Sunday, April 18, 2010


The HB's dress is out. Thanks Vintage-Glamour and Chicago3. I have to agree with the comments in chat..I don't really like this one. I'm not crazy about the RL version by Preen Line either, but its definitely better than the Stardoll version. Oh and the price is a bit high at $16sd. What do you think?
Dress by Preen Line (Credit HB Addicted)
Well if you decide to spend the $16 bucks, then tell me in GB if you are wearing it for the poll! Who knows..maybe you can change my mind:)


~The poll is about the hb, so it should be well seen.
~You must be a blog follower, club member and have registered in the chat box to enter. See rules above.
~It's basically first come, first serve so check to see if you see me say the poll has been closed before posting.

~ Try to save your doll in a room without too much clutter and if you use suite shop helps if the doll is the largest it can be and still see the entire doll. Thanks


FatimaaaaaL said...

I dont like either version, stardoll could have done a better job.


lady__gagaa said...

i don't like it. the real version is nothing special, too. and yeah, it's a bit expencive.


HazeBlueBaby said...

Yes it is too pricey:P this month's other HBs dress is way better :P

Anonymous said...

I like the real version better :D
I am wearing it, like I said in your GB. It was an OK one, I thought it could have been more lacy.

jamie793 said...

Looks alright(:
Doesn`t look like the real version much though :/

Vintage-Glamour said...

Its so ugly. Omg worst HB to date.

SummerKiss_24 said...

I dont like this dress at all, I still stardoll is crazzy for selling it for 16! wayy to expensive!!

reira422 said...

I don't like this color...
The original looks better. At least it doesn't have unattractive circles all over :p

nicole24-7 said...

Not gonna buy it :/
16 dollars is too much for this :s
It's really strange looking, and it would have looked better without polka dots :p

Wenqi said...

i dont think is is worth $16 maby $10 max

Someone said...

You know what it doesn't even worth buying , if you want to spend your money on empty cans then you're totally going to buy this..

Cam said...

It looks like there's a bra in the middle of the dress.

Zerobeth said...

One of the ugliest HBs ever!
RL one is much better, even its color is softer..
Stardoll did a horrible work on this one & as if this wasn't enough they overpriced it LOL

I don't think that overpricing is irrelevant. People tend to believe that if something is expensive it's good! So, it will sell more if it's overpriced.

Cherri Blossom said...

yeah this dress is really ugly both stardoll and the RL i wouldnt buy it..

Nikola said...

My doll's wearing it anyway... lol


whitney333 said...

Don't like it :S

cookie9988 said...

I definitely don't like this dress!

Ieva said...
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Maddi said...

Eww, Thats one HB im not buying, and its 16sd, Thats not exactly going to be a top seller.

Anonymous said...

I am not gonna spend 16 sd on that! oogleh

Teo / Botsy_pink said...

OMG ! that dress is horibble..i don;t like it


Guavatastic said...

It looks like a pink slice of sponge with a bikini top over.

It has holes FFS :[

Melissakuh said...

I don't like it! The colour is all wrong and it's look very tacky! And the price makes it even less attractive!
I notice that these month HB are really not good, and at the beginning of the month I said I liked almost everything. I guess not!

sahar-star said...

ew :L

Anonymous said...

the color and shape make me want to puke :S

Alice said...

In real life it looks muuuch better :S i would never buy it in stardoll :0

beckieface said...

i bought it, but only because i seem to be on a hotbuys buying spree xD

Mihaela said...

Prize is too high.The dress is not pretty.I don`t like it.I won`t buy it.

Anonymous said...

definetly NOT! I really don't like it.And sure, like you said neither the real version is cute [-(

Leia1810 said...

I love it.. but price? :o
I am brokee so I guess I wont be wearing it..
I will let you know if I buy it ;]

Anonymous said...

I was buying, because I collect HB.

PS: it's better without the peas.

Gosia said...

i like :)

Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

Ugly dress. Not buying.

Evita.Sweet said...

Um, i dont like it either. It is wast of money, in my openion, but, i think that there will be some people who will do it in nice way.

Mailgirl101 said...

It's nice but super-expansive. -.-

Unknown said...


Pandora J ♥ said...

I love it! I mean,in Stardoll version :D But the RL version is überugly xD I'm going to buy it ofc,I couldn't wait for this dress! [But it costs a bit too much]


Tiina--- said...

I don't like the RL version and the SD one is just tastless ;p sory x

Cali_Beauty said...

They are both ugly. And, 16SD???!?! ARE THEY CRAZY!?

Anonymous said...

it's the most horrible thing i've ever seen ! ok, it's not that bad, it looks still awful though :S

HELLO_K1TTY said...

It is overpriced and not very fab -.-'
But I kinda like the irl version :)

l0nelly said...

the color is very bad
anyhow i'm gonna try it


chococat85 said...

well, i think stardoll version is better :))

Miss M said...

I bought it...Idk if its a waste of money...just like collecting HB's...and its pink! lol

Kirbybabey said...

I hate the colour!
But the style is nice :)
I wont be buying though.

Rab92 said...

I Don`t Like It Either, I Thought Maybe The Real Version Would Be Nice, But Seeing Both Versions I Prefer Stardolls.


Eva said...
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Eva said...


Haha, I can't help myself.

Anónimo said...

i don't like the stardoll version, awful colour!!!

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

RL version looks better... but I will buy it, I kinda like it... :P So I will try to do an outfit...

TaraBeara said...

Not to crazy about them
but if the price was lower I might buy them.

Flavia. said...

I will not buy is expensive, ugly and not my style

Unknown said...

I don't like them that much, but it's cute! I'm going to wear it for the poll :)

Nathalie/x-princess_N-x said...

Ugh, I think It's really ...
And on, It looks even worse.
They should have made it look better.
and cheaper!

Miss_Tascha said...

i don´t like it ^^
and it´s too expensive
the colour is really terrible ^^

Chicago3 said...

I love the color, but not so much the dress. I like how it has holes and you can add things to it, but the top part is hideous! I bought it, hopefully I win the poll so it pays for itself LOL :)

CorkyH said...

Well Im wearing it, so it must be hot, right??

Lol only messing

Luvin the pink, hating the cut

Gracieux said...

I think I just accidentally had to vomit a little in my mouth after seeing that.

That's just ridonk-a-donk ~ in real life, on stardoll, the price. Gah!

Ooglefish said...

Do not like the style of this dress at all! The real life version isn't much better either.

katieLove1 said...

the dress is not my favorite but it is in a great color for this year- hot pink is very in.

hco-hottie23 said...
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Samantha Tyler said...

Horrible !!! Not buying it but I saw some people wearing it with style though.

Julie. said...

It`s a bit expensive...and not so great

No-one in particular said...

It's...alrite ;D

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