Sunday, October 17, 2010


 This is for Miss Couture Finalists ONLY. Click HERE to see if you are a finalists.

ROUND 3 - Talent:

Here is where you can really let lose. Show us what your talent is. This can be anything. Singing, dancing, playing an instrument, modeling, drawing, photography, writing, designing..ANYTHING. You will have the freedom to show this to us in anyway you want.

You can send us a you tube video, a recording link, real photographs you have taken, drawings, scenery. Anyway you can express your self on the computer and get it to us. If you are unsure. Feel free to ask.

However you choose to show us your the link to it in comments. BE SURE TO CLEARLY EXPLAIN YOUR TALENT!

Last day to post it is  Oct 23rd.

Anyone who does not do it or is late..will be automatically eliminated.

10 people will be eliminated and 10 people will go into the final round, but only 1 will win a 1 year SS subscription!

Good luck and we look forward to seeing how talented you all are.

Emorox4eva, MSM & Bluegreen86


Hrly said...
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Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

Good luck! This is soo exciting!!

Rayko said...

Good luck everyone!.:]

Mihaela said...

Woww :D
I can't wait to see all entries!
This is gonna be ultra fun! xD

red.girll said...

can`t wait to see the entries too!!!

No-one in particular said...

good luck!
i can't wait to see the entries(:

--rihanna---- said...

good luckk

Miss M said...

Good Luck!
Congrats all entrants for getting this far ;)

dianuseeek said...

It will be interesting to see your talents, girls!! Good luck :)

xoxo Dianusek

RobynisDreaming said...

good luck, I can't wait to see who wins....

Tina said...

Interesting ;D
I can't wait to see the entries!
Good luck everyone!

Lia Jeanine / liajm said...

Gosh I'm so upset I'm not in this round. I'm working on an album and I really really wanted to enter one of my songs. If there is any way that I could be in this round (ie someone drops out ect) please let me know!

QT_Yaz said...

cool, good luck

Pink_Lover786 said...

Goooooood Luckkk!;)

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

Congratulations everyone! ;)

andreea9120 said...
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andreea9120 said...


These are some of my drawings.I'm sorry for the bad quality.
I took classes in drawing and painting for at least 6 years but I gave up 2 years ago.

I can't wait to see the entries!Good luck! andreea9120

Princess__17 said...

Good luck everyone!

smoothielove said...

Okay Finally here's my entry:

My 'talent" that I'm going to show you for this round is drawing.

I've put together some of my drawings, I hope you like them! I'm sorry for bad quality on some of the drawings, it's kinda hard taking a photo of a drawing, haha!

(First picture is supposed to be Nicole Richie and the third Beyoncé lol!)

Fashion: (Moschino Ad)


I hope you appreciate it!
xoxo Molly

StyleStar8 said...

Hello there (:
My talent is photography! Here are some of the photos I`d like you to see...I took some of them long time ago,and some of them are quite "new"...I`ve been awarded for some of them as well! I really hope you`ll like them (:

Now,I know that photography is an art which not everyone understands...
"It is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything" (quote).
I hope you do get to see and feel it`s true beauty,just like I do...(:

Thanks. (:
And good luck to everyone! (:


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

First Up I just wanted to say THANK YOU for putting me through and Secondly I want to wish everyone the best of luck!

For my talent, I had to choose writing! I absolutely love to write stories and I hope to become a published author one day.

I've been writing a story called Paranormal for a few months now and I thought I could use it to show you my talent :)

I haven't finished it, nor am I even half way through it, but I thought that it would be a good example of my writing talent.

I've put it onto a website where you can read it. The link is:

Hope you like it!


Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

For my talent, I have chosen writing (:

I have finished my story but I decided to post just three chapters on a blog to help you get the general idea. It is called "Dangerous Love" and it is an original fiction story written by me.

The link for the story is

Please do not read from the top but look at the Archives tab and read from Chapter One to Chapter Three.

Thanks ;D

Anton said...


I just got a good camera, and I really can't sing or dance, so I went out and took a photo and then edited it in Photoshop.

Here is the picture;

I know that everyone of us has a talent, and I tried to sing and dance but it wasen't good, so I went out with my new camera and started to take som pictures, and like after 5 pictures or something I took this one so I went in and uploaded it to my computer and then edited it a bit!

xo _anto_

Iovanca said...

this is a really original for such a contest and i love it!
my passion is drawing. i draw a lot but i thought that a lot of people will write about that so i had to find something else.
here is something i did last year. i hope that it can be a talent:D
Handmade earrings :P
sorry for the bad quality but my camera is not working so i made the pictures with my mobile phone

winter holidays theme:

funny ones:

all together:

i really hope that you like them:)

Hrly said...
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Hrly said...

