Thursday, January 28, 2010

WTF?! NAKED?!!!!

So, if you haven't seen it already, you've gotta check it out! Zanilde (who we featured yesterday) is today's Stardoll cover girl.

That's great and all, but wtf Stardoll.....she's naked! I mean doesn't someone review and edit their stuff before it's actually posted?! I'm guessing that because she was wearing all minishop items that they just didn't show. But damn put some clothes on the girl... This is not Eternity or the Haus of Sin..It's Stardoll ;)!
Ok so we all agree that the cover thing is so messed up (poor Zanilde), but here's another Stardoll blooper. Wait for it...

See that? Callie.Stardoll is 5th place for sceneries?? 1st she wins CG now this. Boy these Stardoll staff really do get around. This can't be right. I need an attorney please!

Credit: Chrsitine/ Twilight Saga - Stardoll
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