Launch my line
In this round the 16 finalists from Part 2 will submit their final completed collection.
The judges will narrow it down to the top 5 collections. The finalists full collections will be displayed on our blog as a part of our SMW Fashion Week Celebration. (Please keep your designs as if you make the top 5, you will have to do further screen shots for us).
The winner will be chosen from a poll here on the blog during Fashion Week the week of Sept 29th.
Therefore, if you still submit your final line and we like it more then one of the finalists, you can bump them out of the competition!
Submit your completed collection
Click HERE.
Submit all collections in the comments section of our comps blog.
Comments are set to private so only the moderators can view them.
Be sure to include a bare minimum of 5 clothing pieces (Max 10 not including accessories).
Please remember you must have a minimum of 3 accessories. These 3 are not counted as part of the min 5-10 items need for your collection. While you can have as many of any type of Stardesign accessories as you like (to enhance your line) you can only include 1 minor accessory. For example, either 1 jewelry item OR 1 shoe item as a part of your mandatory 3 accessories. Main accessories would include handbags and scraves.
Example Collection: By hollyoaksrocks*
Other Guidelines:
~You do not have to buy the items if you don't want and it doesn't have to be fancy, however a little creativity in the way you present it can't hurt!
~If you don't wish to buy them, simply take a pic of them after created in Stardesign. You can leave them as is or photo edit them on to mannequins.
~You can use a photoshop (Paint, Gimp etc..) to help with presentation. However, you can NOT photo edit clothing positioning.
~You can use ANY Stardoll mannequin in your displays. I will also allow medoll mannequins if you remove the face etc..
~You can use items from Basics shop or other PLAIN SOLID COLOR items to pair with your clothing as approved during PART 2. You can also create plain items in Stardesign to pair with it. This is for presentation purposes only and will not be included as part of your collection.
For example: you can pair a basics or plain top with the Stardesign pants jeans or Stardesign top with jeans or plain pants etc.. These are not counted as a part of your line.
If you are unsure of an item please post the items you would like to use in comments.
~ You can also use Non-Stardesign jewelry, belts and shoes ONLY for presentation purposes.
~Sceneries are also a good place to make your preview presentation more creative.
~You can create your items on another account, however please comment on that accounts presentation that it belongs to you.
~All designs must be created by you and can not be replicated from a real life designer. For example you can not recreate logo's like Gucci, Chanel, Hello Kitty etc..
~Please keep all designs until the end of the comp as they must be able to be sold and used in Fashion Week.
Due by 12:00pm Sept 18, 2014
*Any collections unanimously voted in the top 5 by our Judges Panel will win $50sd.
We (Judges) will choose the top 5 collections to make it through to the final round.
*(This number may be more if it is close)*
Any other questions ask in comments
Click HERE to go to original post
The grand prize winner will receive..
$1000sd or the equivalent Superstar Package
(if attainable for your country).
the choice of one of these rare items.
May 2007 HB or Dkny Bike
or Dkny Skyscraper Dress
Interviewed and featured on SMW
Line promoted on SMW and on Stardoll
SMW Top Designer for SMW Shop (Coming Soon)
Judge for next SMW Fashion Week.
Please remember:
~ You must be a follower of both this blog and member of club Hotbuys_Bazaar.
~ You must be a follower of both this blog and member of club Hotbuys_Bazaar.
~ You must register in the chat box. Click HERE for details.
~ Screen prints must be large and clear. Please crop to show only your entry.
~ Can be created from Stardesign
~ Post pic in comments, I will not view links.
~ Don't forget to leave your Stardoll Name
~ Only one entry per person or ip address.
~ Be creative AND stylish
~ Please read all steps thoroughly and follow rules. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
~ Please read all steps thoroughly and follow rules. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.