Free Swan
There is a free swan for people who are from Finland. If you are from Finland, click HERE to enter the contest.

Copy and paste this into the URL bar on top of the website:
Hit enter...then log in.
Scroll to the URL bar on top of the website, erase the previous link, and paste this one:
Hit enter, and wait a while...
IF YOU ARE SUPERSTAR, erase the previous link and and paste this link to get a free lion:
Hit enter, and wait a while...

Then go to Stardoll, and the gifts will be in our suite.
Free Snowman and Snow
You can get a free snowman and free snow if you are from France. If you are from France, click here to go to the contest.

Copy and paste this into the URL bar at the top of the proxy:
Hit enter, and log in
Now erase the previous link at the URL bar, and paste this:
Hit enter, wait a while..and log in to Stardoll. It will bee in your suite.
we cannot guarantee the safety of a proxy. Be sure to clear your cache before and after and change passwords as an added extra precaution.
Credit To: Underneath Stardoll
Credit To: Underneath Stardoll