Friday, April 9, 2010


Hey Everyone, My first thought was to not post this because of what happened last time, but I'm not going to let a few ignorant people stop me from helping friends.

Poohg_1993 was hacked recently. Unfortunately, some of the people who bought her items refuse to give them back. Even though they knew she was being hacked..which is very dishonest and selfish of them. I hate when people profit from someone else's misfortune.

Anyway, she has the links to her bazaar pages on presentation showing what was taken and who bought them. She asked me to post this and if anyone has extras that they could donate or sell cheaply...please contact her. As usual Stardoll has refused to help.

So PLEASE stop by and take a look. 
Click HERE to go to her page! 
I will not be doing this all the time, but I felt compelled in this situation.


nicole24-7 said...

Oh my gosh. That's terrible :(
How could someone do something so mean? From what I knew about her, she was really nice...I really hope she gets her items back :|

SummerKiss_24 said...

omg. this is so sad! i looked at her presentation and she lost ALOT of rares! I would be devastated. Well, I hope she gets her stuff back from the people who bought them.. :(

lifegirl1997 said...

Aw I'm very sorry of what happend to Mandy!!! She is a very sweet and wonderful person! :( I can't bieve there is people like that this days....

filipinhamaria said...

I hate hackers n Jenna u did the right thing in warning us, the person who did this is really mean, all hackers and scmmers should be banned from stardoll. The persons tht bought her clothes should give them back n be ashame i hope she gets back everything.

Someone said...

Hackers are always greedy , and they are usualy people which have everything but they dont want the others to im so sorry for her we're all with her and we will help so.

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

omg! what kind of people would do that and i mean the people who wont give the rare back are worse..its so sad :(
i hope she gets most of them back...

No-one in particular said...

Oh no ;o
I hope she gets her account back ;(

Cherri Blossom said...

why do ppl do this... :( its so horrrible what kind of person they really are.:(
when i got hacked ppl bought clothes from me and never gave them back no matter how nicley i asked them..

Broke Girl said...

i hate hackers! i really do. but i don't like mandy or whatever her name is. yeah i said it. i think she's an attention seeker. i do hate people who hack and doesn't give a cr*P about others. people PAY TONS OF REAL MONEY to be on stardoll and for some people to hack someone is just plain MEAN and heartless. even if i don't like mandy or whats her face i don't think that it is right for her to be hacked! hackers and scammers are LOW LIFES!

whitney333 said...

I think i know who hacked her :O
Owner of BurnSuprise . Account is deleted now , but she bought atleast 30 items (including masquarade couture dress (from mcqueen) for 3sd :O ) She must to get all items to her main account . Stardoll must to have write that somewhere down :S But like always stardoll doesn't care :S

BershkaGirl601 said...

That has just happened to one of my best friends in stardoll, she was Ms.CalypsoS4Z, some kind of beast hacked her, and now she is trying to get her gorgeus account back.
At the moment she is using HelpMeIWsHacked

RihannyX said...

That is so horrible!
She must been really sad and angry.
BurnSuprise was the one who bought most of the rare items..
I hope people will realise that not returning the stuff is unffair and bad, and that they Will return her stuff.

Ruth said...

Mandy is my one of my best friends on stardoll :[
I was shocked when I heard from her other bffs that she was hacked, it's just awful, that all her sellable rares are sold :S
She paid thousands for them but that person sold them out for cheap :S
Also hacker had sent some mean messages to people - they started to think that Mandy hates them :S

But well at least she has got now her account back :S

The most terrible thing in this fact is that she hadn't give anyone her pass or used proxies or any sites.
That means the person who hacked her must have a special program which means - anyone can be the next :S

Stardoll should be made a safer :P Too bad that stardoll staff doesn't care about hackers&scammers :[

Evita.Sweet said...

That is horrible, she has payed so much money and it took her so much time for collecting them and people dont care like they dont have heart.

Kirbybabey said...

Yeah, i heard, and now shes thinking of leaving, i wish i could do something for her, but i cant really =/
The person whoo bought most of her rares has been deleted, so theyre lost forever, poor mandy :(

Miss M said...

That's so mean! I hope she gets all her rares back...I mean, she had a lot! And Jenna, don't let things which stupid people say put you down; it's your blog, so you should post what you want, when you want.


Charlotte said...

She stole all of her rares or got them very unfairly anyway. Karma, I guess.

Anonymous said...

She is bitch anyway!
But this should not have happend

sahar-star said...

she lost A LOT of rares
that's horrible!

sahar-star said...

that happened to me too
but luckily I didn't lose my rares
I just don't know how they got into my account!
something must be done to stop this hacking thing!

Unknown said...

I am very glad that you posted this. She is a very nice girl and deserves her rares back. I have been through the horrible experience of losing every single piece of Holiday DKNY, and though i haven't gotten any back, i think she should because it will be a great day when all who have been hacked get their clothing back.

giomisso said...

Oh. I'm so sorry for her! I hope she gets her stuff back very soon!
Why are people so obsessed with rares and scamming!? :S

Pandora J ♥ said...

That's terrible :S And I don't understand that people don't want to give back stuff that was sold because her acc was hacked :SS Is it sooo important to have that pretty clothes? Or to be a good person...
I could never do that,omg.


Pandora J ♥ said...

OMG I just sow what clothes she lost! OH MY GOD. LIKE,THAT'S EVERYTHING!!! And I see repeatedly those names ^Imanaya^ and BurnSuprise! :S I can't believe it,I really can't,this is very shocking,they bought ALL DKNY and LE,and HB's and Stardoll didn't even try to help! I'm sooo sorry to see that kind of heartless people :(


Olivia- 2peicesofcandy1 said...

