The Girls Learn to Dance
Episode 3
"The Task"
Welcome back to Roxanne's Next top Model! Last week the top 10 contestants were introduced to their first task of the cycle. Michael Kors, and Tory Burch hired 5 models each and they all walked so well! Many of our models did well, and B.E.A.T.K.A won the first best photo of RNTM History, while Lil_Rocker_grl (shockingly), and CoolRachael landed in the bottom 2, both for similar reasons, Lil_Rocker_Grl was saved due to her experience, and CoolRachael was eliminated!
This week the top 9 go to DANCE CLASS. There are four categories that the models must recreate in a beautiful, solo, photo shoot.
Cha Cha
B.E.A.T.K.A was able to chose ANY KNOWN dance style she liked as a prize for winning best photo!
For more information on this task VISIT and JOIN our official club HERE
Don't forget to show our models some LOVE
Who is your favorite? How are they doing? Let them know in the comments!