Saturday, April 17, 2010


There are free Earthday earrings. Thanks to HilaryMad2659 and Pwincesssara for letting us know. If you are not from Poland you must use a proxy to get them...which I'll pass on since its not anything really great , but some of you may want to. So here is the info from Hilary posted in TSI.

To get the free earrings…
If you are from Poland then go to and complete the quiz!
If you are not from Poland..
1) Use a Polish manual proxy or a proxy server such as:
2) Paste into the blank URL box.
3) Log into Stardoll.
4) Then.. either fill out the quiz (the answers don’t have to be correct!..) or change the link in the URL box (which will now be in the top left of the page..) to:
5) Turn off the proxy or close down the proxy site and go back to normal Stardoll


l0nelly said...

ooh thanks

I'm gonna get it


wwediva224 said...

I think ill pass.

HilaryMad2659 said...

I didn't really like them that much either.. but they're in Splendid for 4sd so at least that's 4sd saved. And I had to test it before I posted on TSI anyway so I got them then xP

Chicago3 said...

Cool, I think I will get them :D

Miss M said...

I got them, and you save $4sd from Splendid! Lol XP They're OK, but Idk if I will wear them.

nicole24-7 said...

They look so weird :p
I'll get them, but probably never wear them... haha

Whoever that is modeling the earring has really cute makeup on by the way! haha :)

Mailgirl101 said...

These are on splendid, also.
But I think I'll pass.

Pandora J ♥ said...

Thanks! Well,we saved at least 4 Stds ;D


Kirbybabey said...

Thanks !! :)

Anónimo said...

tks! but i don't want them!

Rab92 said...

Thanks, But No Thanks, I`ll Give It A Miss This Time. It`s Nothing Major.


Tiina--- said...

Cool, mabye I will get'em :)

jamie793 said...

Pass :]
Idk if proxies are safe :L

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...


FatimaaaaaL said...

thanx!! they dont look good, but ill still be getting them.


dieBrInI06 said...

thanks ^^

Anonymous said...

Thank you (although I new it before :P)

Anonymous said...

Recently a girl named winnie has left stardoll because of a video a girl made making fun of her.After waching this video i realized that it was lila from the stardoll freakshow.Im Still not shure if it is her but it does look alot like her.

Cherri Blossom said...


Anonymous said...

renesmeeblack19 ; Lila left stardoll today D:

Mihaela said...

Thanks.But,I don`t like them :S

cookie9988 said...

Thanks, but i don't really like them and probably wont get them

Someone said...

Thanks , but it looks very bad btw.

Caroline said...

Thanks, but I don't think I'd wear them so I won't bother. :|

whitney333 said...

Hahah i don't like them very much either , but i got them anyway

Lea said...

Thank u, I got them..

Clairepop said...

Great! Ill try to get it!

Saf.Rawrr. said...

Hmm... I might get them.
I just don't like going on proxy sites.

Ruth said...

I got them,
but I don't really like them :D

Anyway - I can't understand WHY stardoll can't make a new earrings? Why they need to give-away ones that are in Splendid already? :S
Stardoll should work more on new items :S

Nikola said...

I'll get them, but I'll probbly never use them...!

Allan991 /// Nikola

Leia1810 said...

I already own them xD
I have no idea why I bought them..
: /

lady__gagaa said...

thnx, i got them. imo, they're not bad, maybe i'll wear them sometimes :)

Evita.Sweet said...

:D Thanks for telling!

BershkaGirl601 said...

If they're free I'll get them:)

Unknown said...

Hum... I don't like them :P

Anonymous said...

don't like 'em , but thanks :)

Wenqi said...

i got them thx!

Melissakuh said...

Thanks, but won't get it. Not safe with the proxies.

TaraBeara said...

Thanks for posting this!!

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

Ugly earrings... are them re-released?

katieLove1 said...

i feel like theese have been out before

No-one in particular said...

I don't reli like them..=/

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