I have the LE black/ yellow dress and I will GLADLY give it to her for just one stardollar.
Please let her know as her gb is closed!
I hope she has good luck getting her items back and I will do a little work to try and get some items back for her

Anonymous said...

Yeah I am her friend and I was so sad when I heard the news!
When and if I become ss i will donate kiss logo satchel to her!

Fifi-Jayne said...

I can't believe that, she's so nice! She is manager of my club and has helped with getting more member and everything, She had so many rares!
I don't think I can help with the rares, but I could maybe give her a code when I get my phone topped up.

Chicago3 said...

Oh no, that is HORRIBLE! If people hack on a virtual site and refuse to give back the items they took, they are going to be just as bad in real life! People need to have hearts and stop being so cold. I really hope she gets her stuff back and the hacker will get deleted from Stardoll!

Mailgirl101 said...

Why so many heartless people on stardoll are?
I'm sure they are going to pay for what they've done! :(

Anonymous said...

if i would had you jenna when that happened to me i would have lived it through so much better :( you're a very good person :)

chococat85 said...

i hate scammers and hackers and am very sorry for your loss. how did this happen? did you reveal your password? hope ypu get your items back soon!

Rab92 said...

Shame, I Hope She Gets All Of Her Things Back! Because There`s No Need For Hacking.
Hackers Should Automaticlly Be Removed From Stardoll.


daisy-croatia said...

That's terrible!
I looked at all the rares
which were sold for very cheap.
I decide to help her by contacting
everyone who bought those items.
But the thing is that most
of the people who bought those items
got deleted. =(
Or, th ones who weren't closed their
guestbooks and don't accept any requests.
I also noticed that the girl who bought
the most rares got deleted. Yes, that's right. So, are poohg_1993's rares lost forever?

I contacted all the people whose guestbooks were opened to get all the rares back.

Anónimo said...

some ppl are really mean! i was hacked onceand then i have to bought the items for the double if the price!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Thats awful! She was such a nice person, why would someone do that to her? And I hope everyone who bought one of her items gives them back(Even though sadly that won't happen) But I am going to offer her my LE tube top for cheap, as it is like one of the only items I have to give her.

Nathalie/x-princess_N-x said...

i feel so sorry for her.
What a sick thing to do.
People who do pathetic things like that have no life whatsoever.
I hope they go to hell.

Abigail [: said...

Oh my gosh... Why are so many people on Stardoll getting hacked? I also agree with filipinhamaria... Scammers and hackers are going waay too far... >:[

Anonymous said...

BUT then again- from the screenshots you can see, that she has over 1600 sds,! when I got scammed i didn't have any sds and i wasn't able to buy more, and she's asking ppl to give her back those items or 2 sd! i'd say that it isn't fair to others, who have gotten scammed, :S


l0nelly said...

I hate hackers
they are monsters :|

Eva said...

Omg I feel sooo sorry for her :/ Let's hope she'll get her items back..

bellissimasara said...

if u look at the items sold, ALL OF THE RARE ONES (LE, RC and DKNY) were bought by this girl burnsuprise and if u want to visit her, you cant, and why is that?
that was poohg_1993's other account (obviosly) and after she bought them with the account burnsuprise she transfered her rares to her original account poohg1993 and SHE DELETED burnsuprise!

JessicaVianaზ' said...

About a girl, in the pics, a girl called BurnSuprise bought a LOT of things, but i was looking for her and i can't find her.. :s

lady__gagaa said...

that's very sad, i hate hackers!

mcfly_is_hot said...

Poor thing, I know how it feels. :(

the2glams said...

That suks even though I don't even know her that much ...well ppl r just awful and obviously they arnt going to give her rares back so if I was her I would call stardoll and try to make them understand this situation because that's the only way she will get her rares back. I'm pretty sure she won't get her rares back by asking ppl to donate their rares to her...

Lea said...

OMG, it's terrible.. And I'm very sad about this, I hope you will find the person who hacked you.

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

I'm so sorry for her... :( I've visited her suit and its awful how pp can do that horrible things!!
I don't understand why stardoll don't cares about that...

CorkyH said...

Thata a disgrace, those hackers should be ashamed of themselves!

And that poor girl, said she was gonna leave in a few days!

What a shame =[

Karluee_haha said...

That is so terrible.I hate selfish people.Gossh they should go get a life instead of hacking.

Unknown said...

I'm very sorry. I hope she gets back everything. Once someone done that to me too :/

Anonymous said...

It's not the end of the world; It's a virtual game - Yer she probably paid real money for that, but when she trades uses real money to get stuff and Accepts random people and or give out your information. What can you expect? to be safe. there are serious people out there that do those things and by being a popular "stardoll" shes targeted a lot. It's happened to her a lot. Like I'd just stop wasting my time to try and herself back to the top whens she going to get dragged down again and again and again....

poohg_1993 said...

To everyone putting me on BLAST in this post, get over yourselves. This was the first time i had ever been hacked before. Everything rare i had was stolen, all of my stardollars i paid for were taken. THAT IS STEALING. I paid real money for it, and it was all stolen. Sure, it's a virtual game, but real money was taken. If i didn't pay real money on Stardoll, i can see why you would all say "big deal you stupid bitch, get over yourself" but in THIS situation, shut the fuck up. No, i didn't "hack myself" or PRETEND to be hacked. There was a legitimate hack going on. After i was hacked, tons of people were, so think twice before accusing me of faking it. I didn't ask people to give me their stuff, did i? No, i asked for HELP. And ONE person was kind enough to tell me how to get everything back. No thanks to all of you selfish bitches putting me on blast here :) So go fuck yourselves.

Jenna...sorry for the language and thanks again for posting this for me when i was hacked.

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