Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trendy Handmade Accessory! / writemarycat

Hello There, Dolls! 
To start off - thank you so much for the support of my previous post, I've never had that much positive comments before! And so, you inspired me to do one thing for you - that's why I went to the city center to buy a textile tape and beads and some tulle. 

Anyways, check this out:
This is me, make up and photo - myself, and floral headband 'Vivid' made by me as well.
And now I am going to tell and show you, how to do the same thing, as Sorbet colors and lovely headbands are so in trend right now! Add some corset and a layered chiffon skirt... I swear, you'll be looking like a goddess! 

So, let's start? 
P.S. Don't forget to zoom the pictures when detailed! 

Things you need: 
1. Inspiration & Good Mood. 
2. Forget your lazyness.
3. Textile tape - 3 colors of pink, plus they have to be in different width, from very wide to thin. 
4. Black little beads, nearly 30 pieces. 
5. White tulle. 
6. Threads, the same color as the widest tape.

Step 1: Big Flower Beginning 
 So, take a needle and pull a tread into it. Take the widest tape, and sew it as on the picture. See, the suture goes like this: Without a bead - With a Bead - Without a Bead etc. So, that means you need to skip one piece of suture, but the next one is implanted with a bead.
After you've sewed a bit, try to charge it. How's that? :) You need to get the thing I got on the picture above.  Sew until the flower goes round.

Done? Almost a flower, right? But it has some more tape to sew! What do we do? Cut!
But thought it worked, edges are not connected with each other, and are rough. Here we need to sew again, like this: See, I just turned the flower on it's backside, and sewed two edges together. (Above) Here's what we got:
(Don't mind the tape on the background on the flower, it's just a piece laying on the bed lol) 

Step 2: Let's Bloom! 
So, Flowers usually bloom. This one is like that too. You take a piece of tulle, it has to be squared and twice bigger in radius, than our flower. You put it on a flower, and push the middle of it through the hole, which is not covered in the flower.
Then you leave only one - two centimeters on the backside, like this: 
Next thing you do, is cut edges of the tulle outside the flower.
That's what you need to have in the result:
Then, you fix the tulle on the backside, but try not to deform the flower itself. Do it carefully!
Step 3: Bend It :)
The next task is to place this flower on a headband, and make it look oh-so better. 
At first, take a middle tape and place it on your head, to see how much tape do you need for the headband itself. Don't forget to add nearly 40 cm to it, so you can bend it when it's on your head! Just so you are safe :) 
Now, look closely on the next picture. See, the place where the scissors lay? I marked the tape with a needle there, so you could see a percentage - where to put the flower. Shortly - it has to be moved a little bit to ear, not to the middle of your head.
Next thing what you do is taking a needle, again. Sew it to the place you marked tightly, because the flower is hard to hold.don't forget, you're sewing the middle of the flower, not erm... "leafs" or what :D
Also, while sewing, sometimes add the beads on the top of your flower, and sew them in, so it looks more precious :) It has to look like this:
The last thing to do is adding two little flowers near the main one. You just take a piece of tulle and rumple it, then sew the middle of this 'rump', adding the same beads, as on the big flower, sewing it into the headband while making that! In the end, take the smallest tape if yours, and do the same as with the tulle.
We're done! Result, again:
Now, bend the headband on your head, and be trendy! I hope you liked my post and I would loooooove to see your comments, because I tried hard :)
And also, if you've made the headband, and/or have pics, don't forget to sign my GB here and show me!

UPDATE: If you've made the headband long enough, you can also wear it as a high waist belt!

Thanks! To the next post!
xx Mary
me on Stardoll: writemarycat

P.S. Banner made by SmoothieLove


Charlotte said...

Love you, Mary :D I'm inspired now.

Jule ♥ said...

oh wonderful, wonderful *-*

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Very cute idea mary. I love it. Creative post :)

Mihaela said...

Aaa.I love this post.Amzing.

MissLotsaSmiles said...

Love it! :D

Unknown said...

You're really talented, congrats! Hope you'll do more of these! It's really cool! :D

molly9406 said...

u r very cute and what u did is wonderful!why u don't do the same in real life and sale sale sale!!
bravo hun!!

Laura ♥ said...

Wow, the headband looks so pretty. it's a very creatvie post, you must tried very hard! I also like the photos (:

Someone said...

you're talented girl , and pretty too ;) i loved the photos so much and it seems you worked really hard for this ..im amazed on how you can do anything you want if you just want..
loving your posts so keep it up.
and again loved the headband would look hot on a girl.

Imagica Vasia said...

haha I agree with Chachi :P

CorkyH said...

Wow fabulous =]

Blahm3 said...

I love doing stuff like that at home :D xoxo - Blahm3

iArmanda said...

Wow!You're very Creative ;]]

Anónimo said...

soo cute! the flower it's a little big for my taste, but is so cute! tks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

When are you going to tell us the surprise?

peace_oglory said...

This is such a cute post! I love how the headband turned out :)

Someone said...

Special video for you ;) hope you like it..http://es.tinypic.com/r/35clc0m/5

Chicago3 said...

Wow, I love it! I love how you took something from real life and displayed it here, I will definately try it. I love how you were inspired by us and you are showing us a creative side :) Keep up with the great work!

P.S. The tips ere easy to understand, yet detailed, and it made me want to keep reading!

Kirbybabey said...

Aww thats so sweet,,, i would love to make it butt i dont have the timee or equipmentyy =/
Great post thoughh :):)

nicole24-7 said...

