First I would like to say thank you to those who stayed with the comp and did both parts. We had 72 people enter part one and only 37 complete part 2. That was very disappointing, but it gave those who did the hard a better chance to get one step closer to the grand prize!
In order to be a finalist you must have received at least 2 votes from our judges.
This was very difficult and there were several other entries that were very close.
TWIST: Not on the list?! Keep reading and DON'T GIVE UP! You may not be done yet! See Part 3 post!!!
The finalists for Launch My Line Part 2 are:
*The top 4 names received unanimous voted from all 4 of our judges. Instead of 1 $100sd winner, I have decided to award them all $50sd each.
1. Dont_read_it - Classie
2. Katy4february - 4
3. Lilihikari - Q
4. Liljsweetie - Enchanted Misfits
5. Nalco - Licorice
6. xXAnniquegXx and Zendaya14rc - UnKANNIE
7. Pepsijew - Kitty Couture
8. Laurenloveyou - Extraordinary
9. Joe412 - Joe-s
10. lovable_emo22 - Oh So Chic
11. Zaixhi - Z
12. Rockstar102 - 102
13. Glitter1029 - Purple
14. 1sesy98 - Serena
15. Prizla - Free
16. Whatsernam3 - Auracandy

Congratulations and stay tuned for Part 3 instructions in the next post.
Please see collecting prizes to claim your prize