For my talent I choose graphic designs. I just started this hobby this year. The two images I submitted are animated graphic designs. I really like animation but since I'm a novice I can only create images that do small motions.

Thanks and good luck to everyone. :0)

Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

I chose writing as my talent and here is a sample of a story I have been writing:

It is not finished but hopefully it gives you an idea.

Katerina aka Dimitsuri said...

Hello everyone,
Well first of all i wanna say thank you for giving me this opportunity and apologize for my bad english.
I have a few talents and I'd like to tell (show) you abour them.

1. My first tallent is video editing, I have my YouTube Channel where you can see some of my works, here is some of them:

YouTube Channel


2. I playing in a band on drums. My band called "A Perfect Cure"

Here is some of our songs

3. Also I like to take a pictures, I'm a beginner just started this summer. Here you can look at my pictures:
by the way, the banner maded by me :)

and pics

4. I like to made some stuff in photoshop her is some of my works
I'm sorry it's on russian, it's kinda advertising pamphlet for one blog

and this is end credits in one magazine, here is the link

Well I think that's all my talents, thanks for reading I hope you like it:)
I wish good luck to all participants.


Katerina aka Dimitsuri said...

2. I playing in a band on drums. My band called "A Perfect Cure"

Here is some of our songs

3. Also I like to take a pictures, I'm a beginner just started this summer. Here you can look at my pictures:
by the way, the banner maded by me :)

and pics

4. I like to made some stuff in photoshop her is some of my works
I'm sorry it's on russian, it's kinda advertising pamphlet for one blog

and this is end credits in one magazine, here is the link

Well I think that's all my talents, thanks for reading I hope you like it:)
I wish good luck to all participants.


sa...gataki said...

I don't know if this is telent but these are some of my drawings :P hehe

Hopw u appreciate my try..
kiss... Sa...gataki

Mary M. said...

My talent is....well....I'mto nervous to see how this will be taken but I actually made a special blog to showcase my talent for this task:

Linnea/.pease. said...

Okay, As I Don't Have A Camera I Wasn't Able To Photograph Any of My Talents In Real Life. So Instead i Decided To Show You My Talent Of Graphic Design! From The Moment I Saw The Task, I've Done This Graphic. I'm Not Very Fast, As I'm Still A Beginner, But Oh Well, Here's What I've Done;

Everything Done By Me; Pose, Hair, Clothes, Accessories, Make-Up etc.. And Oh, As I Uploaded It On Tinypic, The pictures Quality Got Reduced. /: Anyway, I Hope That You'll Like It!


Anonymous said...

My talent is making outfits out of suite shop items. I started doing this in the beginning of this year. I love to make these kind of outfits because there aren't mush people who do this and I can make whatever I want!

Iovanca said...


_funnyprincess_ said...

My talent is drawing. My entry is a picture of one of my draws:

Hope you like it!


Anton said...

I like sent in my but idk if you got it? o:
I sent in my talent but I can't see the comment!

zenn6 said...
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zenn6 said...
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zenn6 said...
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Anonymous said...

Good Luck everyone

FashionMonarch/Emma said...

for the talent segment I choose drawing here are two drawings I just finished and sorry for the bad quality but I took the pictures with my phone

FashionMonarch/Emma said...

Selena said...

SO THERE IS MY entry , because a lots people didn't joined , i'm on 20 finalist
thanks , hope you allow it pleaase

Sohasal said...

First i thank God because i arrived to this advanced stage of compétition. Also, i would like to thank ( Jenna) the owner of Stardoll Most Wanted because she has given us the opportunity to highlight our talents.

As for my talent, i love everything related to the field of fashion like : ( sewing, fashion drawing , making bags, flowers, accessories, ...).
Since i was a kid, i liked drawing and sewing clothes for my doll. It was my dream to become a big designer.
Unfortunately, i neglected my talent for a long time. But about one year ago, i entered a school of fashion design. Now, i'm very happy because i develop my talent and i spend my time in something that i like.
I always like to add a special touch to my designs. َAnd my idol in the world of fashion is the Lebanon designer Elie Saab.

This is the link with the photos of my designs:

I hope you like my designs and i wish good luck to all contestants..

FashionMonarch/Emma said...

I have posted this 3 times already and don't know what is wrong but here it is once more

FashionMonarch/Emma said...

I have posted this 3 times already and I don't know what's wrong but here it once again:

Lia Jeanine / liajm said...

everyone's really talented (:

but so many people did not enter on time, why would they give up such a great opportunity?

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