Monday, April 26, 2010


Hey Everyone! So today when I signed in I saw the following...

Immediately I became upset. Does this mean that DKNY will be gone from stardoll forever? I hope not, DKNY has always been one of my favorite shops, and stardoll always makes the clothing with such precision and outstanding graphics. I hope that stardoll is not breaking up with DKNY! What do you think this ad on the front page of stardoll is all about? Do you think DKNY is gone for good, or do you think stardoll simply means that only this collection will not be back?

Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comments!


Nikola said...

Well stardoll may prepares new s/s DKNY collection. If stardoll broke up with DKNY, that would be hilarious, and sad

MissLotsaSmiles said...

I hope it's just for a new season of it! (:

~Saku~ said...

I don't think so. Maybe they meant last time to buy this one.

Mihaela said...

That can`t be true.
I love DKNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nicole24-7 said...

I really hope they'll have another collection D:
Stardoll, stop being so misleading!

Mailgirl101 said...

Im probably gonna buy somethings,. :]

Haute said...

I think they are just getting rid of this collection and bringing in the spring collection! These clothes have been getting old.. how long do you think the sale will last though?

~Saku~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hope they don't get rid of DKNY!
It's the best brand on SD, except for Miss Sixty :P
I bet it's just for Spring Preparations...

~Saku~ said...

Most sales go on until the end of the month. Since it's DKNY don't know if it will be on longer. I hope so it may give others a chance to save up.^.^

briemae said...

I hope it doesn't go.... :*(

Sanam said...

Never thought of it this way,but now that u bring it up,out of the 3 years ive been on stardoll,i dnt think i hav seen a SINGLE SALE 4 dkny.perhaps this is farewell 2 the much-loved brand...?


Chicago3 said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love DKNY, but I cannot imagine them taking it from the store. they make so much money from people who buy DKNY from the shops, and DKNy gets publicity from it.... hmmm..Maybe they want us to think that DKNY will be gone?

Kirbybabey said...

I have been looking forward to the new DKNY after seeing that on the front page, and now it might be going forever !!!! :O:O :(:(
R.I.P DKNY :'(

FatimaaaaaL said...

Probaly gone forever cuz when ever somethings going away for good, stardoll puts a sale. :(|


Someone said...

I think it just means they need to upgrade their shop and add more DKNY , as i know their new collection was released a month ago..or am i wrong?

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I didn't think of it that way, but now that I see it the use of the words Farewell sale. Last chance to get Dkny...kinda sounds final to me. Especially since Stardoll has never done this before when just clearing out for a new collection. hmmm

iArmanda said...

Farewell ?? Last Chance ??
i hope not , but ... i think it is......!!!!!!! :(:(:(

Estelle (clubklo) said...

I Hope That`s Not The Case,
But As The Prices Are So..Low,I Think This Might Be The Last DKNY Collection..D=

Anonymous said...

I was searching for a DKNY pic for my club and I was looking tru them all and one popped up it has DKNY in the background and in writing it said: Spring/Summer Collection coming to Stardoll soon!
Or something on thr lines of that so fingers crossed X

Okrunio said...

saddly, but every new collection was uglier than the previous one, only 1st and 2nd edition were nice and rare, so who cares, though

jamie793 said...

:O I hope not...

caiticat08 said...

There actually was a dkny sale once... it was for the yellow,black and white collection remember?

Unknown said...

NO! If it leaves i will sink into virtual shop depression!
xoxo and tears,

Wenqi said...

wow i hope not!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I would dieeee if DKNY left SD for good! ;(

Lia Jeanine / liajm said...

I think They're just getting rid of them for a new collection....The wording is a little funny, but stardoll has been with DKNY for YEARS! If they do have a new collection I am very excited to see it come out!!

SummerKiss_24 said...

I think its going to be gone for good.. or so it seems :(

lady__gagaa said...

i hope there will be another collection, but "last chance"? it seems like it will be gone forever :/


Anonymous said...

If Stardoll removes DKNY forever, I'm going to be depressed, and I will write to them.

Vintage-Glamour said...

God save DKNY!

Broke Girl said...

i hope they're just closing it for new collection/season. or if they do take dkny out, i seriously wish they put a new store like chanel, or juicy couture. i'd be really HAPPY!

- said...

I think that Stardoll means only these collections. I still think this. DKNY is one of the glamourous and old brands forever on Stardoll and so many collectors are paying lots of their real money for it.

Anonymous said...

Naaah, it always says that. It just means bye bye to this collection, not DKNY.

Samantha Tyler said...

It's time for Summer season I think !

Waveo said...

It would be very pity, but I really hope that Stardoll delete DKNY from the Starplaza!!!

whitney333 said...

I was first thinking just new collection . But now when you say it like this :S

Melissakuh said...

