Friday, April 30, 2010

Covergirl catastrophe

So, you think that that day finally came..Trying to win CG. You saved some money and finally decided to try to win CG ribbon. You made your medolls makeup, clothes & saved her in your best room. So, now you have to spend few hundred, thousand stardollars on broadcast. Maybe you will make raffle too. Have on your mind that if you decide to make raffle you can count on few comments about how bribing is bad. If you decide to not make raffle, you may get less votes. That's your choice.

Next step - sending broadcasts. Spend about 4 hours just clapping with your mouse "covergirl, covergirl, covergirl" , "vote me vote me vote me". Now, you have to invite all your friends to vote for you. First , send everyone message by dollmail. 7 pages of friends, on each one 200 of them. You know it will take a long time, but you think - it will definitely pay off. After 2 hours of clicking you are done. After that, you have to send message everyone you see on chat. Short messages only, you dont wanna to make people feel annoyed.

Finally you think you've done everything you had to, but then you check your GB and see 10 new pages. Now you have to answer them all, because people love when someone actually answer them. Maybe that will make them feel like you really deserve CG , so they might help you by inviting their friends to vote for you too. After that, you realize that you didn't send any broadcasts for a while. So now you start broadcasting again, and again, and again. And then all from the begging.

That's what a real Cover Girl campaign looks like. You have to spend all day on the computer. The girls who decided to do a raffle have to do all this too. It's not that if they are giving rewards its easier for them to win.

And then the next day...

There can be only 3 answers: - CG won
- not even in top 5
- In top 5, but not CG

P.s - its not truth that if you once get on the list you will definitely win CG. Next day someone else can just replace you.

This is just my short experience of CG campaign. Its hard work, so think twice when you are going to run for CG. I tried to show you and people who would like to become CG what they have to do to just to TRY to win. In my post you can find many useful tips. I hope I helped.

...and if you don't win, don't be disappointed - remember that Stardoll have more then 56,000,000 members.

Happy Birthday Lilsha123! **

Myspace Comments




Brian Molko born in december 10 of 1972 in Belgium. He is a songwriter, leadvocalist and guitarist of the famous band "Placebo". His musical influences are from "Kiss", "Depeche Mode", "Davie Bowie", "Igy Pop" and more. He began to play guitar at 16 years old and learn by himself. He also play other instruments like bass, harmonica, keyboard, saxophone, drums and turntables. He speaks french and english and already wrote some songs of Placebo in french. Sometimes he also work as a disc jockey at clubs. Brian lives at the moment in London.


Oh La La - Viktor & Rolf!

Fashion is an art, and art requires creativity, individuality and perhaps the most important factor of all, sense of style. To attract customers to your boutique, you must have novel, innovative and impeccable style, and distinctiveness. Viktor Horsting & Rolf Snoeren both contain this distinct sense of style, and inspiration – which they interpret in designs. It is highly probable that many thousands of fashion lovers enjoy their creations. The details Viktor& Rolf include in their clothes are flawless – every outfit in their collection showcase how individual and imaginative they are. But who are these designers?

Viktor & Rolf is an Amsterdam-based fashion house. The company was founded in 1993 by designers Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren. Viktor Horsting & Rolf Snoeren met while studying fashion at the Arnhem Academy of Art and Design in The Netherlands. They began working together upon graduation, relocating to Paris in 1993 to launch their careers. Their first collection 'Hyères' (1993) based on distortion, reconstruction and layering won three prizes at the Salon European des Jeunes Stylistes at the Festival International de Mode et de Photographie. The subsequent presentation of four collections in experimental art spaces led them in 1998 to show their first Haute Couture collection (Spring/Summer 1998).

As shown previously in the Runway Diva competition Jenna is producing, Viktor& Rolf spring collection shines out, this is because Viktor&Rolf designed this collection based on their creative and extravagant fashion sense and put all of their heart and sole into. It is very questionable if the designs are wearable, but the exclusivity of the dresses set high standards, and are worn by celebrities such as Rihanna, and Katy Perry. For example, take the dress shown above to the left – the layers of this dress display a key characteristic in the whole collection, which can also be noticed in various clothing pieces in the same collection; that being said, this collection provides proof showing the individuality of the designers. The collection is based on Cutting edge couture, which is interpreted as the inspiration or idea of the collection, this idea is very suitable, as the designs are very edgy, modern, and contemporary. The fierceness of this collection is very idealistic, yet very realistic - as if the collection was a dream - a dream that perhaps most of us cherish.

Furthermore, Viktor& Rolf’s latest collection fall 2010 is a very in-depth collection. The details featured in this collection must be defined as creations of fashion geniuses. Additionally, not all of the outfits are wearable, but the very thought of these outrageous designs produce a mental image of simplicity and extravagance. Viktor and Rolf make their own style, which starts a fashion revolution, perhaps this is what makes them and their creations famous and extravagant. In any case, Viktor and Rolf are one of the fashion Industries most resourceful designers, and one of fashion’s greatest; this suggests how important these two figures are in updating fashion to the next era. Only God knows what masterpiece collections they are to produce next!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday SephyBelle!


Viktor and Rolf

Yes! There is a Viktor and Rolf inspired dress in Starplaza. I love this because we just did the Runway Diva Comp based on this collection.

The original of course looks better. Stardoll has shortened their version and left out a lot of detailing, but it's still cute and still recognizable. They also spelled Viktor the american way with a C.

It's only $8sd and yeah.. for superstar only. :P
Katy Perry at the Europe Mtv Awards. Credit: LadyLiisu

Anywho, what do you think? Will you be buying it?

Tip Credit: Dl.eclipse, chicago3 and summerkiss_24


Some spoilers for today. Some remind me of Stardesign and are just plain fugly. I like that black top though.

