Monday, May 27, 2019

Chat #15

Chat #15

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.

The member with the most hashtags is featured in the chat, interviewed by Giniaparks and receive a gift from their WL. You may only nominate once per week.

Thank you!

Congrats to...

Featured MemberS:

LemonChiffon & Armaniala

Nominated By:
LemonChiffon - RIOT & giniaparks
Armaniala - Viviane & Velve

These both received 2 nominations, the most this week and I wanted to be fair to both dolls!

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Happy Birthday, giniaparks!

In the name of SMW Staff I wish you the happiest birthday!

Please make sure to visit her suite and wish her a Happy Birthday!

*gifts are not mandatory, but always appreciated*

Friday, May 24, 2019


Happy Friday everyone! We have a new floor of Nelly out today.
While I'm happy it's not a limited release collection... I have to say I'm a bit underwhelmed by this release. It just seems very plain, but I do see a couple items I'm interested in.

Prices range from 11sd - 20sd prior to the discount.

What are your feelings about this release?

Show us how you styled/spiced up these items and post the pic in comments to be included in our small Nelly giveaway.

~Open for 24 hours


Carousel Image 0


Thursday, May 23, 2019


Wow, I have been missing the HB's lately! So, let's get back on track!

The HB Burberry Deer Print shirt is now available for 25sd. I wasn't too sure about this shirt, but I can see it being quite cute with the right pairing.

What do you think of this shirt?

Style this HB and post the pic in comments to be included in our poll to

  WIN 50 SD.

*Enter in 24 hours to be included in our giveaway!

~Make sure the HB is well seen
~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Closes Monday May 27, 2019

Thanks Lula


Interview with RlOT

Last week's featured chat member was RlOT (Eduarda).
She's a 25 year old art and media student from Brazil who is always super active on the blog. She's very creative and I simply love her aesthetic! 

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: I love black, it's a color that goes well with everything, also love pink especially the softer shades of it. 

Q: What is your most unusual talent?
A: I don't know if this is classified as unusual or even a talent, but I'm 100% at multi-tasking. I can't focus on doing only one activity at a time. I can study, listen to music, watch a movie and talk with someone all at the same time.

Q: What is one thing you love to do that can make you happy no matter what?
A:  I love cooking! When I cook something for my family or friends and they like it, it makes me happy to see them happy.

Q: What is one food you can't live without?
A: PIZZA! Definitely its the best food that was ever invented?

Q: What is one food you hate?
A: I hate anything that has meat or onion in it.

Q: What weird food combinations do you like?
A: Apples with strawberry yogurt and powdered milk, people say it's weird but it's delicious.

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: My spirit animal is, undoubtedly, a cat. Like cats, I like to be free and sometimes all I want it to lay down and enjoy some lazy time.

Q: If you could breed any two animals together and create a new one, what would it be?
A: I would create a dragon cat.

Q: If someone were to play you in a movie, who would it be?
A: Never thought about it, but I'll say Eva Green because I love her haha.

Q: Do you get energy from being around people or do you prefer to be alone?
A: It depends on the people...I like to be with my friends but I prefer to be alone than surrounded by negative people.

Q: Do you wear perfume? If so, what are your favorite scents?
A: Yes, I don't leave home without perfume. I prefer the sweet and fruity ones, actually I'm in love with a strawberry one my cousin gifted me, the smell is very good and it has glitter in it.

Q: Do you enjoy art? Who are your favorite artists?
A: I like to appreciate all kinds of art. An artist I admire a lot is Marina Diamandis from Marina and the Diamonds. She has the capacity to reinvent herself in every album she releases and each has an amazing aesthetic. Also her music is amazing.

Q: What is your favorite movie that you could watch over and over again?
A: I have a big list of movies that I have watched an uncountable amount of times, one of them is Mean Girls. I know every bit of dialogue in this film. It's so iconic! Other movies that I'm not tired of watching are Clueless and all movies from Marvel. 

Q: What are you most thankful for?
A: I'm thankful for my mom, even though she didn't support me when I decided to study art. She did everything to raise me and my sis in the best way she could.

Q: What are some things you want to accomplish or do in your life?
A: It can sound silly, but overcome my fear of heights, as a I like to photograph nature. Sometimes, I just give up on taking the perfect photo because I'm afraid of climbing anything.

Q: Where is one place you've always wanted to visit?
A: I've always wanted to visit New Zealand, specifically the places where The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were recorded.

Q: What do you most want to learn?
A: I want to learn another language, I already speak Portuguese (my native language), Spanish, and English. It would be cool to learn one more, like German for example.

