Finally they show up. I used the link to get them all in dressing room and I went crazy just throwing them all in the cart lol.I ended up getting the Men's jacket and shirt by mistake lol.
What's your favorite piece?
Tell us in comments!
Click HERE to get them in dressing room.
So when you guys are finished shopping, take the to style a few items for our poll!
Create an outfit using the new Strike a pose collection. Must use at least 1 main clothing posing item, not accessory.
Take a pic and post in comments
Win $100sd.
Limited space available!
NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)
~ Must include atleast 1 MAIN clothing posing item (NOT ACCESSORY) from this Strike A Pose
(Can use other items to complete your look)
~ Take a screen print
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link in comments
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar), a member of my club Hotbuys_Bazaar and have regstered/signed in the chat box to enter comps.