Tuesday, January 25, 2011

JENNA'S RANT.............WEIGH IN...

I'm sure that some will still take this the wrong way, but I'm just letting my readers know what I'm about and that's what matters to me.

My first thought is to ignore these so called Anti-Elite blogs popping up all over Stardoll/blogger. It happens so much to me, people attacking me because I have gained some sense of "popularity" on stardoll. Really it's all ridiculous this virtual popularity, but like most people when attacked...I want to stand up for myself and fight back. Unfortunately MOST of the people writing these blogs are so immature and biased that nothing you say could ever make a difference. It goes in one ear and out the other because instead of finding out the truth, their main purpose is to either tear you down or use other to gain popularity for themselves. Sure they will disguise it by saying that they are standing of for the majority, the people who can't stand up for themselves, but we all know the truth. Really it is just another form of cyber bullying. Why I don't really care what these people think about me personally, it does get my hackles up when what they are saying is so blatantly untrue and I know that there are tons of people out there taking it as gospel. So why not address it here. :)

I never really talk about how I am treated on stardoll, but I thought I should use this opportunity to do it Many of you do not know me at all. You came to my blog for the fun or lured by prizes and advertisements and that's mainly my fault. I purposefully keep to myself on here and truly talk to only a very few people. Why is that you ask? Mainly to avoid the gossip, but also because from the start my only goal in opening up my club Hotbuys_Bazaar was to have fun and help people. People like many of you who were unable to be or keep Superstar or to have access to some of the things on Stardolls that I had (rares, stardollars etc..)

My History:
The club soon gave way to the blog. It was just a better way to get the information out there and I enjoyed writing. We have always been about the competitions. Yes my family does have above average money and that gives me the opportunities to help many of you. Many people want to say that it is just my effort to bribe people in order to get popularity, but really I never cared much about any of that. If any of you know my history. I had an aunt on here by the name of Dinahdoll22. She was an adult who owned a club called Sparkle_Magazne which was designed to do these things I talk about. She thought it was a shame how expensive Stardoll was and that so many couldn't afford to be SS. It was very popular and when she left Stardoll, both us us wanted to keep helping I started my own club/blog with the same purpose.

The facts are:
 I have never pulled any stunts to get in the "public eye". I don't go to all the Stardoll parties and create fact you will rarely see me at one. I don 't say look at me "I'm Elite" fact I strongly speak out about hating that word and that stigma. I constantly say we are all the same and I am no better than you. Basically,  I hold my comps and I go about my business. People like most recently, Elite Revolution will argue that I am elite because I have become well known on here, but I never asked for that. It is you the general public that have place that label on me and therefore have lumped me in with many who have wanted that title. Do I like having a popular blog? Sure. It means more people enter your comps and it's more fun, but if were all to go away tomorrow..that would be okay too. Because I am doing it for the right reasons, to help people.

My life on Stardoll: 
Everyday I am bombarded with messages in guest book, friend requests, messages in my in box, chat etc.. People wanting to talk to me, ask me to advertise their project, wanting to write for my blog or just wanting to be friends with me because they have heard of me. I accept that. I know that is what comes with having a popular blog, but I want all of you to understand that I am a real person. I have a real, very busy life outside of stardoll. I try my best to respond to everyone, even if it's a little a day, but I am human. Sometimes I miss people's comments, forget to respond or I give a brief response because I am trying my hardest to respond to keep up with everything. I apologize if during this process, I inadvertently hurt someone's feelings. It is never intentional just a result of trying to balance both worlds as best I can., I have to admit it frequently is overwhelming.

I can't speak for everyone, but people who have not experienced this kind of "attention" on stardoll or elsewhere really should try to get to know someone before trashing them. Try and think what it must be like in their shoes. How hard it must be to respond to everyone or accept everyone as friends. Yes, I personally stopped accepting friends for the most part long ago. Not because I only accept "Elite" friends like many will have you believe, but because it's just too much. Tons of people constantly talking to you in chat or in messages at the same time. It drives me a little crazy and I have very limited time for Stardoll and so much to do while I am on.

Generally when I am on Stardoll, I am doing stuff for the blog, judging comps etc.. Anyone who has a blog will tell you how time consuming that all is. Actually, its kind of funny because one of my best friends on Stardoll, Bluegreen86 and I just had this conversation that we hardly talk because I am just so busy on and off Stardoll.

To give you an idea...Before my recent Stardoll break I had cleaned out my friend requests. I had over 2000 in pending. On my presentation it has always stated that I normally do not accept friend requests, but I'd be happy to talk to you in guest book. People still request me and I feel bad denying them, but it is necessary because like I said above I can't get anything done with so many people talking to me at once and I already have too many. Anyway, when I came back I had almost 2000 friend requests again.  Some that had been waiting there for months. Many people get upset if you don't accept them or if they think you are ignoring them. But think for just a minute...that they may have so many that is hard to notice your request or comment out of so many and that it may take them a long time to even get through them.

In Conclusion:
So to wrap up this long monologue I just want to say again..get to know people.. Don't lump everyone into the same category. Realize that if you are publicly bashing someone for things that you don't know are part of the problem. Instead try a little more patience and understanding.

For those who want to know what I'm about it's simple. I'm a normal person just like all of you. I come on stardoll to have fun. The fun I discovered on here...was challenging people in competitions. Giving them something positive to do and enhance their stardoll experience AND being able to reward non-superstars and superstars alike. I have tried to share this with all of you. I'm nice sure. At least, I try to be, but just like everyone else if you are rude to me...I'll probably get rude back. It's a normal human response. I don't think or act like I'm better than any of you and I don't care at all all about any of that kind of stuff.

I can't make you believe what I say, but I hope this will at least make you think about things before you gossip, bash or bully other members.

So comment and tell us what you think? Are all so called "elites" the same. Do you condone these sites bashing them? Do you think it's ok to basically bully them when many of you are on board with campaign like NOH8 against bullying for whatever reason.

What makes someone "elite" in your opinion? 

Have you been bullied on Stardoll?

Let's discuss it!

Tell us in comments...your thoughts.
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