There are also some Poland appreciation items in there. 
On May-3rd, it's Constitution Day in Poland. The Building in the picture is actually the Palace of Culture and Science :) Thanks VShila for the information.

Nothing too special today :(

Click on the pic to enlarge


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Sd_is_da_best and Ipod52

I just realized the birthdays were not posted today! I am so sorry for being late!!! Hope you had a great birthday!

Birthday Myspace Glitter Graphic


Gimme More? / writemarycat

Hey, Dolls! I see a lot of people liked my DIY post, was wondering, do you want more? 
Also, I have a few ideas about the posts which I will publish later, but wanted to ask you: would you read trend reports? 
And also, a little question: Shall I stay only for a week? ;) 
xoxo M :)


I'm sure you all have heard that there were some delays and stuff with the March Freakshow Awards due mainly to Tyler's (Tylerisbold) granfather being ill. I just wanna first say that I am sorry for that and Tyler I hope he will be well soon!

We were honored to be asked to do the best dressed list for the March Freakshow Awards.

 Photo by John2_el_Mejor

As you can see, it was a jungle theme.  I am sorry I was not able to make it myself, but we looked through all the pictures from those who posted the links as instructed. There really were so many great outfits, but some of our judges and myself chose what we thought were the top 12.

They are:

These 2 were stunning and creative. I like how they thought outside of the box.

Manolo is always outlandishly stylish and Nicole has shown that even a jungle theme can be classically beautiful.
These 3 always make my best dressed list with their gorgeous suite shop creations. They are the Super 3. they never seem to disappoint.
All I can say is I love them. I think they are the picture of what I envisioned when I thought about the Jungle theme.
Me Tarzan, you Jane. ;) Don't you just love it?  Simply creative.

So I hope you enjoyed our list. Who are your favorites?


RULES: No asking for votes or you will be disqualified. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $25sd or 25sd in gifts

Ends May 5th


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Chococat85 pointed this out to me and I have to say I am stumped.

Kladia97 has a Dkny Falling Flowers top in her suite??? I don't remember this piece, Is it a glitch or an exclusive piece she obtained. Anyone have any info?


Trendy Handmade Accessory! / writemarycat

Hello There, Dolls! 
To start off - thank you so much for the support of my previous post, I've never had that much positive comments before! And so, you inspired me to do one thing for you - that's why I went to the city center to buy a textile tape and beads and some tulle. 

Anyways, check this out:
This is me, make up and photo - myself, and floral headband 'Vivid' made by me as well.
And now I am going to tell and show you, how to do the same thing, as Sorbet colors and lovely headbands are so in trend right now! Add some corset and a layered chiffon skirt... I swear, you'll be looking like a goddess! 

So, let's start? 
P.S. Don't forget to zoom the pictures when detailed! 

Things you need: 
1. Inspiration & Good Mood. 
2. Forget your lazyness.
3. Textile tape - 3 colors of pink, plus they have to be in different width, from very wide to thin. 
4. Black little beads, nearly 30 pieces. 
5. White tulle. 
6. Threads, the same color as the widest tape.

Step 1: Big Flower Beginning 
 So, take a needle and pull a tread into it. Take the widest tape, and sew it as on the picture. See, the suture goes like this: Without a bead - With a Bead - Without a Bead etc. So, that means you need to skip one piece of suture, but the next one is implanted with a bead.
After you've sewed a bit, try to charge it. How's that? :) You need to get the thing I got on the picture above.  Sew until the flower goes round.

Done? Almost a flower, right? But it has some more tape to sew! What do we do? Cut!
But thought it worked, edges are not connected with each other, and are rough. Here we need to sew again, like this: See, I just turned the flower on it's backside, and sewed two edges together. (Above) Here's what we got:
(Don't mind the tape on the background on the flower, it's just a piece laying on the bed lol) 

Step 2: Let's Bloom! 
So, Flowers usually bloom. This one is like that too. You take a piece of tulle, it has to be squared and twice bigger in radius, than our flower. You put it on a flower, and push the middle of it through the hole, which is not covered in the flower.
Then you leave only one - two centimeters on the backside, like this: 
Next thing you do, is cut edges of the tulle outside the flower.
That's what you need to have in the result:
Then, you fix the tulle on the backside, but try not to deform the flower itself. Do it carefully!
Step 3: Bend It :)
The next task is to place this flower on a headband, and make it look oh-so better. 
At first, take a middle tape and place it on your head, to see how much tape do you need for the headband itself. Don't forget to add nearly 40 cm to it, so you can bend it when it's on your head! Just so you are safe :) 
Now, look closely on the next picture. See, the place where the scissors lay? I marked the tape with a needle there, so you could see a percentage - where to put the flower. Shortly - it has to be moved a little bit to ear, not to the middle of your head.
Next thing what you do is taking a needle, again. Sew it to the place you marked tightly, because the flower is hard to hold.don't forget, you're sewing the middle of the flower, not erm... "leafs" or what :D
Also, while sewing, sometimes add the beads on the top of your flower, and sew them in, so it looks more precious :) It has to look like this:
The last thing to do is adding two little flowers near the main one. You just take a piece of tulle and rumple it, then sew the middle of this 'rump', adding the same beads, as on the big flower, sewing it into the headband while making that! In the end, take the smallest tape if yours, and do the same as with the tulle.
We're done! Result, again:
Now, bend the headband on your head, and be trendy! I hope you liked my post and I would loooooove to see your comments, because I tried hard :)
And also, if you've made the headband, and/or have pics, don't forget to sign my GB here and show me!

UPDATE: If you've made the headband long enough, you can also wear it as a high waist belt!

Thanks! To the next post!
xx Mary
me on Stardoll: writemarycat

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