Saturday, May 30, 2009


WOW! 400 members! Hooray!
(click to enlarge)
I'm not sure who the 350th person was. If you know let me know and I'll take a look.

400th follower is cutie07392. She gets $50sd.

I've decided the next raffle will be at 500 since it is so big. Remember I will give out 10 $100sd codes when we reach 500 followers goal.

Plus whoever invites the most people to join will get a $200sd code. They must state that you invited them either in The Biggest Raffle Eva Post (click here)or the Invited by post in the club.
Followers must have their stardoll name listed on their profile, a pic, be a member of club hotbuys_bazaar and stardoll account can't be recently opened.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Calling ALL Designers...You don't want to miss this!

From the creators of THE CUT...(haha :)) comes the competition that will change the way you think of Stardesign.
This is just a preview of what to expect. We will give more details later!

Contestants will be challenged to re-create real life designer items using only stardesign. There will be approximately 5 rounds. Each round contestants will be eliminated. Many will try, but in the end there can be only 1..TOP DESIGNER.

The winning collection of designs will be featured on this blog, Stardoll's Top Designers, Seen on Stardoll, The Stardoll Life and others for maximum exposure & sales!

They will also win a $600sd prepaid card plus more!!

Current Judges are:
(the list is growing)

Emorox4eva (Stardoll's Most Wanted)
Thatgirlsophy (Stardoll's Top Designer Blog)

Alphonsinne (Seen on Stardoll)
Jeremyn2005 (The Stardoll Life- Adri & Jenn)
Findurlove (The Star Dose)
Fionamcgonigle (Gossip-Stardoll)

So start practicing & get ready to have a great time!
Will you be entering?

*If you don't understand visit the above blogs and look at the real to stardesign and In her stardesign closet articles in both blogs.

created by r1ma (Balenciaga dress)
(Lanvin top)

Vivienne Tam Coming Soon...

Yes I'm sure you've already seen Vivienne Tam is closed for renovation. You know what that means..the new collection is coming soon! Woohoo! I guess it will be Vivienne Tam Spring 2009 RTW. That is the one that the prize dress was in from the Vtam comp. Does anyone know? If not I guess they could skip it and go for Fall 2009 RTW.Here are few of the dresses from both the spring and fall line. To see the full collection, visit


Vivienne Tam Spring 2009 RTW
Vivienne Tam Fall 2009 RTW
I'm so excited. I love new collections. lol. What do you think? Which ones do you hope to see come out and do you like the spring or fall line best?

Starbazaar and Sales

Hey, Shar here. I'm going to talk a bit about Starbazaar and sales.
That's one of the great things about being a superstar; having the opportunity to have your own sale and buy from other sales. You normally can find great bargains for this, but when looking through Starbazaar, I wonder "why do people put ordinary items higher than their original price?" eg. original price: 5, selling price: 20

I don't get this, unless it's a hotbuy or rare or something. Take a look at this:
Original price - 7. StarBazaar price - 57. Now is it just me, or is that completely baloney? Why do people do this when no one in their right mind (and with good sense of shopping) would pay 57$ for an item that used to be 7$?? I apologise if you are one of the people that do this. Here's another:
It's $25 more than it's original! Sure it's a cute top but I'm certain you can find the same item with a more reasonable price right?

Why do people do this? For a high amount of profit? What profit do they get if people refuse to buy it because of it's price?



Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Updates

Hello, my name is Maggie Parker, otherwise known as (Findurlove) on stardoll, I was thrilled to have this opportunity to write for HBB ( Sorry for taking too long to write a post, but I have been busy with examinations at Chicago, but here I am…

Now on to the post, the new Hotbuys blue shoes by Chloe have been released in the starplaza, my opinion is that its okay although it would look better if it were in a darker tone/shade. I also would love it if it didn’t have the buckles. It is for 8 stardollars and for my surprise *note the sarcasm*it is for superstars!Other than that, the 50% superstar sale has just begun now, It has many wonderful clothes for very good prices, I advise each and every one of you, to buy some if you don’t already have them! And new Retro Redux clothes came out including a wonderful dress, the same one Ciara had posted up as a spoiler…

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I know a lot of people took their outfits off and sorry for that, but I'm doing the best I can atm with school and other stuff this comes second. Anyways a little tip here- Don't remove your entry until the winner has been announced. You may see me at your page, but it may be for something else. If you must because we are very behind.. then be sure to post the link or put it on a mannequin next to your doll.

Anywayz the original rules for this was that I was going to post a poll, but I've changed it a bit. I will post a poll for 2nd place, but there was one person that I thought should win. I really thought her outfit was beautiful and creative. So she will win a $100sd code.

