Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Theme Day: Back to School

The last day of summer is here with school around the corner. We're all sad to see it go, however we can't deny that, apart from being a little bit nervous, we're all very excited to start this year with a new page in our lives.

With the theme chosen, I'd like to forget all the struggle of school days and bring up the fun side, focusing on fashion inspired by the everydays of students. The task for the day is:

Create your BEST back to school outfit!

It's time to put on those nerd glasses, knee socks and plaid shirts! Build your look around school essentials like blazers and skirts in bold prints, knitted sweaters, lace up boots. Layering is the key for the ultimate cool outfit! You can try to be unexpected by including a pop of color with a scarf, beanie or a pair of sneakers. It's totally up to you :)

Here are some editorials and looks to inspire you:

I'd like to bring back the tradition of Theme Days which means you must be wearing the outfit in your suite. Let us know in comments that you are dressed for the school theme. We will take a screen shot and leave a message in your guestbook reply to your comment below once finished (I had to change this one because of the annoying GB time limit...)

Winner gets $50sd or equal amount in gifts if NS.
Comp is open until September 1, Monday Midnight. (USA EST)

Happy Theme Day!

~ YOUR MEDOLL MUST ACTUALLY BE WEARING THIS OUTFIT IN SUITE. No pics in comments, sorry. We will reply to your comment once we have visited you.
~ You can save it in one of your rooms, however leave details in post. We will not search for it.

~ Do not forget your STARDOLL NAME.
~ You must join the blog (click the blue join this site button on right side bar), our stardoll club Hotbuys_Bazaar and register in the chat box (also on right side bar) to enter all comps. Click HERE for details.


If you are an official blog and club follower please list your birthday and Stardoll name in comments. Please, be honest!

Also, if you are a consistently active member of our SMW Community,
meaning you comment often and participate in comps...  
(Level of activity is not just for the month of your birthday. It must be consistent.) 

...We may send you a special birthday surprise!!!

SURPRISES are gifts from your wishlist, so please always keep them stocked :)

Who knows maybe you will get a few extra birthday wishes from our members and that's always nice!


We would like to wish you happy birthday! 
We hope you will enjoy your time on SMW, have a wonderful day :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Vote - Aug 29 - Sept 2 (Round 3)

The choices for this week were based on red and black.

The contestants are:

Reminder: every week we'll select 3 of our active readers to be included in a poll, posted on Fridays.
You vote. The winner gets $25sd.
After 4 rounds, we will have a grand comp where the 2 top votes compete for $100sd.

Don't forget to enter our Current Comps!
Click HERE for the Callie's Picks comp!
 Click HERE for the Win This Room comp!

New floor of Spectacular

Sorry for the delay, you've probably noticed by now that a new floor of Spectacular was released. It was kind of... unnecessary in my opinion, we've been waiting for MSW to start or a brand new store for the contest, but there's still nothing.

RL versions:

Miu Miu

 Jeremy Scott




Thursday, August 28, 2014


(playlist created by Ms.Brigitte)

During the last few weeks, you've probably came across one of these videos in which people are dumping buckets of ice water on their heads. Maybe they made you laugh, maybe you haven't even played any of them, perhaps you thought it's just another trend across the internet. If you were interested enough to dig deeper, you've found out something way more meaningful and important than it seemed at first. You've learned more about ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that 30 000 people suffer from only in the US.

Today it's more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, as it ended the career of one of the most beloved baseball players. ALS is a neurodegenarative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Eventually brain is not able to control movement of muscles anymore, and as muscle activity is progersivly affected ALS can lead to being completely paralyzed, and it also affects breathing. Patients lose the ability to walk, talk or even breathe on their own.

Currently there is no known cure for ALS. As only 30 000 people suffer from it, large pharmaceutical companies are not investing billions of dollars to find a cure, as it would lead them to no profit. ALSA is an organization that fight ALS on every front and supports finding the cure. Thanks to the campaign and ice bucket challenge they made more than 88 million of dollars has been raised, comapred to the 2,6 million raised last year. What is even more important millions of people world wide have learned what ALS is.

We would like to show you one more video. It belongs to Anthony Carabal, a photographer who is diagnosed with ALS. First his grandmother, then his mother and finally him have been diagnosed. At the beginning, video starts funny as he dresses in a neon bikini and does the challenge, but then he explains what ALS is really like. Please, if you have time, watch his video. He'll explain how much all of this actually means to patients who are diagnosed with this disease and what their life is like, more truthworthly and better than we can.