Wow. I never thought about it like that. I thought they were refering to this collection. And I really hope they are.
If they would delete DKNY from Stardoll, that would be very stupid, because it sells a lot and they make a lot of money with it.
If they delete it, I really hope they will replace it with at least something equal!

Cherri Blossom said...

if stardoll does say goodbye to DKNY mabey there will be a new brand hopefully but this will make dkny even more rare!!

Pandora J ♥ said...

I hope there's new season going to be out soon,but it sounds more like farewell forever to DKNY :S


Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

DKNY thought that stardoll can help in selling they products in real life, i guess it was so wrong and now they closed the shop forever.
Well it's just my opinion.

Unknown said...

No! I love DKNY and I don't want it to be gone! I especially love the lastest season, there is so much wonderful clothes :/

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel :]

NoNo .. I think that is the last chance for buy this last collection of DKNY ... Well I hope :)


Anonymous said...

I went hysterical 'coz of your title :O
omg, huh, I have calmed down now...

I really hope it's just saying that it's our last chance to buy that collection ;)
But ... nobody knows :O (except Stardoll ofc lol) !

chococat85 said...

i hope not! that would be so sad :(

dieBrInI06 said...

How can Stardoll close DKNY?? It's one ofthe best shops and many people really love the store (including me).

Anonymous said...

i think they wont be gone forever...
they may be releasing the new DKNY spring summer collection...

Anónimo said...

i don't think so! but if yes, it's no prob for me

Ruth said...


I loved DKNY, it was one of best shops here.
And I love it also in real life :DD

I really hope they just are getting rid of this collection as for place for new one :S

Evita.Sweet said...

It is sad to hear, i hope it is just this collection, but i am not sure.

Anonymous said...

There won't be another DKNY collection on Stardoll, because Donna Karan said it's not bringing any money to her brand from DKNY being on Sd.

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

its probably just an end of month sale. stardoll usually have one at the end of each month. Fabfashionist.Ox is wrong about there never ever been DKNY sales. There are. they are usually half price, and not very often, but these prices are FANTASTIC, better than usual. i really hope DKNY does not go thouhg. If it isn't, SD's front page is very misleading!

Anonymous said...

Did you know anitode is coming back when DKNY leaves! I cant wait but farewell DKNY

Lettie97 said...

It's kinda sad... I'll miss it. <3

I remember when the first collection came out. I joined Stardoll a few months before and when it did I thought they were gorgeous but they were really expensive at the time so didn't buy any. I nearly did though, I was so stupid to have not to. A few months after I left Stardoll and when I came back there was a huge craze over them - everyone wanted them!

The collections after the first got worse and worse though. Nothing will ever beat the first.

I hope that DKNY doesn't leave because I love the brand. If it does though, I hope Stardoll gives away some of the old collection or does something to say farewell (apart from the sale).

Lettie97 said...

Add on to my comment:

DKNY is great also because for those of us that aren't rich in real life, we have a chance to buy it.

RihannyX said...

I hope this isn't The complete end of DKNY on sd...
Because the clothes are just so beautiful and somehow dkny has grown to be a big thing in sd history, heh.
I just hope that by that they meant that this collection is over and that a new collection is comming..
I guess we'll just have to wait.

lili3y said...

O.M.G :(

Prtty Girl said...

Hope Not!

Unknown said...

I hope it means just end of the season!

l0nelly said...

I don't think so


cookie9988 said...

I hope that that advertisiment just means that it is the end of season sale.. :(

Lea said...

I hope DKNY out the new outfit again..

Paulinaa. said...

I think it's not for ever. I cna't be.
I mean lot's of people buy DKNY and it's good for stardoll. :]

~Saku~ said...

Lettie97 I did and felt the same way too. I got a few then left, and even miss out on buying dkny later.

Unknown said...

They're all half price. i have to say im abut 50% glad because all it does in future comes up with huge expensive prices and people bid. More bidding means more scammers. Mosre scammers means Stardoll getting annoyed and probobaly doing something else to annoy us.
Although they do have some incredibly unique designs i think I have had quite enough of Slappy Scammers and Hundreds or thousands of stardollars being bid on just 1 dkny item even though in shops it used to be about... 7 x

No-one in particular said...

No way ;o

Winniegirl123 said...

Whenever I saw it I thought it was bye bye to DKNY but in a club the owner had wrote DKNY on Sale so that mean's new season! I hope that DKNY doesn't disappear! I'm Winniegirl123 on stardoll! Add me!

_funnyprincess_ said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Stardoll is probably the best shop in Starplaza. I would love to see a new collection, now that I got all the items from the this one.

Niki said...

Stardoll Might Have Not Broken up with Dkny its the most wanted Brand
They Might Bring Bk even better cause there has been word of it

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