It seems complicated, but it looks like something you'd buy at the store! I really like it! :) It's so cute ^^
You're really pretty too :)

Anonymous said...

so cute! :D
I dont have enough skillz to do that though T-T

SummerKiss_24 said...

thats SO cute! i love it!

Wenqi said...

WOW! im amazed! it's sooo cute! i'd love to see more DIY posts like this one!

ad.astra said...

Aw. I loved this post! This was an amazing surprise :D

jamie793 said...

How lovely!!! I don't have the materials to try though :S
Very nice post ^^

Ciara said...

;O Amazing post! ;D
That headband is so cute (:
Love it! <3

lady__gagaa said...

lovely post, i like the idea very much. maybe i'll try doing something like this at the weekend (since i'm too busy now). wonderful pictures, i'm waiting for more posts of you :)


marcelak said...

It's so pretty !!!
Thanks for teach us .

cheerleader2648 said...

I will try it when I get my materials. I like the vintage look:)

l0nelly said...



prima.princess said...

pretty! thnx! :)

Miss_LolitaF said...

Wow Mary, that is amazing.

Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

А можно поинтересоваться какой у тебя фотоаппарат? Nikon? Canon? (:

May I ask what camera do u have? Nikon? Canon?

Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

and very informative post. thank u (:

cookie9988 said...

WOW! Thats amazing! Keep up the good work.

Mary said...

Usually Canon 40D, but these shots were taken by Canon 450D :)

Samantha Tyler said...

That's a GREAT article ! thank you !

Anonymous said...

That is sooo cute :D

Pandora J ♥ said...

The idea is amazing! :O
I think I'll try it hehe

Btw you are sooo pretty in RL :]


Gracieux said...

Wow, this was totally unexpected! I thought you had some new competition plannend or something. But such a cool idea, the headband looks really good. The pictures look good and the instructions are very clear. And it's fun for a change to see something real instead of all the graphic things! :D What a lovely suprise.

Anonymous said...

I just ..LOVE IT!<3and I would like to see more<3

moviestarcelebs said...

you look so sweet w/ that headband, i love your expression! :)

Lea said...

I like it..good job for you..^_^

Unknown said...

Wow, I totally love it! You're so creative. What an amazing job! It's looks great!

Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

thanx for the answer.

kashka_luv said...

Really good post :) The idea and execution was great! I would make one myself if I had time, I think it would also look nice in black ribbon for a more classic look.

LadyAllison en Lady Popular said...

Excellent! Something different, perfectly explained, and to move fingers beyond clicking and tipying! Congratulations! I'll make it for my 6.y.o. daughter, she'll love it!!!

Mailgirl101 said...

Sounds good! :))

HELLO_K1TTY said...

This is SO awesome!
I'm going to make one :D
Thanks a lot for posting!

dieBrInI06 said...

That lookssimply AWESOME. I'll try it right now.

♥Chloe said...

lol If i do that, I never put my stuff away..
but I will do it anyway ;) Im gonna make a beige one soon.. I will show u when I buy some ribbon and tulle first!

Anonymous said...

Omg! I love it! It's easy to make, it's sooo fashionable, and the color- F-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c ! thank you for sharing your original ideas and hope to see more soon :))))

Ooglefish said...

Very original post and a really good idea!

Paulinaa. said...

It's amazing. I absoulutely love it.
I'll try to make one myself. :]

Evita.Sweet said...

:D Creative!

FabuleuxChique said...

Very Creative post Mary, i love the idea, something different and inspiring is just what stardolls most wanted needs,.


Ruth said...

Awesome ♥w♥
Really inspired me to make smth [:

Awesome pics as well [:
Luv ur make-up [:

looc123 said...

J'adore it!

Juciy Earrings! :D

forever-69 said...

Holy moly ur pretty :o

Tiina--- said...

I love this post : D great idea!!

Rab92 said...

If Only You Posted This A Couple Of Weeks Ago, It Could Have Been Part Of My Art Project!
But I Really Do Like It.


Ameena said...

Awsome post! We need more of this...


Selina/fig36 said...

Oh, I love it! This gives me a perfect inspiration for my art project at school, which is to design and make some sort of creative head wear.

Sophia Brivati said...

Grr, you've made me want to make a hairband now! Love the post, really inspiring & well thought out.

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

For the very first time I'm impressed with a post!! :O

I really like it and its so inspiring... please we want more!! :D

Someone said...

Some materials i found that is done the same way as the Headband.

whitney333 said...

Wow , your so creative :))

~Saku~ said...

Cute post. I love little handmade things like this.

Someone said...

BTW all those materials are from my house , so please copy right ;P

Passion said...

I am so gonna do that.. maybe in black as well? xD

Passion said...

I am so gonna do that.. maybe in black as well? xD

FatimaaaaaL said...

Wow, you have sooooo MUCH telents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome thanks for posting this!!!!

Mary said...

2Amro: links don't open for me :(

Emma said...

can't wait to try this!

Cherri Blossom said...

wow!! thats so cool i would so make it..ill try different colours like a rainbow headband LOL! and ur soo pretty mary!!

Anonymous said...

it's gorgeous, i wouldn't wear it myself though..
I love its color :)

26jen said...

Amazing! It's beautiful!

Yooh've got talent. :)

No-one in particular said...

Amazing :o

Melissakuh said...

I LOVE it! It's gorgeous!
I hope I can do something similar, but I'm not as creative.
Thanks a lot for this post, it's definately something new on the blog! :D

Sweet.Kitty said...

Ah-mazing :))

Anonymous said...

This post is awesome, i'm not going to attempt making something like that because I would probably fail!

You are very talented and of course very beautiful(:

_funnyprincess_ said...

I've never seen anything like this in a blog.

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