We are aware that most of people use Stardoll and this blog for the purpose of fun, and that these kind of posts are not what you came for, and we are very sorry if this disturbed you in any way. We also thought that this was more than worth showing. Knowledge is the most precious treasure in this world, and even when we don't like what we learn, it makes us a better person.

Thank you for reading this artice,
- LadyAnneLena and Ms.Brigitte

Winner of The Vote - August 22-26 (Round 2)

 The winner of Round 2 is...


HB Tile Mosaic dress poll

Poll is open until Aug 31, 2014 (Sunday)
Vote for your top 3 choices!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog/club members only.

Don't forget to enter our Current Comps!
Click HERE for the Callie's Picks comp!
 Click HERE for the Win This Room comp!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

HB Monster tee released

This ridiculous tee, the last HB of August is finally released and selling for 15 stardollars,
which just... doesn't. Worth. It. The pattern was inspired by this random custom tee, thanks to USD for the hint.

I hope you don't mind if we won't have a poll for this one,
however you can post your outfits including the tee - if anyone is brave enough to style it :D


Callie's Picks No.23 - Fashion Finalists is out!

Scroll down to see comp!

The spoilers were just revealed and the store is out as well. The whole collection is made of re-released pieces from previous Miss Stardoll World stores - I must say this is the only Callie's Picks so far which made me totally happy because I missed all MSW events before just as their stores, so now I will be able to get a few pieces I've been wanting. I'm especially glad the yellow McQueen dress got re-released because I'm collecting clothes from the brand and I thought I will never be able to get my hands on it :P

The prices are surprisingly reasonable in my opinion, I'm glad we don't have to face price tags showing 42+ stardollars...

So, what do you think? Will you be buying anything?


Inspired by Callie's MSW themed release. Create your best Fashion Finalist look. Coordinate your look from head to toe (make up, hair etc..)

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~ Must include atleast 1 MAIN clothing item (NOT ACCESSORY) from this Callie's picks
   (Can use other items to complete your look)
~ Take a screen print
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link in GB 
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar), a member of my club Hotbuys_Bazaar and have regstered/signed in the chat box to enter comps.

Winner will receive $100SD. Non-superstars $100sd in gifts

Last day to enter September 3rd, 2014 midnight EST (New York time) 



(image credit naaruu from the USD comments)

There are spoilers for new Callie's Picks. Lot of these items are from previous MSW stores, so I'm quite sure that that was inspiration for the these Callie's Picks. By the number of the items, I'd say we'll have at least two floors. Do you like anything? Will you be buying?
Personally, I can't wait for the store to be out. I love so many shoes and cluthces. I'm also wondering why they didn't include more green items (only 5 or 6), since that color is theme color of the MSW this year. 


Miss Stardoll World 2014 is coiming soon. They've already set up the page. Click here to visit it. This year color theme is green, and I personally love the color. What about you? Would you prefer some other color?

They've also sent these emails to users. Will you be running for this year's MSW? Are you exicted? Did you run in the previous years? If you did, do you have any tips for people who will be running this year? 

Special thanks to beniiik for telling us.

Monday, August 25, 2014


So as I mentioned previously I am away this week. Any outstanding comps/round competitions will be put on hold until next week and I can judge them. I will post the next round of design wars if I have the chance.

In the mean time, I wanted to try something a little different.

The new floor of Villa has inspired me to do suite competition. I hope you guys like it! It's called.... Win This Room!


Create your best Villa inspired  room. To me it represents more of the sort of island, beach, getaway theme so that's what I would like to see reflected in your entries.

Take a screen print and post your pic in comments. 

You have until 12:00 pm Aug 31, 2014 to enter.

There will be both a Superstar and Non-Superstar winner.

Both win the new Villa Room including the new Villa Manor Interior!

Please remember:
~ You must be a follower of both this blog and member of club Hotbuys_Bazaar.
~ You must register in the chat box. Click HERE for details.
~ Screen print must be large and clear. Please crop to show only your entry.
~ Post pic in comments, I will not view links.

