Friday, January 15, 2010

Free dress!

I saw this on Online-Stardoll blog and used Google Translate from Polish. I haven't tried to get it yet as I'm not sure how and I don't like proxies unless it's something I really want. But for those who don't mind, here's what I have. If I get more info or manual proxy info..I'll update.

Free dress America's Next Top Model

Simply log on stardoll by the English goal (eg and the dress will be waiting for us in the closet in commercials Top Model

PS: I heard that every week will be a new gift from ANTM

Update: from Underneath Stardoll.

If you are from the UK....FIRST log in to stardoll and get the dress....
then click HERE watch the trailer and get also a coat...they will be in your suite
Now for people...that are NOT from the UK you need to use a proxy
So... Go to
Copy and paste this link:
into the blank box in the middle of the page....then hit GO.....Log in..and that's it.....Close the window....then open a new one....and go to your suite on stardoll as usual....

Btw my cousin currently has me reading The Lightning Thief.(The movie will be out soon)..which I had never read before. She said I'd like it since I liked Harry Potter. So far so good..I'm on chapter 6. Anyone read it? What did you think of the book?
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