Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 4 real, love it!

Hey everyone! I'm so terribly sorry I haven't posted in quite a while... But I'm back! I've just been kind of.. what do you say, tired of Stardoll? All the fuzz. I guess. Anyway, I'm not here today to talk about my problems ha-ha! I'm here to talk about... yeah you guessed it, Fashion FOR real! As always =)

Since Halloween is sooner or later going to scare the crap out of you (kidding) I'm going to have a looksie at some real celebrity's best halloween costumes! Maybe you'll get some inspiration for your own costume? (If you're going to have one that is) Halloween isn't such a big deal in Sweden which I personally hate! I wanna dress up as a bunny or a creepy witch or whatever too, hah. Well with that said here you have some creepy (but oh-so-genius?) halloween outfits sported by our beloved celebrities.

                                                 Let's start ha-ha yeah it's Heidi.
                                                 Heidi Klum is really the queen of costumes.

Mariah and Nick maybe went for 
the obvious? Bad? No.. 

Alice in wonderland? Hm.. But did you
expect anything else from our dear Paris?

Now here's someone who knows how
to seriously look smashing on halloween!
I think Audrina did a fab job even though
she's not that scary...

Well someone else took that task..for real.
Haha Cher mixed with a goddess? Weird.

Now this was Halloween year ..oh, oups!
That was just a regular tuesday, sorry.
Hahah kidding, I love Gaga =)

Hope you enjoyed my post, more fashion for real soon! (And then I mean FASHION!)
Love you all xoxo Molly

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