Q: What's the best thing that happened to you this year?
A: So far, the best thing that happened was an invitation to be art director of a short movie that will be recorded in the end of this year. It doesn't pretend to be a a big movie, but this is one thing I'm pleased to do.

Q: What are you most looking forward to?
A: At the moment, I'm only expecting to graduate this year (or at least in 1st semester of next year) so I can finally work doing what I really like.

Q: What is your favorite thing to read?
A: Lately, I don't have the time I want to read besides the academic stuff. But I enjoy reading comics and novels. My top 3 books are The Hobbit/LOTR by JRR Tolkien, The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl and Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore.

Q: If you could time travel, where would you go?
A: I would go to Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece.

Q: What is the best trip you've ever been on?
A: It was a place called the Ricardo Brennand Institute. It's a castle/museum. The place is amazing and they have incredible pieces of art, old weapons and armor. I went there two times and never was able to see the whole place.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
A: Don't do to others what you don't want other to do to you.

Thank you so much Eduarda for the interview!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019


There is a new CP Decor release and it's Beach themed which is perfect for me this week!
I love the little dolphin as I don't remember this! So cute!

Prices range from 8sd - 30sd before discount.

What do you think of the release?

Any items you are happy to see?

Dust off those swimsuits and join me at the beach!

Create the perfect beach look and scene!

WIN $50 SD

~Enter in 24 hours to be included in the giveaway!

~Can be created wherever you want (Starplaza, scenery etc..).
~No "photoshopping"

~Ends Monday May 27, 2019.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cycle: Task 5 - Earth, Wind, Fire and Ice

Hi y’all!

I wanted to get the task up before updating scores and sending feedback so within a few hours everyone will able to see their scores using the link below.

So this week I found myself in a dilemma. I had the scores for everyone and the polling results. I knew which people should go home but for some reason I just couldn't eliminate anyone. I found that the people who were going to be eliminated were some of the one's who worked the hardest in this task and really stepped up their game. Because of this, no one will be eliminated for this task. Moving forward with next cycles that I host, I won't be eliminating anyone. One reason is because cycles are used to help people grow but how can someone continue to grow if they get eliminated. I'll discuss at a later time my plan for the next cycle but this week everyone is safe!

When it comes to choosing a winner, the places and prize still stand; however, everyone who completes the final task will receive a prize of some sort!

This week the task is to create TWO different outfits based on one of the elemental combinations below:

Fire & Ice
Earth & Wind
Fire & Earth

You must choose one of the three combos above. You must do two different outfits. Your can choose to mix the combos in each outfits or have an outfit for each element.

I will post my example by the end of this week so you can see what I mean!

You are allowed to use decor or scenery! It is actually highly recommended. Be sure to step your games up and show us how creative you can really get!
Grading: 10 points for the cohesiveness of your first outfit, 10 points for the cohesiveness of your second outfit, 10 points for making sure the elements are represented in the outfits.

Questions judges will ask themselves include: Is this outfit cohesive color wise and piece wise? Is it clear that the elements are represented? Did this person step outside of the box and their comfort zone?

This task will be due next Saturday June 1st by 11:59PM EST, giving you over a week to complete this task.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!


Monday, May 20, 2019


Happy Monday to everyone! 
I feel so disconnected with Stardoll and the blog right now. I haven't had much time , but I'll be sure to pop on when I can. FYI, I am a way this week. but I'll try to get a chance to wrap comps up and post when I can. Anyone who can help out, please do!

Also, I may be slowing a bit on comps atm for 2 reasons. First,  I would like to wait until there is a sale to buy stardollars if possible. Plus, my money is going to be a bit tighter. I changed to a Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program and had to get a 20k loan to cover the rest of my 60k tuition. The program is for 3 years so I am really lamenting the money I wasted on medical school so far.. Needless to say that Stardoll is not top priority right now.

Anyway,  If anyone has stardollars to donate, please let us know or feel free to host a comp.

So... this morning we got a new floor of Trails to enjoy! Some nice comfy pieces.
Prices range from 8sd - 19sd before discount.

What do you think of this release?

What is your favorite item?

Thanks CoolRachael

ASOS bags
Zara dress

Chat #14

Chat #14

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.

The member with the most hashtags is featured in the chat, interviewed by Giniaparks and receive a gift from their WL. You may only nominate once per week.

Thank you!

Congrats to...

Featured Member:


Nominated By:
Myself (Alex), Lula.Osorio, and R1OT

This was the most nominations received this week for an outfit!

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cycle Task 4 Voting!

Hi y'all!