~ Don't forget to leave your Stardoll Name and state whether Superstar or Non-Superstar

~ No cheating by entering more than once under other accounts and/or copying other peoples entries. 
~ Be creative use your existing items to create your getaway suite. Can use any items you want. 



Hello readers. New week is here and so am I with the new post. Usually when I search for the look I'll recreate I find more than one look that I like and can remake into Stardoll. Sometimes it's hard to choose which look to show here at the end. So this week I decided to actually redo, not one but two looks from two different persons. Both of them had so many lovely looks, and choosing just one would be too hard. So here are the looks for this week. Hope you like them, and be sure to leave your opinion in the comments.


Thanks Ms.Brigitte and Juliette116 for their suggestion of the celebrity.
For the first look today I've tried to recreate two outfits of Alexa Chung, who's a model, tv host and an editor at British Vogue. I loved how playful her outfits are. She combines different styles and knows how to wear them all. Before I start explaining the outfits, I first want to explain how come my doll is holding that hat at angle different than original hat is, just in case that somebody does know that trick. I didn't photoshop it, you can actually wear any purse/hat/any other item like that by using this simple trick. It's not a hack, nor illegal, and it's very useful, so I suggest you learn it, if you want. For the look one the left, I used a shirt and tights that are in Plaza and can be bought for coins. The shoes are also for coins, but can only be bought at the Bazaar. The skirt and the coat are stardollars items and can be found in Plaza. For the second look, I used a shirt and shorts that are coins items which can only be bought in the Bazaar. These shorts are probably an item that everybody owns, and it can be found in Bazaar for a minute for a very cheap price. The hat is a Footloose freebe. Boots and socks are stardollar items and can only be found in the Bazaar. Necklace is a stardollar item and it's in Plaza.


Thanks zhan-zhan for her suggestion of the celebrity.
And the second celebrity whose looks I've tried to recreate is Taylor Swift. She has beautiful style that mixes girly and vintage clothing. If she had a doll on Stardoll, she'd probably own all the basic flats, boots and oxfords. I also loved how she mixes colors that people usually wouldn't mix and still looks great. Outfit on the left is an all coins outfit. Tights, skirt, shirt, boots and necklace can be found in Plaza. You can win the bag on the Vote or buy in the Bazaar. It is from It Girls, which I forgot to write on the photo. As for the second look, the shoes are coins item and are in the Plaza. The skirt is coins item and can be only found in the Bazaar. I know that the color isn't really the same, but I loved how close the texture and shape were, so I decided to use it. You can use any yellow skirt if you prefer. The shirt is a stardollar item and is in Plaza. The bag is stardollar item and can only be bought in the Bazaar.



New floor of Villa

There's new floor of Villa in the Starplaza. Prices range from 4 to 25 stardollars and there are two starcoin items. I'd say that graphics are amazing and that the items are more than lovely, and I love the colors. What about you? Do you like anything? Will you be buying? 

Special thanks to lahurina for telling us. 

Also, some items seem very similair to items that were already on Stardoll. Do you prefer new items or the old ones? There's no big differences and the prices of old ones are cheaper. 

Thanks to usd commentators.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Theme Day

This Sunday is all about music! Thanks to LadyAnneLena for the idea. 

Today is International Strange Music Day, which was created by Patrick Grant, a New York City musician. The premise is simple: to get people to play and listen to different types of music they have never experienced before. The ‘strange’ part can mean either unfamiliar or bizarre, the choice is entirely yours. Patrick believes broadening people’s musical spectrums can also change the way we look at other aspects of life: his mantra is ‘listening without prejudice’.

The task for the Theme Day will be simple:

Create an outfit in honor of a musician you admire.

We're all into different genres when it comes to music, so why not recommend each other some great new sounds to try? :) Take a screenshot of your outfit and post pic in the comments. Also, I'd like you to describe who inspired you, or maybe you could write a short preview of the music they do, this way we can attain more interest :)

Winner gets $50sd or equal amount in gifts if NS. 

Comp is open until August 25, Monday Midnight. (USA EST)

Happy Theme Day!

~ Can be created in Starplaza. Post pic in comments. We will not view links.
~ Make sure screen print is large and clear
~ Do not forget your STARDOLL NAME.
~ You must join the blog (click the blue join this site button on right side bar), our stardoll club Hotbuys_Bazaar and register in the chat box (also on right side bar) to enter all comps. Click HERE for details.
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