Today's Covergirl: ayansimba
Basic info:
Country: Britain Gender: F
My personal opinion (general):
I just want to say that I voted this girl yesterday and I'm happy she won she's been trying to win for few days now and I'm happy she got the badge!
she's been a member since 2006-07-06 and has 2770 Starpoints
Suite: 9/10 (I really like her suite, she has 9 opened rooms, the only problem is there are 2 empty rooms :/, but I must say I really like the decorated rooms she's creative for sure!)
Medoll: 8/10 (well I'm not a fan of that hairstyle but she pulled it off, but I have a problem with the flower, I just don't like it, extra points for the make-up though! :D)
Style: 9/10 (from the dress she's wearing I can tell she's stylish and that she can layer but I feel like something's missing, Idk what exactly :L)
Overall rating: 9/10 (could put more stuff in the empty rooms and take off that flower and everything will be fine!
CONGRATS to the covergirl I think she deserved it and I can tell she worked hard to win!
what do YOU think of this covergirl?
tell us in comments!
P.S: I'll try to write more about new stuff!