This was a hard competition to judge. Everyone was a bit all over the place with their favorites, but there a few that were consistently in our judges top 3.
Now I know the theme was MSW Fashion Finalists and the expected look was one of the gowns, but the winner actually stood out because she didn't do that. I have to say her look does look fantastic.
The winner of the Fashion Finalists Comp is.....
Congratulations! She wins $100sd.
2nd place goes to: Amy235

3rd place: whatsernam3

Honorable Mention: Nalco, Bella98Twilight, TerryBear
These were actually 3 of my personal favorites.
They each win a gift from their wishlist valued at $15sd or less
Ms.Brigitte, JosephinaA, Crazycharmy, Mirdith, Judith_25h, Booklover29 and ilgd