1st place goes to: lipgloss_babe912nd place: for 50sd or = gifts will go to the winner of the poll.



There were a lot of really great makeover entries. I loved looking at all of them. I think we all had fun with this comp. The model was Catwoman_Love and participants had to make her over in the 5 styles stated below.
1. Glam
2. Emo
3. Punk/Rock
4. Geisha
5. Innocent/Natural

I chose the top 5 (instead of 3) to go in the poll. Here are the finalists and remember the poll rules. (No asking for votes)


Alright I know no one wants to here a bunch of crap about how busy I am atm so I'll get straight to the point in these posts. The winner of the DIY Comp is ILoveWicked. I think this was cute and simple. I think some people made the mistake of adding too much or the pieces just didn't seem to blend.2nd place and $50sd gors to Lovelycat44.Honorable mention goes to Saku, Thatgirlsophy, 2_cutecarla. Bent-ksa, Ellyevans, Pantene94 & Sammie1123. Congrats to all!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A *New Theme! Spoilers! :)

Hey! :]More spoilers! Woop!
I like this necklace, It looks a bit retro, stylish, I will definately consider buying it when it appears in the shops. :] And I adore the colour Sea Green.
I love this dress, I keep wondering if the shape will work on my medoll though, because it can look pretty baggy. But its still cute and I might buy it if I have spare cash. :P
Eyelashes? :O These are perfect for a fancy dress! I can't wait to buy them and see what they look like on my medoll. You never know, it might work...then may not.

Oooh, I love the colour of this dress but I'm not crazy over the shape yet again. Its a bit puffy and its not my thing to wear puffy clothes. :P Although, cute for a mermaid party! x Oh! Now I got it. Stardoll have a NEW THEME! Scales, See Green, Seaweed looking all makes sense! An underwater theme! :D Cute, I like it. But what do you think about them?
Let us know in the comments. - Ciara, x

HB Stella McCartnry Shorts Poll

Wow! I had a really hard time finding people wearing these shorts! Anyway here's the poll. As always winner gets $25sd or the equivalent amount in gifts.

RULES: Do not beg people to vote for you. Polls are for blog/club member to vote in honestly! If we are told you are asking for votes, you will be disqualified.

*Also I am really behind with comps and judging mainly due to final exams and the holiday. We will start today judging ALL comps that have ended, so I would keep your entries up until the winners have been announced.
click to enlarge


As most of you know the blue hot buys bag is now in starplaza. It is $9sd and inspired by Patrick Sweeney. I really love this bag and think the electric color is a must have to spice up your stardoll wardrobe. Also now in the starplaza are the Stella McCartney inspired shorts. The cost..$10sd. I'm not too crazy about these, but I suppose they are kinda cute and can look fab teamed up with the right items. Suprise, surprise..they are both for superstars.

What about you? What do you think of these 2 items and which versions do you prefer.
Poll for the shorts will be posted tomorrow. Sorry I'm just too tired atm :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where is the new hb bag?

Have you took notice of this? The new hot buys bag isn't in shop.
Today it's the 25. 5. 09 and the bag still isn't here. I can't find this bag in the shops. And other clothes like the ABBA-outfits or 'normal' clothes has come .. also the -50% sale is here.. but not this blue bag!
Is that a bad joke?!

Do you think it will come out? And if, when?

I hope it comes soon, because i like the bag.

Sunday, May 24, 2009



We want YOUR keep reading!
(See the poll at the bottom)

THE ASSIGNMENT: A Garden of Eden-themed photo shoot for Fresh Look contact lenses, in which the women wore only sequins and body paint.

In task 3 of THE CUT, they had to use the above assignment from ANTM as inspiration and create a scenery for it.


It was really fun to see how creative they could get with limited items. 4 contestants were cut and 14 people made it to the next round. Congrats to all and hope to see you next cycle to the ladies who did not.

1. Filipinhamaria
2. Ciaraleanne
3. Lara_Madden
4. Bluegreen86
5. Sarah_Sugerplum
6. Colleenp87
7. Melissa54321
8. Ayfairy
9. Sandra_1992***
10. Sahar-Star
11. Katielove1
12. Fashion.Fantasy
13. Sarah_Is_Yellow
14. Fionamcgonigle
Here is where it gets exciting! From here on out we would like to involve YOU the "audience" in each round. This round each judge has picked a top winner and we have a 3 way tie. I want you to break the tie.

Who should be Task 3's over all winner?

They will get to choose:
1) Immunity in the next task
2)The Elle or Vivienne Tam Collection on sale in Starplaza OR
3)they can choose to give someone else another chance and bring back one of the eliminated contestants!!!

Next task (task 4), we will ask YOU (the audience) to have a vote in who should make the next round. So be ready!

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