Friday, April 9, 2010


There will be a new Live chat with a group called Play. I'm not too familiar with them, but they are a Swedish group that use to open for Destiny's child and are now re-forming. So what do you think of Play and will you be attending the chat? It's the same day as the Sparkle Awards!

Thanks Gothribbon, Kashka_luv and Evaeclipse for the tip.


Princesskeyera/Keyera said...

I will be there. HAHA. You have to ask questions a 1-2 hours early to have your questions asked

Melissakuh said...

I don't know them. So I won't be there, I think. I prefer doing other things on the net.

Evita.Sweet said...

Never heard about them. I wont go there.

l0nelly said...

I don't know them :|

but I will be there to see :)

thanx for telling us

Mailgirl101 said...

I always send questions, but they never answer. I guess I wont really waste time. :)

Tiina--- said...

I haven't heard of them :P

RihannyX said...

I never heard of them, so i probably won't attend.

Pandora J ♥ said...

I've never heard of them...So I won't be there >.<


Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

I've heard a little bit about them, their music is ok, but I think in the past the group has had alot of problems, something big must've happened to get them back together.

AbiiBabeh..x said...

I will ask early. Then I can attend Sparkle Awards. Also Manolo's idea will be ace!

Someone said...

hehe i hate those chat things they never answer my questions ...

Fifi-Jayne said...

I don't know them. D:

wwediva224 said...

Dont even know them..

whitney333 said...

Never heard of them :)

Eva said...

I've heard of them before. I liked them quite a lot :] But I don't really like a fan of them... So I won't be wasting my time by sending them questions that're gonna remain unanswered lol :D

Kirbybabey said...

Never heard of them.
I dont like live chats, they never post my questions =/

Abigail [: said...

idk who they are... never heard of them... :/

Anonymous said...

not really interested... so i don't know,
but i might be reading the chat the next day ;)

smoothielove said...

I might ask something, they're kinda famous in sweden now since they were on a tv-show called 'Made in Sweden' together with the jury from the swedish version of Idol.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ha! I've heard of them. They were...alright. My best friend loved them, actually. There were more than 3 girls at the time. They rosed to fame, I believe, when I was like 10 years old, which by now would be 6-7 years ago. They broke apart and they had like 5 or 6 members in total but not anymore. I guess it's just the three of them. I'll tell you now, they're vocally very good singers. You know, better than those Disney people. I'm not into their music, but as said, they sing well. Obviously, Stardoll is going to make dolls or invite them because they're from Sweden.

BershkaGirl601 said...


Rab92 said...

I Won`t Be There.
Last Time I Waited Up All Night, Sent My Question & Didn`t Get A Reply. So I`ll Not Waste My Time With Them Silly 'Chats' Again.

Chicago3 said...

Never heard of them...I hve been to these chat things and it is a waste of time, so I am skipping out on this

nicole24-7 said...

I doubt I'll be there :p
I've never even heard of them haha :o

Anónimo said...

I haven't heard of them

lady__gagaa said...

i don't think i'll attend the chat. first, i'm not attending chats often, and second, i don't even know who these girls are! i don't know what can i ask them even if i had the chance xD

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

i cbb to go to these chats :/
i didnt even know them :P

No-one in particular said...

I don't know them so I won't be going =/

No-one in particular said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cherri Blossom said...

cool i like live chats but i have never hear of PLAY before ..

Ruth said...

I think I won't be there.
Haven't heard of those girls [:

Daisy April Smith said...

Haa, never heard of them(:
I miqht qo on chat thouqh x]

Anonymous said...

Never heard of play O.o
Lol(: I never really attend live chats!

Mihaela said...

I won`t be there.

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

Who are that girls? Lol!! I saw that few days ago.. I've never been on that kind of live chats so I guess I won't be this time.. :S

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