Monday, January 25, 2010

My absence and Birthdays

Sorry for another computer went on the fritz again. The USB ports stopped working and then the screen froze and that was it. I couldn't get it back on and neither could my Dad. All this from a computer I just got in August. Everyone told me not to get a Dell because they suck, but I didn't listen :P Oh well live and learn..

Anywho, the Dell guy came out again and I'm here for now. I have to say with all these absences, I am missing Stardoll less and less. I find that so sad....considering how into it I was a year ago, but I guess at some point we all will lose interest and move on. Right? Well I plan to try to my best to get interested again. I am not quite ready to stop blogging or sell my account :D

So, I am going to start doing the Birthdays on a weekly basis instead of daily since I am missing too many and no one else is posting them.

Also, if you have a birthday in Feb, please click HERE and add it to the birthday club list.

So happy late birthday to those from last week that I missed.

January 18th - -Cooldude

January 19th - Rachii

January 21st - Edwardlover33, Lilicapink21

January 22nd - Nojarama

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