can add on your presentation that you do creative and unique presentations. Have some examples to show. People like that, they look and want to have a good presentations, image is very important in nowdays. You just need to do the presentation on your page and then the persons copy and past to their presentations.

Decorate Adviser:
Some supertars don't know how to decorate their suites so you can win stardollars doing this, write on your presentation that you have good skils to decorate suites. Your presentation it's your visit card. To do this you can ask to the person to put on a room all the pieces of Suite shop that she has, ask what she wants, then you can do decorate a room, when you finished do a printscreen to show how you improve a room or several rooms. Even on a suitechat you can explain. You can advise which pieces of Suite Shop they should have or not.

Fashion Adviser:
We all like to see our dolls beautifull and fashion, but not all people know how to that, if you have good taste you can be a Fashion Adviser and help to buy the right pieces,and how to create a imppecable wardobre. Sometimes "Less is a Must" and some superstars don't know how to mix or create a fashion look.
We can't forget about make-up if you know how to do a beautifull make-up, do printscreens with several examples, go to Starplaza and use the make-up on your doll or use others dolls that have loads of make-up. You can also look on the internet the last trends in make-up and create amazing looks we all like to be gorgeous. You can help too with the perfect hair style it depends with several details, how is the the face, or the style of that person.

Party Host and Organize:
You can organize parties, using your gbook or even their guestbooks, you can create theames parties, create a playmusic with good music that helps people to relax and have fun. Ask your friends to help you in host the party. Have always creative ideas thats the most important and be unique.

Active Manager:
Some club owners need a active manager to help on the club, to do creative comps or topics to have the members interested on the club, you can earn stardollars doing this.

Album Designer:
There are beautifull albuns but some supertars dont know how to do it, you can have on your album some examples to show people and explain stage by stage how to have an amazing album.

Campaign Adviser:
You can help people to organize a good campaign to be a Covergirl, win a scenery or Album. To win it needs a lot of things. If you have good ideas, how to send the right brodcats messages, wht they must said on brodcasts messages, is very important, some words help and make people to vote. You also can help them to write on the presentation something that people read and vote.

If you write well there are many blogs that need good writers or Magazines, show how you write, look on the blogs, on dolls & games, ask people, friends, have some articles written by you to show. A blog or a Magazine to be good needs a good writer because readers will be interested in follower if they see interesting articles.

Designer Graphic:
If you know how to do good graphics, you can do banners and headers or Magazines pages, create several with diferent styles and backgrounds, many people don't know how to do it. Show them to people. Many people are always looking and pay good.

Don't forget to be unique, don't copy and believe in your self so people can believe too.
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