Everyone is allowed to vote. You can pick your top 3 choices and you are only allowed to vote once. The top half of the contestants will be safe from elimination.

Last week's method of voting seemed to work so I'm going to use it again this week! Refer to the Cycle Task 4 page to see the images as well as the poll! You can find it here

Let us know below if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. 

This poll will close Tuesday, May 22nd, at 11:59AM EST. Feedback will be sent, grades will be released, and the FINAL task will be up by the end of Tuesday!



Saturday, May 18, 2019


Welcome to a new chapter of our section "Style it" in its part 6, today I bring you more than anything, a summary of everything that was happening in the game these first 15 days of May in terms of new fashion releases. I hope you like/enjoy it as much as I do.


To start here I chose something different like in this case MS.TQ that as we all know is a beauty shop, not fashion. The Royal Wedding style itself as an event to be honest, is not what most interests me, let's say I'm not even aware of this but some hats here seemed very nice to me to put some outfits following this theme: Royal Wedding. Quietly they could also be for a midday or an early afternoon event as it usually happens in these cases.
Everything is rather fine, soft and elegant, with the striking side obviously concentrated on the top: the hat or the arrangement used on the head for this occasion.


This year, as every year one of the most convencer and expected events is ALWAYS the MetGala, with the main theme in Camp for the occasion that would come being the love for the exaggerated, the surreal or the extravagant things. My favourite brands from this year were Versace and Moschino because I found both as the ones who could followed the theme at perfection. The truth is that I expected much more from this collection because we only had 3 outfits and to be honest, all very basic and simple and especially because the Gala was quite long with literally LOTS of styles but good, unlike the previous year that the theme was incredible and we didn't even have a collection, I'm satisfied that at least it doesn't pass indifferent this year for Stardoll.

My favorite outfit as you will see here is Lupita's one because first it's from Versace and second the rainbow itself represents me a lot, then I just took Celine's shiny dress and the outfit from Sophie that was a gift, and try to do something more matching pieces but leaving the Camp style of the event now, anyways they don't stop being something you can 100% wear to attend a Gala, why not.

And here as an addition, one I made for the Gala inspired by Moschino and Barbie style like Kacey one.


What I like most about this store is basically that you get to know some new styles and real fashion brands of the different places in the world as it says very well its title, in this case we visit "Middle East" and the truth, I really liked the chosen clothes here, it seems very delicate, with serene colors and refined appearance.
The outfits that I designed here was following what the shop proposes in this case without leaving the concept that we are visiting Middle East most of all and the main real life brands too, so what you can see here, for me, represents that same.

And this same day we also had, as a long time ago it didn't happen, a GOM celebrating Ramadan especially so the pieces that they gave us, to me all seemed very good and I decided to make some outfits with them too, here I present them so hope you like what I did. Two of them are maybe far away from Ramadan and the other two are themed ones.


From Basics what I like the most is that, obviously is a store that only sells in starcoins prices and also the basic pieces can always work very well as a complement to any outfit we want to make.
In this case, although the collection seemed good, I must say that the colors are a little repeated from the previous one and the styles aren't so varied as it was in general either: let's say I think it's a sporty outfit, another more formal maybe to attend a job interview for example and another for an afternoon walk but there is not much more to vary what we want to do, however my favorite colors were here and they're obviously lilac, then pink and green ...
The outfits that I designed here follow the variants I mentioned before and especially the colors that I liked the most.

As a way to end here, I leave you a decorated room that I made with the latest LE Decor collection that was inspired as we all know in Versace furniture 2019, and that was something I expected to see in the game and it happened finally. Have a beautiful weekend you all, see you soon dollies.


Friday, May 17, 2019


As you all know we have a new Subcouture release which will remain in the starplaza for 2 more days. Prices range from 14sd - 26sd for the clothes and the interior is 55sd. 
All before the discount.

I didn't buy very much because well I am stardollar broke right now. What about you?
What do you think of this release?
What item were you most excited to see?

Style an main clothing item (not accessory) from this release and post the pic in comments.


~Don't forget you Stardoll name
~Can use Starplaza
~Ends Wed May 22, 2019

Thanks to our partner blog Stardoll and Real by Megamashytik 
and Fawn (Miss.Privacy). 
Also, thanks Lula for the Taylor pic!

Zimmerman top and skirt
Zadig & Voltaire jacket and Zara bag
Jacqemus outfit and dresses
Thumbnail Thumbnail
Area dress and Y/Project shorts
Jonathan Simkahi top and pants
Gianvitto Rossi shoes
For Love and Lemons dress

Amiri shirt and Ganni boots

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